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emergency calls in v69.2


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Hi team

have tested v69.2 a bit and getting some random pop-ups about emergency calls (on multiple computers)

pressing any of the buttons will discard the notification and it will re-appear




does look like it only started happening when enabling headset integration (yealink wh62) which still doesn't work





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi There


went to v69.2.1 today and immediately after logging in got a emergency call notification again

log below:

[9] 9:27:17.668 SIP: Send 72 bytes to
[9] 9:27:18.376 WEBS: Request from for /rest/user/105@xxxxxo.nz/emergency
GET /rest/user/105@xxxxxxxxr.co.nz/emergency HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxxxx
Connection: keep-alive
sec-ch-ua: " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="102"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) VodiaPhone/6.0.9 Chrome/102.0.5005.167 Electron/19.1.9 Safari/537.36
sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"
Accept: */*
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Referer: https://xxxxxsr_portal.htm
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US
Cookie: session=1n5a9qo39ptj163hfd42

[8] 9:27:18.376 WEBS: REST: GET /rest/user/105@axxxxxxo.nz/emergency
[9] 9:27:18.376 GENE: Extension 105 as member of group Default has no permission emergency
[9] 9:27:18.376 WEBS: REST: Return 403 Permission Denied
HTTP/1.1 403 Permission Denied
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 0

[9] 9:27:19.145 WEBS: Send websocket 79


other that than, click to dial - tel protocol in windows still doesn't work (mentioned in release notes)

also when going to call history it is day behind every time you open it (I believe issue is with NZ time zone as we are a day ahead)


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  • 2 weeks later...

As for the emergency we are about to release 69.2.2 where this seems to have been resolved. Also, we'll have a review of the Windows app coming up this week where wie will look into the tel-scheme issue and why this seems to be so hard.

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5 hours ago, Vodia PBX said:

As for the emergency we are about to release 69.2.2 where this seems to have been resolved. Also, we'll have a review of the Windows app coming up this week where wie will look into the tel-scheme issue and why this seems to be so hard.

Good morning,


Any chance it includes the MacOS update? 😀

Just checked now the xml and it's missing.

Thank you!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi There

I did get 3x yesterday running 69.2.3 build, will monitor and report back if more appear.

There are also other issues still:

- Toast notification doesn't go away on incoming call, I would get 2 notification (one bigger and one smaller one); small one will go away and big one stays. Also when clicking on big one, nothing happens

- when clicking on History tab, it is always a day behind, unless I open it after 12PM; we are NZ Time zone and this started happening after v69

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1 hour ago, Matevz said:

- when clicking on History tab, it is always a day behind, unless I open it after 12PM; we are NZ Time zone and this started happening after v69

That one probably is really because of the time zone. We'll fix that in the next build.

As for the popup, we'll probably have to use it ourselves and see what is happening...

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can confirm emergency call is still happening. I think it is related to Headset as it only happened to 2 users in our organization who use Yealink Headset

It immediately happened when I've connected headset to the app (not that this feature works though)



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Hi Team

emergency toast is not related to headset as it is happening with another user on Jabra.

double notification seems to be completely random, some users will get it and some won't

having more issues with extension busy, even though it app is running, sometimes calls will stay in the app and when you minimize and maximize it will refresh

example, flashing dropped call:

when switching to home tab it will go away

We will run this version for another day, but will probably need to revert to v68 as this is still not there, definitely not ready for production





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Thanks, have updated now to beta build, I can see you fixed date issue with timezone, which is great. Would be good to change format (not major) and match it to same one as on filter:



Issue with notification is still present:
I don't get double notifications now (I only get big one) but the issue is when clicking on it, it will bring client to the front, but it won't answer the call.

Not sure about emergency calls as I reverted now to v68 (need to have a working PBX)

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