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Posts posted by mattlandis

  1. Hi,


    On your #2 item: i agree it would be great if the DND button would make the phone ext. BLF light come on. This would be great to let phone users know someone has their DND "stuck" on.


    Another problem we have with the DND on snom is that if you press the DND button to set the phone to do not disturb and then press the DND button again in less that 4secs. the snom phone DND indication gets "unhinged" (doesn't agree with pbxnsip). Pressing snom DND button again will not correct this. (you can go into pbxnsip and correct.) (to get OUT of the unhinged situation use the below solutoin)


    A work around if you are pbxnsip provisioning the snom is to press the snom "menu" button, then hit the "check/ok" button. The PROBLEM with this is the phone (on the main screen) doesn't show you you are on DND.



  2. At the moment is it a little bit "foggy" if we should treat such cell phone calls as trunk calls or as extension calls. So far those calls were trunk calls (like a stupid redirect), but it seems more and more than trunk calls must be also be extension calls. As we are cleaning this area up in version 4, that will be a lot cleaner.


    That is a good idea.

    I thot mobile phone are handled pretty good in pbxnsip but better ideas keep being incorporated. thats good!



  3. My steps to testing a systtem:


    -install and make sure you can login to the system admin.

    -add 1st extension and make sure it registers (by calling a attendent or voicemail

    -now add 2nd extension and make sure you can call the 1st and you have good audio.

    -now add trunk and make sure you have a outgoing dial plan, test outbound call.


    to setup voip successfully its good to have basic (intermediatte?) networking skills. Ping is just checking basic IP connectivity between to ip devices. ie=Ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (where xxx is an ip address of remote pc you want to check if you can connect to)



  4. To keep things simple:

    #1- lets forget about callcentric for now

    #2-Is the pbxnsip install on one computer and the softphone on another? is it windows?

    #3-can you ping the server (pbxnsip) server from the pc with the xlite installed?

    #4- i think by default there is an extension 40 with password of 40. Is that what you are using to setup xlite? (softphone)

    #5-if you dial 840 (to dial voicemail) do you get the voice mail prompt?


    some quick ideas


  5. Hi,


    I've been following exchange 2010 and one feature in the latest version that really caught my attention is the voicemail to readable text feature call Voicemail Preview. Wow. I'd like to get a moment to test it!


    Once again another good thing about pbxnsip: supported exchange integration.


    keep up the good work.


  6. Hi Kevin,


    I disagree with you. We moved from our traditional pbx system to PBXnSIP on an audiocodes Mediant 1000 device, which is running on windows 2003. In the beginning we had some teething problems yes, but now we are pushing roundabout 1000 - 1200 calls per day through PBXnSIP and the device's CPU is laughing at us. We do not experience any problems whatsoever, and we even use the recording features of PBXnSIP for every call we receive and make...We use 4 ISDN BRI modules for our external interface, and do not experience any problems with that too.


    We first had the system on a linux based platform, and now I hate linux even more than I did ever before. Linux itself was unstable, kept on crashing.. and difficult to integrate into our environment. Now we are running on win2003 and the system is flying.


    PBXnSIP is really a great application. I am happy that we moved over.




    I need to say also that pbxnsip is a really stable product. It's still software but it is stable. I've used asterisk and other ip pbx's and pbxnsip is as near the panasonic hardware phonesystem we had in terms of stability plus we have a LOT more features and capability.



  7. I agree with the Windows GUI interface particularly on long lists like the accounts. They should look more like a spread sheet that you can scroll. Context sensitive help where you push F1 on a screen to get an explanation of all the fields would be nicer too. The help link on the bottom isn't bad but it still takes a few clicks and some thinking to find the correct help page.


    More quality checking on input fields is a must. It is too easy to enter bad values that won't work.


    i agree that a help button right beside a field that makes a popup come up would be great.

    (i've often wish for it myself! ;-)




  8. Hmm. Really good question (I don't know). You can always check by base64-decoding the license key. If you see something with "call" and a number behind it, then that's the limit.


    it seems like it would be really nice if you could see exactly what a license key is giving in features.

    Would it be possible have this showing to a user?


    seems this keeps coming up...;-)



  9. I wish the buttons feature worked on Polycoms. Any idea if that will ever happen?


    I will try to monitor it and see what happens. I tried it on my system and it doesn't show in the PAC. I didn't have time to try it on the phone itself, but I'll do that now.


    Hey Rob, the PAC v1.9 DOES work for me.


    Are you using the new PAC? the old one does work (or at least should)


    I personally like the old PAC system better for seeing the status of the system.



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