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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. hopefully they mistook you for a partner. ;-)

    They should be recommending good partners.


    We are USA based and i don't know who I could recommend in UK.


    Here is the var search:





    snom UK Ltd

    Aspect Court

    47 Park Square East



    United Kingdom


    T: +44 1133 503 111

    F: +44 1133 503 110




    And ask them a good snom ONE Var.


    Alternatively if you don't mind the time difference--we've helped other international clients. www.landiscomputer.com


    PS- to snom: could Landis Computer be put on the snom VAR finder? ;-)

  2. Just some feedback: I've been extemely active in the 3CX community over the years (2500+ posts contributed/wrote a book on it) My finding: 3CX #1 draw is easy interface. It's #1 downfall is ongoing instability.


    My suggestion to end users and generalist IT people is to get a professional partner help you get up and going (yes, a little more complex at first) with snom ONE and you will run very smooth ongoing.

  3. The progress soo far on the snom softphone is great. Thanks for the initiative!


    some Feedback on m9 softphone r1008



    -snom softphone phone arrived quick!



    Needs work:

    -when you hit enter key on keyboard to dial (press green button) it does a backspace instead of dial

    -can't dial * or # from keyboard

    -blocks when dialing (graphics issue)

    -no dialing tone feedback when buttons pressed

    -it seems only the number buttons above the letters on the keyboard work to dial

    -hold/resume button not consistant: using m9 put a call on hold and then click resume, won’t work. You need to click “Hold” again.

    -it keeps asking to register on each install/update (is this thing spyware? ;-)

    -quick setup does not seem to work for me..

    -shouldn't DND be indicated on the phone screen?



    -how do we tell what version of the snom m9 softphone we actually have installed?

    -what is recommended way to upgrade it? it looks like uninstall, reinstall, register for spam ;-), provisiong...suggestion: since you are using click-to-install couldnt this file be host centrally so updates could be automatic on restart? humble suggestion.

    -are rocker button and softkeys intended not to work? or is this just work in progress?

    -m9 seems very odd choice/form factor for softphone. All the unnessesary DECT stuff,no dedicated hold button, BLF, conf, transfer, indicator lights etc etc etc. I'm curious the logic behinds it's selection over 8xx?

    -at this point the way old snom360 softphone has quite a bit more functionality. BLF, hold, trans., conf, vm indicator, ...ironic...its way old...i know i know..., probably many bugs in sip stack...but pragmatic thinking ;-) The worrisome thing about the new form factor is we can never even hope for 1-click hold, 1 click transfer, or BLF, etc. ;-)


    Once again-thanks!

  4. yes, the remote phone can be behind NAT.


    (in some odd circumstances the remote firewall can be tricky. but you should be able to take a phone /laptop into a wifi hotspot at a cafe and it should work. does for me)


    Agreed(My 8 year old thinks that I'm second only to Lee Westwood golfing wise so at least I'm good at something :D )


    Looking at the PDF it seems that it would only take two minutes to represent this as a How To for any FXO,GSM type gateway. It could even have the new and correct name on (Snom rather than pbxnsip ;) .)


    Anyway does the PDF represent a good 'how to' for getting a patton 4112 2 x fxo working on a snom one pbx?


    thanks for your interest in my issue






    That portech guide is not for Patton fxo.


    I've started writting a book on setting up a snom ONE system (including everything a real life system will neeD). It includes a chapter on setting up Patton gateway step by step. I put the book on pause because snom was writting a book/manual as well. If there is a need I will continue it.


    (these books get out of date VERY quickly. that chapter has quite a few new developements since i wrote it. although it is still valid)


    I would like to add that your experience with patton is not normal: our experience with their product is that it is first rate. We have sold a lot of Patton gateways for 3CX systems and pbxnsip/snom ONE. No failures (other than technicians frying them plugging hot things into them. ;-) We replace a lot of grandstream gateways with pattons to made all kinds of issues go away.


    Their tech support has been FIRST RATE. And very consistly first rate.


    Also, patton gateways have come up as the most recommended gateway among win/pbx administrators:


  6. according to madigan over at the snom forum this can be done use XML method.


    I don't have a snom M9 to test it, (i know it works on snom 360/370) but it should be automatically provisioned if it is like snom 360/370.


    as soon as i get a snom m9 i will test it. (i'm waiting on one to ship to me as i speak ;-)



  7. Paul,


    I wonder if you have something wrong with the workstation in question?

    i had tested the soft snom m9 and didn't notice those items. (could be i missed it)

    But considering your having issues with both xlite/m9 soft i would suggest perhaps trying a cleaner pc if that is any question in your mind.

  8. ha


    okay, this is better.


    the place the user/password (to log into the snom phone) comes from is Domain Settings, under the Provisioning Parameters. Best practice is to change this to something you know before provisioning the phones. It does appear that if you change the provsionining parameters user/password after the phone is provisioned by snomeone/pbxnsip, you can just restart the snom phone and it will get the new user/password.


    (this all applies to the latest version of pbxnsip/snom ONE. Earlier versions actually act different)

  9. Hallo,



    Snom ONE/Pbxnsip Willen legen Sie das Kennwort zur Anmeldung bei des Snom-Telefons auf das Passwort gefunden in Domain-Einstellungen | Provisiong-Parameter.



    Es ist eine bewährte Methode, dieses Kennwort zu einem reset Sie wissen vor der Bereitstellung die Telefone. Auf die neueste Version von Snom ONE, ich glaube, Sie können ändern, das Kennwort hier, starten Sie das Snom-Telefon und es Wille Pickup der neuen Administration-Anmeldeinformationen vom Snom eins.



    PS-Wenn die Übersetzung ungeschickt, ist meine Entschuldigung. Ich verwendete gerade Bing Übersetzer.

  10. #


    # SN4114/JO/EUI #

    # R4.2 2008-03-11 H323 SIP FXS FXO #

    # 1970-01-03T05:14:22 #

    # SN/00A0BA03CA4E #

    # Generated configuration file #



    cli version 3.20

    webserver port 80

    language en


    sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4




    ic voice 0

    low-bitrate-codec g729

    profile ppp default


    profile call-progress-tone US_Dialtone


    play 1 1000 350 -13 440 -13

    profile call-progress-tone US_Alertingtone


    play 1 2000 440 -19 480 -19

    pause 2 4000

    profile call-progress-tone US_Busytone


    play 1 500 480 -24 620 -24

    pause 2 500

    profile tone-set default


    map call-progress-tone dial-tone US_Dialtone

    map call-progress-tone ringback-tone US_Alertingtone

    map call-progress-tone busy-tone US_Busytone

    map call-progress-tone release-tone US_Busytone

    map call-progress-tone congestion-tone US_Busytone

    profile tone-set US


    map call-progress-tone dial-tone US_Dialtone

    map call-progress-tone ringback-tone US_Alertingtone

    map call-progress-tone busy-tone US_Busytone

    map call-progress-tone release-tone US_Busytone

    map call-progress-tone congestion-tone US_Busytone


    profile voip default


    codec 1 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20

    codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20

    rtp traffic-class local-default

    profile pstn default


    output-gain 5

    profile sip default


    profile aaa default


    method 1 local

    method 2 none

    context ip router


    interface eth0

    ipaddress {patton_gateway_ip_address}

    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu

    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

    context ip router


    route {router_ip_address} 0


    context cs switch


    digit-collection timeout 2


    routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_000

    route default dest-interface IF_PBXNSIP MAP_TO_000


    mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_TO_000

    map default to {Port_0/0_Destination}


    routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_001

    route default dest-interface IF_PBXNSIP MAP_TO_001


    mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_TO_001

    map default to {Port_0/1_Destination}


    routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_002

    route default dest-interface IF_PBXNSIP MAP_TO_002


    mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_TO_002

    map default to {Port_0/2_Destination}


    routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_003

    route default dest-interface IF_PBXNSIP MAP_TO_003


    mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_TO_003

    map default to {Port_0/3_Destination}


    interface sip IF_PBXNSIP

    bind gateway GW_PBXNSIP

    service default

    route call dest-service FXO_HUNT

    remote-party-id calling-party


    interface fxo IF_CO1

    route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_000

    no disconnect-signal loop-break

    disconnect-signal busy-tone

    ring-number on-caller-id


    interface fxo IF_CO2

    route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_001

    no disconnect-signal loop-break

    disconnect-signal busy-tone

    ring-number on-caller-id


    interface fxo IF_CO3

    route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_002

    no disconnect-signal loop-break

    disconnect-signal busy-tone

    ring-number on-caller-id


    interface fxo IF_CO4

    route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_003

    no disconnect-signal loop-break

    disconnect-signal busy-tone

    ring-number on-caller-id



    service hunt-group FXO_HUNT

    drop-cause normal-unspecified

    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available

    drop-cause network-out-of-order

    drop-cause temporary-failure

    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion

    drop-cause access-info-discarded

    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available

    drop-cause resources-unavailable

    drop-cause user-busy

    route call 1 dest-interface IF_CO1

    route call 2 dest-interface IF_CO2

    route call 3 dest-interface IF_CO3

    route call 4 dest-interface IF_CO4

    context cs switch


    no shutdown

    gateway sip GW_PBXNSIP


    bind interface eth0 router

    service default

    domain {pbxnsip_server}

    defaultserver manual {pbxnsip_server} loose-router

    gateway sip GW_PBXNSIP


    no shutdown

    port ethernet 0 0


    medium auto

    encapsulation ip

    bind interface eth0 router

    no shutdown

    port fxo 0 0


    use profile fxo us

    caller-id format bell

    encapsulation cc-fxo

    bind interface IF_CO1 switch

    no shutdown

    port fxo 0 1


    use profile fxo us

    caller-id format bell

    encapsulation cc-fxo

    bind interface IF_CO2 switch

    no shutdown

    port fxo 0 2


    use profile fxo us

    caller-id format bell

    encapsulation cc-fxo

    bind interface IF_CO3 switch

    no shutdown

    port fxo 0 3


    use profile fxo us

    caller-id format bell

    encapsulation cc-fxo

    bind interface IF_CO4 switch

    no shutdown

  11. my bad. I'm mixing up doing it manual and using the configurator.


    the configurator sends everything to one ext.


    I'll post a manual config (you need to use patton fw r4.2 or this wont work)


    in this config you'll need to change "{Port_0/0_Destination}" to the port number. (replace the string inside the quotes to only the extension numbeR)


    ps-the configurator has some other limitations we will try to fix with patton. one problem is that if you set it to use USATones it uses something not usa. you need to fix it manually. the ability to designate a different extension for each line would also be nice. We will see what we can do about getting patton to update.

  12. >I think someone out there in VOIP land is missing a trick at not looking at the domestic market




    >All that said just who would you recomend then sip wise?


    We are in the USA and nexvortex.

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