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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. Hello,


    We have a company that faxes price sheets to their clients weekly. Probably about 40 clients and each price sheet is 15 pages.


    vitelity seems nice but you can't seem to email/send a fax to a distribution group, you need to sent a seperate email to each fax number.

    Maybe I'm missing something?


    Anyone worked through this senario? Ideas welcome.



  2. sorry. i wasn't very clear. the "home" screen is buttons. I've never seen another client that the main screen was buttons. Just an observation.


    think: OCS, livemessenger, sip-communicator, ...



  3. The PAC has potential. I was looking closely at Flexor CTI app for snom phones and it got me looking at PAC again.


    couple issues i noticed: (pac v3, pbxnsip v4.latest)


    -it hangs/gets stuck sometimes.

    -does the PAC IM work for anyone else?

    -some places there are vertical AND horizontal scroll bars--guys, this is just too much scrollin'! ;-)


    some humble suggestions:

    -should the PAC and WAC look like they belong in the same family?

    -i've never seen a pc client that the main screen is settings. (think : office communicator, Flexor tool, sip communicator, skype, 3cx assistant, www.icanblink.com, etc. etc) . (PAC extension screen looks like visicalc version 1.0 text-based. ;-)


    -the pac needs to be highly useable: ways to go there

    -hire a new graphic artist. ;-)


    pbxnsip is great. we have great experience with the clients we currently support. We look forward to uping our marketing efforts.



  4. #1-I just tried out the new v4 WAC Console - Graphical barge, teach, listen-Very nice! This is what i call a "discoverable" feature! Very cool If someone is in a call just click on the down-red-triangle to see who they are on with and start a barge, teach or listen session with that call. Of course it is all secureable.


    #2- One bug in this area-if a call is Listened/barged/teached into, that call no longer is indicated as busy on the WAC.


    good going guys


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