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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Before you upgrade, it is always a good idea to make a backup; even on the snom ONE mini. Downgrading is possible, however you will loose the passwords as they are encrypted in V5 and they are not in V4 (if I remember correctly).
  2. Vodia PBX


    We have released 5.0.10 builds. The upgrade can be done using the link version-5.0.10.xml as usual. The release notes can be found on http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Release_5.0. This is a release without any major excitements; the focus was more some smaller improvements that should make deployments easier.
  3. That is a bug that is fixed in 5.0.10.
  4. Bria or X-lite is probably the best that you can get for iPad. You can use it along with the new web-based attendant console, which should work in the iPad browser as well. With Bria/X-lite you can cover the voice part, and with the WAC you can see what is going on in the domain and drag & drop for transfers.
  5. You need to have a license for automatic recording. You can get a 30-day trial from snomone.com.
  6. The PBX web UI definitively does not update iptables. While I agree that could make installations easier something tells me that processes should not mess with firewall settings, at least unless this is a consumer product. The CentOS script has at least some words at the end which seem to be widely ignored, they say something like: # iptables # echo 'IMPORTANT:' echo 'You might have to edit your firewall settings. Consider' echo '"service iptables stop" and "chkconfig iptables off" to' echo 'see if you need to edit the iptables configuration to use' echo 'the PBX service' Anyway, glad the issue was resolved.
  7. Ah... Well snom version 4 licenses did not feature server moves . The price for snom ONE blue was very aggressive to put it this way. We did see the problem. Obviously it is not acceptable for us that customers or resellers use the same license on multiple servers. Having to go through every single installation and verify that a server move is legal is not practical and frustrating for everybody. That's why the license reset was added to the V5 license scheme. This is a 24/7 automated service with clear rules and there are no questions asked.
  8. Oh I got that wrong... Yea phones are an entirely different topic. I am not even sure if they support SIP. And if they do, you can expect only a basic feature set.
  9. Yea we added that reset button to make server moves possible in version 5. We should "advertise" this more... (maybe also on the status screen of the PBX)
  10. We don't have much experience with Ericsson/Aastra gateways. But the interop requirements for gateways are fairly low. I would say you have a very good chance to get this working, and if it does you'll save probably thousands of dollars for a new gateway. If you have to purchase a new one, the usual names that come up are Patton, Vegastream/Sangoma, AudioCodes, Mediatrix, maybe Teles or Beronet.
  11. Oh... Well if you move your license to a new server then you have to reset the license from the snomone.com portal. Log in, then go to you account, your licenses and reset the license. Please not that you can do this only one time. Licenses are bound to one specific server, and the reset is supposed to be there when that server hardware fails. If you virtualize the server now, chances are good that you never have to do that again (VM are forever, no matter what the host hardware is looking like).
  12. This happens only if you select the daily email CDR to be inline in the email message. If you select to attach it either as TXT or HTML, then it should be fine. As Mr X says, this was fixed in 5.0.9 so that there you can again select inline CDR.
  13. You also need a bundle. If you buy only one auto attendant, you will have a system with 1 auto attendant, 0 extensions, 0 calls and 0 domains (which means that you don't have a license). Also, if you already have a bundle make sure that you assign the auto attendant to the right system. Every user on the license portal may have multiple systems, so be sure that you put the features into the right system.
  14. I remember we had such problems with Polycom phones a couple of years ago when the Re-INVITE came after the call was already disconnected. Then the PBX has no way to see that this is a INVITE inside of an existing dialog, and would consider it a new call. It you could get a PCAP trace it would be very helpful to nail this one.
  15. Okay, but that is the classical case for IVR nodes. It would be definitively wrong to change the code so that this case can be handled without IVR nodes. I would see the solution here making him a special offer for a large number of IVR nodes... (send an email to sales to get a proposal).
  16. The functionality of transferring a ringing call is problematic. The phone sometimes sends the header because of user interaction, and sometimes automatically (which it actually should not do--this is the PBX job). Also, if multiple phones are ringing it is becoming random which redirection is in effect. Then the next problem is when the call is part of a hunt group or agent group, should the agent be able to redirect the call and cut off all other agents? The bottom line is that currently, the user has to answer the call and can then blind transfer the call to another destination. As soon as the redirection synchronization does not make the phone send 3xx any more, we can start processing the redirection responses from the phone while it is still ringing.
  17. Hmm. Does the PBX bind to port 5060? "netstat -anp|grep pbxctrl" will show you that. Can you log into the web interface and check if there phone IP address was blacklisted?
  18. If you have multiple interfaces, check your IP configuration. What does "ifconfig", "route" and "iptables -L" produce? We are using Debian 6.0.5.
  19. Oh that! Yea there is a problem with the phones that dial the number at teh same time when using the bespoken feature synchronization. Newer firmware versions have that problem fixed, however are not ready for release yet. The calls eventually time out, and then it could be that the status is cahnged some time later.
  20. I would suspect a problem with iptables on the system. I don't think this is a issue with VM. Can phones register and for example call the mailbox? The other thing is if the DNS server is setup properly, check /etc/resolv.conf.
  21. Strange. Can you put the PCAP somewhere for download and send me a private message with a link?
  22. I still don't 100 % understand the use case. So every user wants to have the ability to redirect a call into a IVR announcement? So lets say for example when you have some explanations that you want to play back to explain something you would blind transfer the call into one of the pre-recorded announcements?
  23. There is a special subscription that the phone needs to send to the PBX to receives updates when the DND state changes. For example, if the user changes the DND state from the web interface, the user can see that also on the phone. It is a little complicated to manually set that up, that's why PnP is the way to go here.
  24. Will be fixed in the next version.
  25. The PBX processes the expressions from left to right. If you want to match everything else, you can just put a expression like this at the end: !.*!21! (means: Send everything else to 21).
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