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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. If you want to keep your old V4 version running while installing the DECT device you better use a different computer (can be your PC). Once it is working, you need to log in to the M700 and change the outbound proxy, account and password to the IP of the V4 system. Make sure that you set a domain provisioning password in V5, because you will need it to login to the M700 web interface.
  2. Well there is a lot of general WebRTC information available; it all applies to the Vodia PBX as well. There is some information on how to put up the call button on http://www.vodia.com/documentation/trunk_wrtc
  3. We are not big VM experts, that is the problem. This is a complex topic! I know it is possible to get it working very well, even fail-over with calls staying up; our support is to have a relatively small VM with only few updates, so that snapshots and quick fail-over becomes easy. My recommendation is to run one VM on one physical host; so you have the advantages of the virtual world and the safety of a physical hardware. But I am sure if you set it up the right way, you can also put other services on the same physical machine. (Putting more PBX on the same host does not make sense because one PBX instance can easily support many tenants anyway).
  4. Well you can log on to the web interface of the M700 and then register an account with the PBX. However you need to have also a pairing between that account and a handset. For that please consult the snom documentation. In version 5 we have added the plug and play for the snom M series that takes care about the necessary steps, it is a time saver to upgrade to version 5. If you are short on money, you can use the version 5 free edition to get the device set up properly and then use the settings with your good old snom ONE V4.
  5. We have many customers running the PBX in a virtual machine with good results. From the PBX side, there is not much you can do to make it a smooth user experience, the PBX software runs in the virtual sandbox. However it is important that on the VM layer, you make sure that there are enough CPU and memory resources reserved. For example, you need to make sure that the VM does not start swapping memory because this would have a severe impact on the media performance. Maybe some other forum users have some more tips what it important when setting VM up with PBX on it.
  6. Ehhh yea that is a older version. I don't remember when exactly the country code stuff came in.
  7. Oh you are right! Not sure what happened here. We need to investigate. But the language prompts should be fine.
  8. I you set the country code in the domain, it should be presented in human-readable form...
  9. If you upgrade it from the web interface (the old one), then it will be copied. But you can also do it manually, see http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/version-5.2.6.xml just download it manually, maybe that already fixes the problem.
  10. This would be mini (1). The new executable is much smaller because the pbxctrl.dat contains data that has previously been compiled into the image. Try to start it with pbxctrl --version to see if it works on your platform.
  11. Envelope information is about reading out the mailbox message to the user. Yes, that has no impact. There is a setting "Mailbox explanation prompt" in the mailbox settings of the domain that you might want to try out (see http://www.vodia.com/documentation/domain_voicemail for details).
  12. You probably have to change/fix the installation, to that the PBX executable uses the name pbxctrl (please read this thread again).
  13. Digging deeper... The PBX should send a QUIT message after "Queued mail for delivery", but in the log that is missing. I guess you did not just forgot to paste that in... Can you get us a Wireshark trace (in a private message)? Maybe there is something going on TCP level that is unexpected by the PBX, like the server closes the connection right after the 250.
  14. No it is something embedded. The log above looks good, nothing special. A 2xx code at the end reads to me as "ok got it". Can it be that the message is sitting on the Exchange locally and does not get out?! Any way to see if the message made it to the Exchange server? Is any other service or user using that email server and has no problem?
  15. Hmm. Of course it should not do that. What kind of email server/service are you using? If you can give us a test account, we can try this out for you. Otherwise we will have to look at the log from the email log level (EHLO and so on)
  16. ACK there was a problem in 5.2.6 with the access list. We have fixed it, just update again.
  17. HI Bill, this will be tough. What you can try is to install version 5 and then change the pbxctrl.exe with the V3 executable (actually copy the whole V3 directory over including the files); this will at least install the Window service. Depending on what license he used, this might work or not.
  18. Yes, that is what I was talking about. The "outbound-proxy" will query the domain setting I was talking about in this thread. The snom_transport can also be used, but is kind of legacy (there is no web interface to edit that parameter AFAIK). Just put "" (replace the address with the IP address or DNS address of your PBX) into the domain's "Outbound proxy pattern" and you are all done.
  19. In the outbound proxy for the domain (see above for the links).
  20. Ok. We'll take a look.
  21. What we noticed is that the registration period is longer than most firewall UDP NAT timeouts (typically 60 seconds). Please try to manually override that duration with the setting "Keepalive Time" e.g. set it to 30 and check if that helps.
  22. 5.2.6 contains the Deutsche Telekom in SIP provider list drop-down when setting up a new SIP trunk. See http://blog.vodia.com/2015/05/deutsche-telekom.html
  23. Works for me (even in German). What version? Is that the chat window?
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