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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. Hello,


    First of all I'm not snom and I do wish as well that 3rdparty was not restricted.


    But to correct some miscommunication before it gets spread:

    -All snom products will work with snom ONE. so snom m9 will work. it will actually automatically provision.

    -snom actually does have a soft phone. Softphone link here: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/p/snom-one-resources.html

    -snom is quite clear that you can still use pbxnsip for multi-vendor senarios


    Here are some FAQ on snom ONE i've compiled that may help:



    But to agree with you snom ONE does:

    -very limited Mac softphone, mobile softphones, video phones, ability to use 3rdparty helper apps like VOP, nch apps, wifi phones, sip door phones, sip ceiling speakers and a host of other sip devices. Or even sites with existing sip handsets.


    Also on the snom softphone: it is a bit dated but does run on win7. it gives the complete functinality of snom 360 included BLF! I'm not sure snom supports the snom softphone either. But there have been comments about "resurrecting" it. I have been a proponent of snom having a softphone before snom ONE was on the scene so my opinion stands there. ;-) Quite frankly a software version of the snom 870 (+ ocs/lync) would be extremely interesting considering that it is touch screen it should move to PC easier.

    My video on snom softphone: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/2010/02/int...-from-snom.html


    I am hoping snom finds a way to remove this limitation. snom ONE (pbxnsip for that matter) is an excellent phone system. Excellent.


    But once again, you can still get pbxnsip which is identical to snom one except it has multivendor support, no free edition and paid editions cost more.



  2. Hello,


    Am I missing something? I know this is part snom phone post and part snom ONE post. But since this is now one company i guess I can post this here! (benefit of integrated solution! ;-)



    Does pbxnsip/snom one has a way to pnp provision which snom extensions are part of a multi-cast page?

    For example I would like ext 40, 41, 42 to listen to, say,

    and I would like 40,45,46 to listen for multicast


    I know i can log into each snom phone ;-), but is there a way to have this pnp provisioned? It seems quite hard to admin if there is not a way.


    I would envision that in the multicast paging group there would be a "destination extensions" field that would send the info to pnp files. This may bring up the issue that there is no clear place to look to see pnp info for a specific handset/MAC (or is there?) as opposed to an extension, which is perhaps a seperate problem.


    Another problem I can see is that someone could go hog wild and have one handset/MAC a part of more than 10 multi-cast...and how would snom ONE take care of that...hmm...maybe an error pop if an admin tries to save a multicast paging group that makes a handset/MAC be a part of more than 10 multi-cast IP addresses?



    when a snom phone recieves a multicast page there is no indication on the recieving phone that it is getting a page? Shouldn't there be?



    a last issue is that there appears to be no way to set the volume that the recieving snom phone plays a mutli-cast broadcast? It seems there should be a way to set the mutli-cast playback volume seperate from say phone volume or ringer volume. The default is far to loud.




  3. Hi,


    I think you must have nailed pnp provisioning because it now seems to work so that anybody can provision a phone. Bravo!!!


    My experience is that if there is a "*" in the MAC field of the extension in snom ONE (as snom ONE comes default) and you plug a phone in the first phone provisioned seems to get 40, but the next one get 49! Could you guys make it so there is some dicernable order that it picks the next extension? one would expect if * is in all extensions to start out it would go in order: 40, 41, 42,...etc.


    Any comments?



  4. Just provisioned a snom 870 and it provisioned perfectly. Great.


    It also does not display the "feature" of the 3xx models where when they provision they reboot and reload the firmware even though they already have the correct version of the firmware. Thankfully! This behaviour of 3xx series re-ignites my disgust each time I have to wait through it. ;-)


    Also, when I had the OCS firmware it did not automatically provision on snomone. I loaded the 870 non-ocs firmware then everything worked perfect.




  5. our experience is that pbxnsip runs extremely solid. (we run on Windows o/s)


    What version are you running? If you have an older than v4 without the automatic blacklisting sip attacks can take your pbx down. Restarting the service could stop the attack? just a wild thot.



  6. Hello,


    some more questions that occurred to me:

    #1-with snom ONE will there be the need to pay maintenance yearly to stay up-to-date? or will it be more like snom handset firmware--?

    #2-will pbxnsip clients be able to transition to snom ONE some how?




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