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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. Hello,


    I was thinking about making a small Windows VB.net desktop client for pbxnsip using csta to make more of pbxnsip's features realistically accessible to normal users.


    I'm not familiar with csta and not familiar with SOAP so these may be newbie questions:



    1-can more than one pc be using CSTA commands at the same time? (confusion is around fact that only one SOAP)

    2-does pbxnsip have a .net example using soap?

    3-can pbxnsip CSTA return the presence info of pbxnsip extensions?

    4-can pbxnsip CSTA be used send instant message?

    5-is CSTA the tool to use to make a client that initiates calls, shows presence etc?




  2. I've been testing/using ;-) the WAC at our site.


    It appears like it automatically logs out after a little while. Is this expected behavior? Can I stop that?


    it would seem like a receptionist panel should stay logged in.


    I'm looking forward to improvements on WAC like IM, etc. It has a good start.



  3. ok i am using PBXnSIP pro or pro-plus software, cant remember at this second, because ive got new job offers, as well as quotes from dell and ibm rattling around, and im at home right now out of the office, and REALLY do not want to log in and check.


    anyways. we have an MoH device that we used with our old pbx system, (dont suggest putting sound card in system and plugging that in, both pci slots are used up with fiber optic nics in a fail-over cluster, 1u server) so i was able to get the on-hold company to send me an mp3 file, of the moh. problem is, our moh the way it is setup NEEDS to be looped. was originally going to just run winamp/shoutcast server on the pbx server, and stream to itself on likely the half-life ports


    at any rate, ran into a few problems doing that, and didnt want to risk knocking the phone-system off-line, or having issues with it. so i took an OLD 1u box i had laying around that i was about to throw away, and put a sound card in it, winamp, with shoutcast dsp plug-in, and shout cast server.


    i can tell that pbxnsip IS pickingup the stream (it has to be) because when i put a call on hold the holding party gets a horrid echo-y screechy like sound.


    Ive connected to my "MoH stream server" via winamp on another machine and it works fine


    under the software admin panel, i told it the port was "http://<stream-server-ip>:<port>"


    Ive read some stuff hinting that it needs to be streamed in mono-16 bit 8khz? could this be my problem? I'm going to try and do this on Monday, as its a down day for our company.


    any other suggestions? thoughts? ideas at all?

    id like to get this working!




    hey,if you have an mp3 file why torment yourself? just convert it to .wav and put it right on your pbnxsip server.



  4. i just upgraded to .4026!


    Guys, let the world know what you are doing! ;-)


    Some updates:

    -more standard web convention to edit accounts

    -define what columns show in account list: mac address, cellphone, email,

    -more "global change" options in the account list: reboot, remove cellphone, remove mac, enbable/disable

    -fixed bug in WAC that only one extension at a time showed presence

    -listen to voicemail recording from the admin web interface

    -cool new drop down extension selector! (to search for extension to edit)


    Probably more...but for some reason this is some kind of easter egg hunt. ;-)



  5. pbxnsip,


    You may have missed that this request WAS for MS SQL. ;-)


    Perhaps a small pbxnsip "helper" application like the MOH app? A small helper app that went CDR/TCP Lines to ODBC would seem perfect since you could choose your sql edition then.


    I know that TOP is working on something to go from tcp CDR to MS SQL. I'm not sure the progress---a while back it was nearly ready. Personally for me MS SQL is most important so if TOP can provide it that would likely work. At the moment included reporting options are kind of limited.



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