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Everything posted by mattlandis

  1. v4 of pbxnsip has a cool feature that you can select a bunch of extensions and then click "reboot". very cool. and works as advertised. Note:for me it didn't work until all snom phones upgraded to fw v8.x matt
  2. Okay, i don't think it is the client machine. I have win7, and tried it on IE8 x64 and x32 and they both render the user portal correct. Possibly: -server machine on x64? -not the newest pbxnsip version? -not a clean pbxnsip install? Just some thots matt
  3. pcunite, what browser are you using? IE 8 seems to work in that regard. Matt
  4. WAC and call queue-Is it currently indicating when callers in there? it isn't for me. Matt
  5. some of these are mentioned in the pbxnsip upgrade advisory, some are not: #0 - backup your pbxnsip config and exe file. #1-get your v4 key FIRST because your v3 key will not work. (schedule key request day before upgrade) #2-note that v4 PNP will upgrade your snom phones to v8 when they reboot by default. #2B - my experience was that some options in the snom "Menu" button did not work correctly until on v8. #2C - note! you will no longer be able to press the ? button on snom phones to see the firmware version and IP address (rrgg) Now you have to press Settings > 5 >1 #2D - v4 pbxnsip will change the snom login password. (admin/password is new credentials). This will unhinge flexorCTI app or other such apps. #3-My experience is that the WAC renders properly only on IE 8 (not IE 7)
  6. i know pbxnsip is secure. no need to go over that. I'm trying to figure out why it is randomly reseting my admin password in v4. Matt
  7. I saw the new feature in v4 where you can select a bunch of extensions and reboot them. Very cool concept and it will be great once it works. It doesnt work for me? is it just me? Matt
  8. is it just me, or does v4.0 loose the admin password? this happened once and I thot i just did something weird...now it happened more since.... Matt
  9. feedback: on the http://localhost/usr_feature_codes.htm page, there are little 1,2,3 superscripts notices--but no definition of what they mean at the bottom. small suggestion. matt
  10. WAC parking: call parking using WAC menu. it calls back the extension doing the parking on another line? kinda weird--probably not intentional? Also same not so good UI/UX (user experience) in that menu ...u don't know you actually clicked the menu. also would be good to indicate the parked call on the WAC? Ideally a way to handle the calls. Matt
  11. in the user manual it says on the WAC i should be able to drag my extension into a conference. Is there a trick to this? doesnt seem to work for me. matt
  12. on the WAC (with IE8, only browser that roughly works for me with WAC) on the "Actions" menu for "My Calls". How do I get the menu to say down so I can click on option? Every so often if i double click it stays down... Matt
  13. The "more" and "less" buttons on WAC, should they work? Matt
  14. feedback--i love the phone handset experience when the WAC dials another extension: it beeps your own extension and starts ringing right away. Very nice user experience. cool. The WAC UI for dialing still requires help- first you when you position your mouse over the little red triangle the cursor turns to a four-way arrow (move cursor) , then when you click on "Initiate Call" there is no visual/or any indication you clicked it correct. You tend to do it twice then you have 2 calls going to the same ext...not good UI or UX. I was wondering how you will get a good UI/UX on the WAC using web. I think you are actually getting there. So- very cool. The big benefit is that the WAC works on Mac, Linux and basically what ever...so that is really good. windows pbx and Mac: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/2010/04/win...mac-making.html just some feedback matt
  15. also, not to be complaining, but on the WAC icons: are my eyes bad? or can anyone else read DND, AG and Busy? almost need to pull out the manual to see what they are telling us? Just a suggestion. Matt
  16. Also on RC, I can't seem to change the DND status and agent status from the xml menu on the the snom phone. matt update--once i upgrade to v8 now the DND works, but agent status xml doesn't.
  17. IE 8 seems to render the WAC correct. Is it Just me? or does the WAC not render correctly on IE 7 and safari?
  18. in my how to book on pbxnsip i have the steps how to do this. i could copy and paste...don't have it with me right now Matt
  19. how the port handling on install is done is a little unintuitive. Matt
  20. and this can be automated. just put the MAC address of the phone in question in both extensions! cool matt
  21. so far i haven't had a smoothly working wac. matt
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