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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. we stock and use Patton exclusively.


    You might have interest in a survey of gateways vars/admins use on soft-pbx's at my blog:


    To summarize: Patton was way ahead of all other players in the survey. I give some reasons I think why.


    We tried Audiocodes but had issues with volume on multiple pbx's. They look nice and have nice web gui but after our trouble we moved to Patton with zero issues.



  2. At the moment pbxnsip only allows a single music file as a music source.


    I really recommend pbxnsip consider making provision for a music on hold file playlist.


    I know they can setup the infrastructure to plug an external mp3 player in--People expect if the pbx is on a PC they can drop files into a playlist.


    To make it as easy as possible to implement:

    add a new MOH type=Playlist.

    Filename=a folder in the pbxnsip MOH directory


    Inside this folder people could drop their multiple music files.


    I know we can say people don't need this. That may be true, but they want it. ;-) Over at 3CX the biggest single feature request was this very feature! (100 posts, 6600 views! on this moh thread!) In version 9 they implemented it.


    just a suggestion,


  3. 7mb MOH file can cause jitter!?


    i didn't get a chance to test this. Is this typical to have jitter on first MOH start using such a small file?

    If its running on a PC type hardware is this similar?


    I guess I'm learning about moh...;-)


  4. I have the exact same problem in v4 in windows.


    extension 101 DOES have rights to intercom to 111. (*)

    Yet 111 just rings instead. (no, there is NOT 2 extensions registered on either extension)


    Some extension work, some don't.

    I'm a bit frustrated by this problem because there is never a resolution.

    Could we nail it down? i would really like to resolve.




  5. There is someone working on a tool to do this ---




    I haven't heard an update but it should be a winner if it works as advertised!

    I do agree a simple tool like this would be great for pbxnsip to have in their own stable as it would underline the tightness of pbxnsip and Windows.


    See my thinking on power of the Microsoft message here:




  6. Email troubleshoot with Exchange:


    -can another windows client send email using same credentials?

    -if so--turn up pbxnsip logging to 9, turn "log mail events" loggin on and send an email by going to an extension | email | click on "Click here to send the welcome email again."


    The logging is very detailed and will tell you exactly what didn't work. I just used it.


    for exchange 2010 we have encryption=automatic in pbxnsip email setup.



  7. the alternative appears to be each pbx admin creating a list on their own.

    why not share the data? ;-)


    i have to agree there are endless sources of attacks though. I alone have endless sources...! ;-)


    #1-is there any mechanism to import a list of IPs to black list into pbxnisp?

    #2-is there a simple way to block a specific country?



  8. you look suspicously like a spammer? (considering the signature) But...if your not:


    -pbx is typically a business phone system

    -voip is generally a more broad term that means "voice over IP"

  9. For example, if there is an outgoing call between say 1am and 6am i want an email to the pbxnsip admin AND my cell phone. I want to specifiy what is sent: ip address of extension, extension #, number attempted, etc.


    This is just an example. Basically ability to trap for a combination of events and send an email to someone other than the admin when that trap is triggered.



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