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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Can you take a look into the "generated" folder? Maybe you have to make the change in another file (snom_820_phone.xml).
  2. Where was a lot of snafu with the templates in that area. The next version will clean that 100 % up.
  3. You need a license for that. You can get a 30-trial from snomone.com. Actually there were some changes and add-ons. For example a new star code so that you can listen to the last recordings. If you think it is too expensive, nobody forces you to buy it. Usually only call centers need automatic recording.
  4. We experienced that behavior with certain firmware versions of the phones. We tried later firmware versions of snom phones and they did fix that problem, however introduced other problems so that we recommend waiting for a better release. For 3xx phones, the 8.4.35 series seems to be the best choice.
  5. Well was the wget successful? Try if you can download it from your PC. You can use the "ls" command in Linux to see what files you have in your working directory.
  6. You probably have to load that library: cd /usr/local/snomONE wget http://www.snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/mini/libstdc++.so.6.0.13 mv libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib rm /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 ln -s libstdc++.so.6.0.13 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
  7. Not sure if a forum discussion will lead to a solution. We probably have to write some scripts that generate the right provisioning data. Support tickets are credited against future sales .
  8. I think that should do the trick. In 5.0.7 and on we have replaced the mechanism with something else that works even better.
  9. #18 addresses the problem that earlier version of the device were shipped with an older version of the library. Yes, you should be able to just copy and paste those commands.
  10. Instead of "PolycomSoundPointIP" you can just put "Polycom" there. We have changed that in later versions anyway.
  11. Also did you see the latest addition, the CDR JSON PHP code (http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=JSON_CDR). It is a copy/paste CDR tool that puts all your CDR into a database.
  12. Hmm. Do you know the MAC addresses of the devices? Then you could just use the XML-RPC mechanism to point the phones to the PBX. Or you write a script that put the configuration files for each phone into the tftp folder. In 5.0.8 we have added those snom300.htm files, because some snom firmware versions give up if they cannot download that file.
  13. Yealink also supports LDAP. We have not tested it yet, but in theory that should work.
  14. Yes, that was not just a bug there were some bigger problems associated with it--especially if you have tens of thousands of recordings (you don't want to display them all, every time). Looks like the new version will properly fix that. We are testing now.
  15. Actually, in 5.0.8 you should also be able to select Text mode, which is CSV.
  16. Looks like the PBX has problems identifying the trunk. Do you have multiple trunks to Vitelity? What does the log say when the call comes in? It should say something like "identified trunk so-and-so" . Did you specify the inbound addresses? When you set the trunk up there might be still a as a placeholder for the real IP address where the call will come from (or just leave that empty, but not with
  17. Good point and it is relatively easy. We'll add that.
  18. You need to set something in the "send call to extension" field in the trunk or assign the DID to one of the extensions. More info on http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Inbound_Calls#How_the_System_Routes_a_Call_to_the_Proper_Extension
  19. There is generally a problems with the DFKS feature on the snom phones. Another problem is when you set a redirection or DND and start using click to dial, the phone keeps the state local and rejects the call. We opened a ticket with snom to fix that. Other vendors seem to be okay.
  20. Still on the to-do list. Not even sure if this will make it into 5.0.9... But it is not forgotten. We also have to see this in the scope of between-PBX trunks which also needs an overhaul.
  21. First of all, you should be able to get the email summary for every ACD at midnight. That contains the agent activity and even the CDR if you want. That should be already pretty detailed, though delayed by nature. If you want to go one step further, you can have the PBX put the CDR into a database (though you need to ask your hosting company to enable the CDR sending for you). We have just added JSON CDR that makes that relatively easy (http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=JSON_CDR).
  22. First of all, you should be able to get the email summary for every ACD at midnight. That contains the agent activity and even the CDR if you want. That should be already pretty detailed, though delayed by nature. If you want to go one step further, you can have the PBX put the CDR into a database (though you need to ask your hosting company to enable the CDR sending for you). We have just added JSON CDR that makes that relatively easy (http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=JSON_CDR).
  23. This topic is a little bit off the mainstream topics, however I feel that it has some practical relevance for most of the customers who need to run the PBX on their premises. For example, Foxconn offers a bare-bone PC (http://www.foxconnchannel.com/ProductDetail.aspx?T=NanoPC&U=en-us0000020#) with a dual-core Celeron. Also, Intel seems to have interesting devices (http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/motherboards/desktop-motherboards/desktop-kit-dccp847dye.html) based on Celeron. There are other companies like Impactics (http://www.impactics.com/produkte/d1nu-series/) or Fanlesstech http://www.fanlesstech.com/2013/04/shuttle-ds47-first-pictures.html?m=1 that offer embedded PC as well. I know this topic is far from complete; if you have more please feel to add other links (please no advertisements, though).
  24. We are using a new compiler since a few weeks for making the builds. It seems that this has the side effect that Windows XP does not work any more. Also, Microsoft will support XP only for one more year; so maybe it is really time to move to the next version...
  25. Don't use the backup from the web page. Really better use the file system backup; it contains the complete backup; the web interface leaves some directories out, e.g. the tftp directory or the generated directory.
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