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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. Can you speak on:


    #1-After we use the below steps to setup a special setting for phones, then just plugging a new phone into the system to provision it no longer works. After doing the below steps we now need to login to the new phones and type the provisioning string into the phone. Why?


    This is very consistent. as soon as this is done we need to type the provisioning string into the phone, when we should be able to just plug it into the network.





    PS-solution to our problem:

    add <cw_dialtone perm="">off</cw_dialtone> in the <phone-settings> section of the snom_3xx_phone.xml file. (from the snom ONE user interface of course)


    is there any problems down the road/other problems that will arise using this method?

  2. #1-After we use the below steps to setup a special setting for phones, then just plugging a new phone into the system to provision it no longer works. After doing the below steps we now need to login to the new phones and type the provisioning string into the phone. Why?



    Steps config snom phone with special configs:


    1-Make an xml file with the unique settings.

    1b-Example xml file contents


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


    <cw_dialtone perm="">off</cw_dialtone>



    change the settings between the phone-settings section.

    1c- place the file in your tftp directory: C:\Program Files\pbxnsip\PBX\tftp

    2-Name it model # followed by _custom.xml. example: snom_360_custom.xml.

    3-Reboot the phone you want to get these settings.



    #2-Which existing XML file could we edit with this setting to avoid using the tftp method?



    Add in the <phone-settings> section:

    <cw_dialtone perm="">off</cw_dialtone>



    #3- Is there a reason that snom _370.xml (320, 360, 370...) does have the line:

    <file url="{https-url}/tftp/snom_370_custom.xml" />


    #5-could that dialtone on hold BE TURNED OFF BY DEFAULT? is there ANYONE that wants that?



  3. Okay, the senario we have is the other side.


    A calls B and B is on the phone. So A camps_on B. Now A redirects his call to C. When B hanges up, there is no camp_on call back to A (redirected to C).


    This behaviour makes sense to me because People and Extensions are not the same thing. In this senario if ext C got a camp_on call back from B they may have no idea why. (because People could have changed)

  4. Just some humble input here:


    It really pains me ;-) to see how snom has to unessearily "fuss" with basic gateway setups over and over.


    It sure seems to me if there was some gateway provisioning built into snom ONE it sure would cut down on the fuss!

    Just my humble input. ;-)


    By the looks of this others think so too.


    But not to detract from that snom ONE is largely just plain cool. ;-)

  5. i think we had this issue with Patton M-ATA as well.

    I can't think off hand what it the solution was but we did get it working. It was a config issue and I think surrounding port on the M-ata.


    I would suggest connect with Patton. They have excellent support.

  6. you probably don't want an email to each tech...no one will know if the other took care of it then!


    What you can do is assign a snom button/light as the message waiting indicator for another phone. This works excellent.


    #1-either make a dummy extension or select an ext. that will be the group voicemail.

    #2-In that extension click on the "Mailbox" tab, add the extension you want to monitor this vm in "Allow Access for Extensions:"

    #3-setup the phones you want to monitor this voicemail to have a button that is a "Message Waiting Indicator" type and the "Parameter" is the voicemail extension.




    There are other ways to do this (have extension registered as several extensions...) but i think this is the slickest and designed for the job.


  7. You are not addressing my issue with senario #2. Currently if a call "failsover" there is an email sent. What if I want a seperate email that only sends an email when there was a failover that had no other option to try? thats what i'm looking for. A failover I want to know about, but a failover that has no other option to try is critical and I REALLY want to know about it.



  8. remember that a softphone showing up on macstore, androidstore or windowsphone7 store is marketing for snom/snomONE brand. I know another company that is getting marketshare/mindshare with this plan. Divert some marketing dollars to it--unconventional, but attention getting.


    even though i'm personally routing for winphone7, i think android probably the one to focus on first.


    Or...pick some free one you like and allow the useragent.


    You have my go ahead on this project. (chuckle)

  9. Q: Will there be a software that can be loaded to wifi cellphones which facilitates snomone features? In other words, turn the cell into an extension for snomone?


    A: At the moment there is not a snom branded mobile softphone. Take a look at counterpath's Bria products: http://www.counterpath.com/products.html. Note that in free, yellow and blue you may need to used snom star code for transfer. In the new snom Green this is not the case.


    Also note that snom has a free client for iPhone for settings, presence and some misc items. This is not a softphone.

    screen shots: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/2009/11/pbxnsip-attendant-console-to-get-new.html


    I am the first one to say this should be improved. ;-) so here:



    or maybe specifically:




    Maybe snom can weigh in if a softphone is on the roadmap?

  10. Hello,


    Just tried to provisioning snom 821 on original_snom1_release upgraded to .3981 and it doesn't work.


    Just feedback.

    My guess is that fresh .3981 will work but i didn't get a chance to test yet. (too time consuming)


    HEY--when a system is upgraded by replacing .exe with new release, do the .htm pages under "web page control" get updated? could this be issue?

  11. We are on 2011- (x64) at one location for about 16hrs and seems to be working good. There are 169 extensions on the system with lite call load.


    I'm curious if 3981 fixed a leak by any chance? It seemed before 3981 the RAMmemory would slowing continue climbing. If load would go up, RAM used would too, but it didn't appear to come back down.


    In any case, good soo far.

  12. Okay, this one is not hard to see through... ;-)


    The tech answer to your question is yes but if you really want 20 extensions...(if your new to snom ONE, or experienced for that matter, its just going to be a hassle to manage all those severs.)


    save yourself the hassle and

    Just buy the very low cost yellow if you need it.

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