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Block outgoing caller ID - change behaviour


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Very good. In this version, you can configure practically anything for the SIP headers (http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Trunk_Custom_Headers is a great resource for that). Before you dig into the gory details, you might just want to try the available drop down in the trunk header section to see if that solves the problem already.


Also, can you tell us what service provider you are using? Then other customers who are using the same, fill find this forum entry with the search-engine-of-their-choice.

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Thanks for the reply.


Working with the SIP header I can already hide the CLI.

However I believe that modifying a trunk will have permanent effects.


My extensions would like to hide the CLI only sometimes, dinamically, with a star code for example. I though *67 was the one, but with this setting, calls fail because of the header being sent.


Do you have a solution to allow dinamyc Dialplan assignment or dynamic privacy setting with custom header?

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I have tested it here in our lab and has you mentioned we are sending the "From: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=1611779791" which is normal and supported by the RFC


is there something specific that your carriers want to see for this feature?


Thank you for your reply

Right now I'm sending From: "Anonymous" <sip:user@sip.provider.net>

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