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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. Hello,


    I'd be extremely interested in input about a 60 extension portable phone system we need to consult on.



    -60 portable phones

    -coverage over an area .5 mi by .5mi that includes being in and out of buildings, etc.



    Client is considering using ipod touch with some softphone as portable phones over wifi.


    Has anyone done this?

    Any input. (i wont give my idea to muddy the waters.)


  2. After we upgraded a PBX from 3.X to 4.X all (almost all) Account extensions have an exclamation point in a yellow triangle under status. There does not seem to be any explanation of what this icon means in the documentation (as pertaining to an extension). As far as I can tell the extension seems to be working fine. It is registered and can make calls.


    What could it mean? Is there a way to clear it?





    Weak password for that extension.

    Excellent feature. not soo good to tell what it is. ;-)



  3. Ah but the thing is, I don't want it to answer the call so that while 'waiting' it is possible for the call to be answered by another client registered to the VOIP provider in parallel to the PBX's trunk, IOW, I want it to just be an answer phone for that account at the VOIP provider so I can use the line when I'm away (and not able to access the PBX) but if I don't answer it, then the PBX picks it up.


    Is it possible to have it NOT answer the call until the voicemail timeout expires and then pick it up and go straight to the mailbox?


    you have 1 sip trunk ringing 2 pbxs? if so that is not something I normally see. how about the 2 sip clients to the same pbx? (one would be registered to 2 pbxs) would that work?

  4. I have an extension set to go to voicemail at the default (20s), but what will happen if there's no registration for that extension?


    I actually want it to wait for the prescribed time and then answer with the mailbox (unless the call was taken elsewhere and cancelled with the PBX), but I'm concerned that it may go immediately to the mailbox if there's no extension actually registered. Will it go immediately or wait?


    I've not tried this yet as there's still so much else to figure out, but if I cannot do it this way, is there any other way to force it to wait before sending to voicemail?


    you can easily test by dialing unregistered account. but I expect ur call flow is more complex.

  5. snom One is a great product and the free product is a lot of value packed into free.


    It is a little ironic to note another limit of a product whose tag line is "no limits". ;-) (which incidentally i really like the line...)

    I don't have a problem with limits, i just wish we didn't need to find them ourselves...one by one. ;-)


    I'm curious what account limit is on the yellow and blue? I asked this question in the webinar today and got the vague answer there are none or are extremely high. ;-)


    But once again folks, snom one is a great value.


  6. All you have to do is edit the "Call Park" and

    "Call Park Retrieve" with the same star code for example if the star code is *85 then both "Call Park" and

    "Call Park Retrieve" need the same star code.



    Then create a button profile with "Park orbit" and in the parameter field add the the park orbit account only no star code feature needed.


    You should be able to retrieve the call in and out with the buttons now.


    The above solution does not work.


    Did you test it?



  7. Can you please let us know what is set on the button profile and star codes for park & retrieve? Just wanted to recreate the same here.


    very simple.


    the snom phone button is set to park orbit. (you can provision this from snom one or set it in snom phone)


    we cannot have a button to put calls into an orbit and a seperate one to take out. That's far too many buttons if we have more than one park orbit.





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