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Everything posted by mattlandis

  1. in v4 under an AgentGroup | Agents there is a Agent Availability. How is this set? We have 3 people that are in the office at different times. from 6a-8a goto agent 1 from 8-5 goto agent 2 from 5-7 goto agent 3 Can we do that with Agent Availability? How? tx! Matt
  2. Hello, This should be a simple one I believe: for incoming calls I want a specific Port on a Patton gateway to goto a specific account in pbxnsip. Currently we are setting this in the Patton but i hate doing this. It is hard to maintain. I got the bright idea i could add the phonenumber of the pstn line after the account number. (like we do for SIP trunks). But this doesn't seem to work. Should it? so, to boil this question down: What is the best, most easily maintained way to send one port of a multi-port fxo gateway to a specfic account in pbxnsip? Matt
  3. david, i have to agree with you. think there is a million voicemails or somehting? matt
  4. for everyone else: https://www.pbxnsipsupport.com/index.php?_m...kbarticleid=699 Matt
  5. Hello, What O/s?, What hardware? We use windows. -No service crashes -day/night works. I haven't tested hunt groups. matt
  6. Hello, #1-"dial tone" on sip phones is just a simulated sound. always dial your voicemail as a quick test if your extension is registered. #2-are you working with a reseller? firewalls can be quite tricky and there can be all kind of issues here... I do have a quick how to getting this going i could email if you PM me. but once again, there can be lots of bug-a-boos if your a newbie and some time with a consultant may help. Matt
  7. wow, you guys are at work! ;-) matt
  8. thanks for the feedback. Is there a log of version log of fixes and latest releases somewhere? thanks! matt
  9. Hey Kevin, any a200 people using Windows? just talked to a guy at channelpartners today and he gave pretty negative feedback on Windows sangoma software. He said linux worked but windows software for sangoma was really buggy. I'd like your feedback Windows. thanks! Matt
  10. checkout sangoma b601 card. matt
  11. I'd like to hear some feed back from someone that has one these out in the feild. -Should we get the "echo canceller" edition? -does it include all the software to work with Windows? -any trouble with it? -any tricks? Currently we use Patton fxo's and they work so nice i have no desire to change other than for small businesses it would be nice to have one box only. Matt
  12. First I'm curious how many extensions on this system? ;-) (just curious) Yes, you can run pbxnsip twice on the same server...but it is two pbxnsip's then. matt
  13. yes, you can do this. It is a work around I've used too. (my brain is blank why right at the moment) Matt
  14. mattlandis


    did you try win7 32bit? i think there is an issue with 64bit for sure, but not sure about xp vs win7/vista. matt
  15. i've been trying to get what it is. didn't hear back yet. its possible its somthing rebranded? matt
  16. aahh..i'm familiar only with snom. I'll defer to that specific question to somewhat especially familiar with your phone make... you might want to try to search the polycom, astra section of forum? matt
  17. yes, pbxnsip support multiple phones. This is a personal opinion and preference--do you really want to support soo many different phones in your environment? Matt
  18. pbxnsip, i suggest not to think that way. (use o/s to backup) Backup may be one thing but then there are other areas in pbxnsip where this shortcut is taken and it makes pbxnsip somewhat "klunky" to admin. for exampe: drop to o/s to add music on hold files, drop to o/s to to reboot o/s right now, drop to o/s to reboot pbxnsip service ...those types of things. So now i need 2 admin logins to admin the pbx? and it can't be entirely admin'd from web ui. software pbx large uptake is due to easier admin--not because people like O/S commands. ;-) The easier to admin --the more uptake. When pbxnsip creates an appliance (plug/cs410,new ones that will come) then this comes back to bite. What commercial firewall do you have to drop to linux to reboot it right now? I'm a fan of pbxnsip, it has tons of features, is rock stable, and runs on incredibly small requirements .so this is a small thing --but i suggest not adding more things that can't be done from UI. pbxnsip should be able to be entirely admin'd from ui. (if you want to add power shell for cmd line administrator then cool--but not half and half. ;-) imho matt
  19. i would expect it to be a blf toggle button to turn on voicemail live monitor. well, nexsip pretty much explains it. ;-) in open cubicle office it wouldn't be so hot but in offices that have own room its nice--there are different times i would use it. matt
  20. i appreciate that feedback. memory looked okay. i just didn't want to get hit in the back with something i'm not expecting. matt
  21. 10mb MOH wav file any problem for plug pbxnsip? I did it and it seems to work but want to make sure we want run into problem. unit is handling 5 extensions. Matt
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