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Call Parking returns call to Queue after 60 seconds

Jim B

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Calls parked by an agent are returned to that agent's call queue after 60 seconds. This is a behavour change from the prior version of snomONE blue and is unacceptable.


What options do we need to modify to keep parked calls on park rather than just returning them to the queue?



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Thanks for the reply. After some testing, it is working "as designed". We just have one agent that doesn't respond to Park Orbits in a timely fashion. Since that isn't likely to change, we simply increased the "Park Reminder" time from the default (1min) to 3 min. This is in the Edit Park Orbit page.





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I have to believe this "feature" manifested itself due to the speed of one particular agent. Calls on park are not usually orphaned for more than a few seconds. In this case the Park time exceeded the 1m default, thus rolled back to the agent causing confusion. We increased the Park time to 3m to give this agent time to turn the call over.



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You can always turn off "Park reminder" in the domain settings, but the agent has to be aware of the his/her virtual keys depending on his phone model.. other alternative is to make the park orbit a little bit smarter and give the user a choice to stay on the line or leave a message for a call back, These tools are already available on the agent group "caller setup" but only work if a caller is on hold. I will open 2 feature request for this item but don't expect for this feature to be available in the next months also bare in mind some feature will not make the cut as well.

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