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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. i think for smb this is a good move.


    The ease of provisioning pleasantly surprised me. If my initial experience continues, snom ONE works so that anyone can provision a phone. That is not an over statement. This is excellent!


    my concern about the last point (3rd party devices) has been sufficiently aired and my mind hasn't changed so i wont bring it up again. ;-)


    enjoy success,


  2. (Win32)


    Before we upgraded the SIP trunk provider (nexvortex) designated caller id showed to remote person.

    Since our upgrade to .4026 (or somewhere along the line) Now it no longer does.


    I can fiddle with "Remote Party/Privacy Indication:" and get it to show the extension number, but I'd really like this trunk to show a full phone number for any outgoing calls.


    I'm fine if pbxnsip sets the caller id. actually i preferr that--but how?




  3. snom phones?

    pstn lines?



    If so, perhaps consider snom ONE?

    use low cost server hardware? (hp proliant microserver only $350 usd)

    could you re-use cs410 hardware pstn gateway if needed? (i've never done it)


    I havent verified about g729 though. its a question about snom ONE i'd like answered.


    With the experience i've had i'm done with appliances that "just so" get by on cpu/resources. Its a whole lot better in my mind to have a plateform/os that can do the job and your familiar with. Just my opinion there. ;-) (and i have plenty ;-)


    just some wild ideas to get solution ideas rolling.


  4. Thanks for the info. Seriously when I purchased the CS410 (2+ years ago) there were no addons listed. At the time I purchased the unit paying the only retail price it had ($1199) , and I never figured I was getting a crippled deviced with deactivated features.


    How many users do you have on the cs410?

    What type of handsets?



  5. Hello,


    I am having various little niggling issues with pbxnsip install


    -intercom doesnt work from some extensions unless we delete and re-add an extensions (for some extension)

    -pnp provisioning works very finicky

    -xml pbxnsip menus on snom phones worked finicky


    pbxnsip v


    What brought this to a head is when we installed snomONE--wow, the provisioning works perfectly. Plug in and go. Same network.


    So if anyone knows something obvious i'm doing wrong i'm ready to knock it down and start over. Maybe with the snom ONE version if i can get that.


    tx all


  6. Adam,


    You have a lot of things going on here it seems.


    I am assuming we are using multicast.

    by "delay" do you mean the page group is set to "play recorded message"?


    The feedback issue--is this because they are using speaker phone to page? Does picking up the phone to page avoid this?


    #1-no star code. (a wild shot would be the clean up * code--but doubt it)

    #2-with multicast technically its coming from an IP, not really an extension.

    #3-dont think.


    I am curious if you would use pa1 in unicast mode--how many snom pa1's would you need?

    If it is 5 then you could unicast and avoid some of the above issues?


    Also, on the multicast volume--I think we should take this up with snom. I think that should be addressed by them.




  7. Hello,


    I'm curious--where should unsuspecting snom ONE beginners be directed for support? ;-) The snom branded documentation is incomplete. Don't want to send people over here if they shouldn't be...on the other side we don't want them to wonder around and get bad taste. ;-)


    Also, is there a plan to have a snom ONE specific forum section over at snom? Over here?


    Trying to help,


  8. but do you agree with the benefit of this?


    I was just training a group of end users and it IS very confusing...


    to transfer press <transfer> and the ext. blf

    to transfer to vm press <transfer> then 8 then the extension number then <check>

    to intercom press intercom_button then dial extension and press <check>


    These are just the things that make it hard to understand phone systems!!! ;-)


    I know for pbx gurus this sounds trivial but the proof is how many of these features end users use after the first time.


    simple and easy-to-discover features sells. ;-)




  9. yes!!

    can this be done?


    Unless you have a good alternative.


    The only alternative my addled mind can think of is having a set of blf buttons for each ext., a set of buttons for each ext. intercom and xfer to vm buttons for each ext. No phone in this world will have enough button even for the smallest office.


    no one uses these features if they have to remember to prefix extension with 8xx etc etc. May be the recpetionist can remember but everyone else just doesn't use the features....


    thanks for understand the question so quickly,


  10. Hello,


    I would like to be able to:

    -assign one button call "Intercom"

    -one button called "Xfer to VoiceMail"

    -like to assign extensions to the remaining snom buttons.


    Now when a user needs to transfer someone to vm they press "xfer to vm" button and the users extension/blf button.

    Similarly when they want to intercom they press "intercom" and the extensions BLF button.


    How do I do this?


    Having a set of BLF buttons, a set of transfer to vm buttons and a set of intercom buttons is ridiculous--surely there is another way


    Any great ideas?

    thanks-i'm hanging it up for the night,


  11. I've written a little on the subject of windows pbxnsip failover:





    (disclaimer: i did this script as a hobby and don't have it working on a live server so use it at your own risk! ;-)


    give me feedback on the blog or here on what you think about my handiwork.


    Now back to another pbxnsip install...



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