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Everything posted by mattlandis

  1. madigan is the snom answer person on the snom and snomONE forum! Go!
  2. i beileve what UKenGB is missing is assigning a snom button to "MWI" for the group mailbox.
  3. Working on it?! And the artwork is holding it up!!?? (i just want to make sure there is not a misunderstanding here) Is this for iphone, android or what mobile platform? Is this a voice client or a web interface like pac? This would be hugely good move. I'd love to see it. It is also one of the most requested items on snomONE ideascale I see: http://snomone.ideascale.com/a/dtd/mobile-version-of-user-portal/99658-11275
  4. time to think like users will be using snomONE--not network engineers and programmers. ;-) a snomONE web user interface to find call recordings would be a good addition. I remember using ARI with asterisk, what, 5 years ago? http://what-when-how.com/voip/asterisk-recording-interface-ari-voip/ Also I see i'm not the only one that thinks this is a good idea: http://snomone.ideascale.com/a/dtd/Web-UI-to-find-recordings--especially-conference-calls-/98816-11275 Just a suggestion to make snomONE better.
  5. no web ui? Really needs to be. This is a given.
  6. ken, yes, i'm aware 2 different things. Yeah, i did /swithc without a transition too. ;-) on the reason for this thread we are 100% agreed--allow no pin for group vm. ;-) take care
  7. related to CDR Url: how do i add more fields to the cdr if I am using the "file:disk" destination for my cdr? I want the cdr output to .csv but I want more fields (ie=call quality metrics, co line, etc) in the cdr. http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=System_Apperance_Settings
  8. the first 2 paragraphs just entirely confuse me. So in response to the first paragraph: Please tell me how to entirely turn OFF all pins. in response to 2nd paragraph--it COPYS message to all the extension?! so if 101 and 102 are in this group vm and i delete on 101 it will still be on 102? no.... The requirement is simple: do not require a PIN for the group voicemail box. don't mess with the other extensions. is that clear? ;-) tx
  9. Rudik, are you by any chance a previous 3cx forum user? ;-) yes, snom relies entirely on others. Check counterpath.
  10. go here: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/p/snom-one-search.html search: install pac for lots of resources sorry stuff hard to find
  11. ken, >Why do you say it's "hardly advisable"? I'm talking about snom3xx /8xx and not the m9. (the M9 is even less advisable--in my opinion, not snom's opinion ;-)--to have multiple identities on one handset. At our company we've decided to not recommend having multiple m9 identities on one m9 handset) Its technically possible (with 3xx/8xx) but the complexity of the system goes up exponentially when doing this. There are so many peripheral issues to what out for along with this complexity. here are some of issues to watch out for when registering 2 phones(3xx/8xx) to one extension: -*90 intercom doesn't work -button profiles get tricky -it confuses the user -what else did i miss? ;-)... In fairness to snom they make it incredibly easy to register 2 phones to one extension--even auto provisioning! And it works, you just got to watch out for issues... >Isn't that the whole point of entering other extension numbers in "Allow Access for Extensions:". Otherwise, what's the point? Absolutely. I'm waiting on snom to address this. then my complex work around for 3xx/8xx isn't needed. Vote: http://snomone.ideascale.com/a/dtd/do-not-require-PIN-for-group-voicemail-box/135813-11275
  12. #1-I've been investiaging how to limit the logs to a certain IP over the last week. Finally yesterday we figured out how to do that but it has quite the limitations once you get it to 1 ip. #2-doesn't the syslog under logging work? (i havent tested it) #3-I noticed that in v5 (not here yet) work is being done on logging. Haven't tested it yet... #4- don't over look the email notices. although i know its next to impossible to get statistics from here... My feeling is that the there should possibly be a SQL client to recieve the logs and put them in discrete fields in SQL so they can be queried and that way snom doesn't need to make every query possible. This could also offload the archiving of logs to another server. As always community unofficial "wish list" can be voted at http://snomone.ideascale.com
  13. the non snom UserAgent limits are based on registered devices: not extension accounts. ;-)
  14. its very simple: extension accounts when a count is important. Free - 10 ext. accounts Yellow - ... Blue there is not a limit.
  15. searching snom material can be difficult. Here is some help: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/p/snom-one-search.html
  16. Okay Gentlemen, About answers being "engimatic"-- i have to agree. To write full, clear answers can be very time consuming--in snom's defense. To not defend them sometimes the answers are just frustrating... ;-) I talked to snom guys about this at their office in boston a week ago and this "group voicemail" kinda works--meaning it requires a pin. (rrgg) Otherwise the feature is really cool: ** How to setup group voicemail: ** #1-setup an extension to serve as the group voicemail box #2-in this extension in field "Allow Access for Extensions:" add the other extensions you want to get this vm from #3-in the other phone you can setup a snom blf-button that will point at this group voicemail to retreive the vm and lighted when vm. The only problem in the whole implementation--you have to type a pin. There is a way to avoid pin---but hardly advisble: have all the phones registered to their own extension AND the group vm extension. But if snom would just make a way to NOT REQUIRE A PIN THIS ABOVE IMPLEMENTATION WOULD BE GREAT. please vote if you would like them to fix it! http://snomone.ideascale.com/a/dtd/do-not-require-PIN-for-group-voicemail-box/135813-11275
  17. Also there is some kind of a recordings interface. I'll post pictures. See picture #3 in this blog post: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/2011/05/snom-one-plus-new-snom-pbx-appliance.html
  18. let me try it again guys. we did it at the snom training, whatever that build was. ;-) delete domain and alias. you can't add alias back. take care.
  19. i believe this may be a bug. I saw it demonstrated this way: http://snomone.ideascale.com/a/dtd/single-domain-versions-of-snomONE-do-not-allow-domain-alias/135825-11275
  20. I tested IM on 8xx and it worked. a small message at the bottom of screen should appear.
  21. Home | Settings | Configuration | Factory Reset. Note:backup first as this will reset everything to factory.
  22. moishe, i've been running and didn't get to test that yet but it is supposed to be fixed.
  23. i'm just learning lync myself. ;-) your in nyc? i should try to say hello when there sometime. yes, snom 370 with side cars. (is what i can be confident about.)
  24. remember-only 1 vision per 8xx as well. I truly wish I had a better story to tell. also, what do you think your receptionist will say about the page delay going from one page to another? what are your thots?
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