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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. We released version 5.0.4 today. The release notes can be found as usual on http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Release_5.0. As usual, we recommend making a backup before upgrading in case there is any surprise happening during the upgrade.
  2. If the PBX has the extension associated with the cell phone, it should be actually quite simple. Call into the PBX (the private virtual assistant will offer you the special menu), then go to the auto attendant and then then dial the service flag number. If you need to dial a star code, you can call into your mailbox (PIN code), then in the main menu you can dial star codes. For example *80 can be used to set redirection for auto attendants, hunt groups and other account types (http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Call_Forwarding#Set_Night_Mode_for_Domain_Accounts_.28.2A80.29). This does not use service flags, but is also useful in cases you are out of the office, for example on snow days.
  3. In theory, you can use any version 5 feature on the mini. That includes the free bundle. For things like automatic recording and adding lets say 100 concurrent calls you have to be careful because the hardware has obviously its limits. For the bundles with max 20 extensions customers can get a special discount; the MAC address is the discount code.
  4. Man kann auch snom ONE plus auf Version 5 upgraden. Es gibt da kaum Unterschiede zwischen den normalen Server-Lizenzen und snom ONE plus. snom ONE free löst das Problem nicht, zum einen weil das eh nur eine Evaluations-Lizenz ist die nicht kommerziell eingesetzt werden darf; zum anderen ist da kein Fax2Email enthalten. Man kann es zwar für 30 Tage testen, aber ebenfalls ist das nur eine Testlizenz.
  5. Ops. Got it. The fixed script will be available shortly.
  6. Right now we don't support Ubuntu... We had to draw a line somewhere. Not sure how close Ubuntu is to CentOS or Debian.
  7. Ehh yepp seems like you need to manually install unzip. NTP is not that critical, but obviously you need the audio files...
  8. Almost sounds like a bug, but AFAIK it is not limited (it does count as account, though).
  9. Are you sure that your account number contains dashes ("-")? Usually user account names have just numbers. And of of course you should double check your password.
  10. If you can edit the pbx.xml file, just clear the password hash, then restart the service.
  11. LoL we just put a server with whopping 128 MB RAM on public IP in New York. We recently changed that and went into a professional colocation with backup power & other stuff that reduces the risk of blackouts.
  12. Vodia PBX


    We have set up a special hosting license type for those who like to run snom ONE on behalf of their clients and some of them are already on version 5 (for those who read license agreements, this includes the permission to run the service hosted). This license type is metered (post-paid), and we now even have the infrastructure to perform automatic billing. For those who don't even want run snom ONE on their own premises, we are working on a cooperation with a fabric where customers can click to get their own service in the cloud and we even go one step further and offer domains for rent in a colocation. Anyway, if you are interested, send us a private mail.
  13. We added more netmask into 5.0.4, and also the /96 for IPv6.
  14. There is a background process which should do some "garbage collection" after eight hours. Does that one clean this up? This one writes a filed "expired-soandso" which contains additional information about the call, and that might help finding out why the call got stuck.
  15. 99 % no. A reasonable good router will pick a random port, so that there is no conflict. We have seen believe it or not routers who always assign the same port like the client; those devices obviously make VoIP behind NAT pretty random.
  16. We have to address this problem in another way. The key point is to indicate the caller (if the extension decides so) to inform that the extension is already in another call.
  17. There is some information on the Wiki: http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Outbound_Calls In addition to that you can use the header representation mechanisms e.g. to use one of the ANI numbers of the account that is calling out. http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Trunk_Custom_Headers has plenty of macros that you can use in the headers. Another "secret" of snom ONE is that you can also list several ANI in the extension setting. For example if you use "Trunk1:9781234567 2121234567" in the ANI setting of an extension, the PBX will use 9781234567 for calls that use Trunk1 and 2121234567 in all other cases. I wasn't able to find that on the Wiki .
  18. Another topic that we have on the to do list for centuries... Now that we have made some good progress with stuff like ActiveSync maybe this could be next! Because we don't have any SugarCRM inhouse it would be great if we can get some access for the integration.
  19. Das Feature ist seit 5.0.0 drin; ich würde sagen bei 5.0.3 geht es schon ganz gut. Wir werden aber in 5.0.4 noch einen weiteren Bug/Veresserung der Interoperabilität bringen. Fax ist ein bisschen wie SIP......... Ausprobieren geht einfach: Einfach die snom ONE free plus 30-Tage fax2email testen. Wenn's immer noch Probleme geben sollte, stellen wir auch gerne eine Testversion 5.0.4 zum Download bereit (immer Betriebssystem angeben bei solchen Sachen).
  20. Die NFR ist eine Premium 20; da ist kein Recording dabei. Ad-hoc recording (vom Benutzer initiiert) ist nicht automatic Recording. Ausprobieren geht dennoch leicht: Einfach mal die 30-Tage Testlizenz in den Warenkorb schieben.
  21. AFAIK this has been added and will be available with 5.0.4.
  22. Es gibt ein TSP, der auch unter Outlook funkt. Bei der Installation ruckelt es noch etwas, notfalls einfach C++ runtime libraries nachinstallieren. http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Snom_ONE_TSP
  23. Welche Lizenz wird denn verwendet? Vielleicht fehlt einfach die Automatic Recording Lizenz. Notfalls einfach mal "try me" ausprobieren.
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