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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. If you want to answer the challenge from the firewall AND from the provider you obviously need two username/passwords. Right now, the PBX has only one. The multiple proxy authentication was specified in the RFC from day one; however I believe that only very few SIP implementations are able to deal with several username and passwords. Also, considering that many SIP registrations use TLS anyway, I don't see the security gain with this exercise.
  2. Man kann immerhin die Ansagen vorher aufnehmen (live-Playback oder Recorded-Playback). Der Gong am Anfang ist als WAV-Datei in der audio_moh-Datei angelegt. Mehrfaches Abspielen? Interessante Idee. Derzeit muss man dazu mehrfach ansagen .
  3. BLF is a topic where SIP gets tricky. The only "standard" is dialog-state. However, with signalling that a call is on hold the standard already gets to its edge. The next thing is that customers want something else very simple: They want to be able to pick the call up. Anyway, because of this we proposed the "buttons" format. So far I think only snom implemented that.
  4. The PBX registers with Lync. Is that registration still alive? You should be able to see that on the Lync side. Maybe there is a problem with the keep-alive of the connection.
  5. Bei snom ONE plus gab es die Idee, Software Updates ausserhalb von der PBX zu machen. Das ist allerdings nicht weiter gepflegt worden und so ist diese Möglichkeit irgendwo bei Verision 4 stehen geblieben. Software Update für die PBX wird einfach über das PBX-Webinterface gemacht--und zwar unabhängig vom Betriebsystem oder Platform. Ich würde vorher mich nochmal einloggen und sicherstellen dass die PBX unter dem Namen pbxctrl läuft, einige Modelle wurden mit snomONEctrl ausgeliefert was zu Problemen mit dem Update führt. Generell gilt dass mit dem Wechsel zu Vodia und zu Version 5 Upgrades kostenpflichtig sind. Es gibt ein speziellen Discount für snom ONE blue/yellow Lizenzen; das Thema sollte man aber unbedingt vor einem Upgrade geklärt haben. Dazu gibt es einige Infos unter http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Release_5.0. Ausserdem hier nochmal der Tip, vor jedem Update unbedingt ein Backup des PBX-Dir zu machen (/usr/local/snomONE).
  6. The PBX does by default look at the Request-URI (203 above). If you want to use the To-header, you have to use the "t" pattern extension in the extended regular expression for inbound calls (see http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Inbound_Calls). I guess that's the problem here.
  7. I assume that this text above is part of the XML, not the whole XML. Yes then it should be working after a restart of the PBX process. The login password is empty then.
  8. Tja, das wird nur über ein Upgrade auf V5 laufen. Fax2Email is kein V4 Feature.
  9. Wenn alle Telefone im LAN sind, würde ich dafür auf jeden Fall ein Paging-Account (Durchsage) verwenden. Jedes Telefon einzeln anrufen ist ein ziemlicher CPU-Aufwand, da besteht die Gefahr dass die PBX dann in die Knie geht.
  10. Well in the meantime we have worked on the UCClient, which is Windows/PC based. Also, with the PVA, we can offer a lot of advanced features already over the standard voice connection to the phone. Looking at the connection prices these days that is also a very viable option which avoids the hassle of installing an app and fighting with the carriers about using the data connection. I personally installed a SIP soft client on Android, but it was disappointing. The Wifi connection was on/off, and the battery was empty in a jiffy. I don't thing we would be able to solve those fundamental problems. For those who do want to go the App route, there is a lot of choices in the smart phone area. On the smart phone most users just need basic call, which is usually no problem with SIP.
  11. The terms of use are in the license agreement. When you install the software, you accepted the license agreement and that clearly said evaluation software. In my plain words, we break for nobody and nothing. For example if you loose a million dollars because the system called the wrong number, the manufacturers liability is limited to what you paid for: Zero. If you say that is unfair, check out other terms for free services, for example the social network of your choice. I cannot speak for the distributors. Apart from legal details, we don't take anything away from you. If you are running 4.5.0 with a snom ONE free, enjoy. However that does not mean that we have to provide you with upgrades, support, services or anything else. We want to provide you with the best PBX software in the world. However the best programmers and what else you need to achieve that in this world don't work for free. We also have to pay for servers, development software and when we go out for lunch, we don't sit on the free table. That's why we need to talk about money, license cost, upgrades and so on. Not everybody in this market offers free licenses for five extensions, please also keep that in mind.
  12. That's easy--just change the 4 into a 3 on the links.
  13. Maybe this is because then number does not 100 % match what is coming from the service provider/gateway. Usually it helps to enter the country code in the domain, so that the PBX can put the numbers into a global format (+something).
  14. The only thing that comes to my mind is looking at the SIP trace. Are the PUBLISH/SERVICE messages exchanged properly with Lync? Does the PBX receive 200 OK on the messages?
  15. Yes you must have caught the version that had that bug... We uploaded a new version already, please just overwrite the 5.0.4. It was introduced with the new admins, there was a bug in the JavaScript.
  16. The number of extensions is actually not so much the point. The system can maintain lets say 40 extensions. The number of concurrent calls is the point here. For example, if you are doing transcoding with CPU-intense codecs and record everything, using SRTP you have a different load than just passing G.711 through. We tested with pessimistic scenarios and recommend to keep the call load below ten concurrent calls. In optimistic scenarios we got 30 concurrent calls working. The other point that you have to keep in mind is failure. As with any hardware, the device can fail (though we believe that the overall system design with no moving parts should help to reduce that). You have to do the calculation how much it costs if the device breaks and you have to wait for a replacement. In that case you might want to purchase actually two devices or somehow make sure that you get a quick replacement. Especially with large installations that cost can get high--40 people depending on a phone system is twice as expensive as 20 people depending on a phone system.
  17. To be fair, you also have to tell your clients that they are running free evaluation software.
  18. This license is not available any more. If you want to evaluate the software, you'll have to do this with 5 extensions now.
  19. Well regarding ## there were some changes in version 5. This feature was only sporadically supported in 4.
  20. The installers were on the snom web page, and there they have been removed. New installations should use version 5. I don't see why that should be a problem. AFAIK we did not drop a single feature in version 5.
  21. That book is outdated. It might be a good starting point to understand the basic structure. The wiki contains the latest information. As for ActiveSync, that feature might be so brand new that the documentation is lagging behind.
  22. Hmm. Sure? I guess you are on 5.0.4? Are you using the twinning feature, not the redirection feature? In the ACD, you should put in the extension number and then in the extension redirection settings, click on "When calling the extension in an agent group".
  23. I believe we did not test against Z-Push. But "in theory" it should work...
  24. The mini comes with two third-party licenses as far as I know.
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