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Everything posted by reco

  1. reco

    Daily CSV output

    does this work? file:$d-cdr.txt
  2. any news on this? keep us updated
  3. would love to try auto provision mines too...
  4. nice cannot wait really looking forward thanx
  5. sad no mac version? thanx
  6. reco

    snom 870 dtmf

    hi there, general logging is set to 9 log media events yes i only see these: [7] 20100421103841: Received RFC4733 DTMF on codec 101 [7] 20100421103854: Received RFC4733 DTMF on codec 101
  7. reco

    snom 870 dtmf

    tried that firmware too. same thing i have 2 different pbx systems using the same provider. same pbxnsip version. almost same settings here is the difference in the log file: on the system where all dial tones work perfectly witn 3x0 and 780 phone i have: Received RFC4733 DTMF on codec 101 Received DTMF 1 on the one not working i am missing the 'Received DTMF 1' entry: Received RFC4733 DTMF on codec 101 so where does this 'Received DTMF 1' come from how can i enable that? thanx
  8. reco

    snom 870 dtmf

    hi there, i have a trace from a snom 370 3.3.30. number with problems 0012129474455 feel free to try its a messenger service in nyc. trace attached thanx
  9. reco

    snom 870 dtmf

    hi there. so now i ran into this issue with my snom 370 running 7.3.30 firmware. is there a fix for this too?
  10. as far as i know you can use both without the mac address. i use only ext@domin and domain provisioning pwd without mac address. works amazing on 7.3.30 firmware on 320 phones.
  11. reco

    snom 870 dtmf

    hi there, i tried the new firmware and can confirm it solved the problem: [7] 20100407162129: Received RFC4733 DTMF on codec 101 [6] 20100407162129: Received DTMF 2 perfect
  12. reco

    install certificate

    i got this to work thanx to the old good wiki http://support.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Loadi...f_a_Certificate
  13. reco

    install certificate

    i also tried to only generate a 512 key openssl req \ -x509 -nodes -days 365 \ -newkey rsa:512 -keyout host.pem -out host.pem i copy the certificate part only and paste it into the certificate text area in the web admin. after save the log output: [5] 20100407153234: Error reading certificate file: Loading defaults pbx version (Darwin)
  14. i am trying to install a 1024bit certificate but all i get in the log is: [5] 20100407143823: Error reading certificate file: Loading defaults this is how i created my csr openssl req -new -nodes -keyout host.key -out host.csr
  15. i am really looking forward for this. hope to see a beta for mac darwin soon
  16. reco

    snom 870 dtmf

    hi there, i have the same problem with 320 and 370 phones. thanx
  17. reco

    snom 870 dtmf

    hi there, i am having troubles remote systems not recognizing the dial tones i press. i am calling for example ups and they don't recognize the options i press during the call. the pbx seems to recognize these: [6] 20100403131036: Received DTMF 1 - on my snom 870 i have `DTMF via SIP INFO: off` - domain trunk `Trunk requires out of band-DTMF tones: on` - pbx global settings `detect dtmf: on` my outgoing dtmf tones are not recognized by example UPS. doing the same call form my soft phone on the iphone works. seems my soft phone transfers the dial tones differently. [8] 20100403135136: Received INFO DTMF 2 [6] 20100403135136: Received DTMF 2 [7] 20100403135136: Received RFC4733 DTMF on codec 101 how could i fix this for the some phone? thanx
  18. cool cannot wait. my wishlist for 4 - switch to launchd instead of the deprecated StartupScripts. i already use this since day one: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pbxnsip.plist <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Disabled</key> <false/> <key>StandardOutPath</key> <string>/Library/Logs/Pbxnsip.log</string> <key>StandardErrorPath</key> <string>/Library/Logs/Pbxnsip-error.log</string> <key>Label</key> <string>com.pbxnsip</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/Library/Pbxnsip/pbxctrl-darwin9.0-</string> <string>--no-daemon</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>UserName</key> <string>root</string> <key>OnDemand</key> <true/> <key>WorkingDirectory</key> <string>/Library/Pbxnsip</string> </dict> </plist> to start it: launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pbxnsip.plist to stop it: launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pbxnsip.plist - pbx home dir should be in /Library/Pbxnsip - the pac should be a dashboard widget - simple iphone webapp to dial numbers like iphone.jajah.com
  19. will there be a version for mac darwin soon? would love to try
  20. is there a way to listen into an ext of an other domain on the same pbx?
  21. hi there, thanx for your reply. did you get external sip clients to register can call successfully? reco
  22. this is driving me crazy. somebody has a fortinet firwall os 3 or 4 and external sip clients/phones working without vpn? thanx
  23. 1. i am not running the firewall in transparent mode. the rule though forwarding the external ip to the pbxnsip has nat disabled. 2. looking into that.
  24. hi there, i haveing big troubles with pbxnsip behind the fortinet fortigate running os 3. i am running pbxnsip (Darwin) this is my setup the forwarding is done via a virtual IP on the wan interface to forward all traffic to the pbxnsip ip. reading this page: https://www.pbxnsipsupport.com/index.php?_m...kbarticleid=437 I set the IP Routing List: my problem is that i still see pbx and sip giving out the private ip when sending sip invites to my phone providers (icall and callcentric). Contact: <sip:XXXXXXX@;transport=udp> i have the session helper of the fortinet setup: edit 12 set name sip set port 5060 set protocol 17 next edit 14 set name sip set port 5080 set protocol 17 next edit 15 set name sip set port 10123 set protocol 17 next any help appreciated .... thanx
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