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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Hmmm. So it does prepend the area code, but this is not correct. I guess this must be because the trunk just sends the national number without the 0 in front of it. The only thing that comes to my mind is not entering the area code into the domain settings, as it obviously causes more trouble than it helps. Any word from the provider how the number should be interpreted?
  2. Nope. You can use GSM format which is 13.2 kbit/s voice codec and which enjoys a wide device support. MP3 has in addition to its complexity the problem that it is a patent-minefield...
  3. 1) with the provisioning of the Vision we still have a problem. 3) You mean MWI on an specific extension? I don't that is possible with the Vision. The vision remains an interesting device; however automatic provisioning still remains a major problem and the overall concept makes it difficult to provide the same experience like with the buttons on the phones.
  4. Typo or not, I am not a big fan of the split-brain DNS setup because it is confusing. I would use one DNS entry for the internal address and another one for external. Ah, and please use PnP. Manual setup, including DNS outbound proxy, is usually just causing unnecessary headaches. The PnP automatically figures out what IP address to present.
  5. The country code 44 is fine (not +44 or 0044 or something else). Can you check the call history in the PBX web interface and see how the PBX shows the numbers. If the PBX "understands" the numbers right then we know where we have to search for the problem.
  6. In such cases, it is the easiest to log into the web interface of the phone and check the logs from the phone. There you can see what URI it tries. Then it is usually possible to see where the problem is.
  7. Looks like only 4.5 was infected.
  8. If you host is already running 64-bit Windows, all you need to do is to swap out the executable. If you have to upgrade the Windows 32-bit server to a 64-bit server, I would make a copy on a USB-stick; just in case that during the OS change the file contents does not survive. If you have to change the hardware, you'll need a new key. But we can also provide you with a 32-bit build. That might be the easiest way to resolve the problem at hand...
  9. Is there a chance that we can use your SIP trunk provider data and try out on a test system (private message with the account, outbound proxy, password etc)? You can change the password after this.
  10. Yea we also need to provide the upgrade images. That's not difficult because now we already have the 5 executable. We'll include this in the 5.0.3 release. The port problem is not a MAC-specific problem. E.g. when you have Skype running on your Windows PC, it also grabs port 5060. Also the image im.png was missing in all builds. Truly vendor-independent software! Thanks for the feedback.
  11. 44 is fine. Any clue from the CDR if the PBX recognizes the numbers right?
  12. The feature will be available in 5.0.3, which should be available shortly. If you are on version 4, yea then you need several mailboxes. Then you can use them with the same email address, so that you at least get them into the same email account.
  13. Hmm. That feature is not available yet. Probably we need something like 8123*3 which would mean 8: Call the mailbox directly, 123: that's the extension and *3: Use greeting #3.
  14. My first question is: Did you set the country code for your domain? The PBX uses that code to interpret the number. In the CDR (e.g. cdrt directory XML) you should see the number starting with a +, for example +447890123456. Then we can be sure that the PBX gets the numbers right.
  15. I would definitively make sure that the phones are able to send packets directly to the PBX ("public IP = routable IP"). It does not necessarily have to be public IP address, e.g. VPN are also a great solution. Today they would probably call it private cloud. Usually a DMZ is a way to do this; a simple port forward to a server behind NAT is very difficult to get working properly with SIP and especially RTP.
  16. The upgrade from version 4 to 5 can be done automatically from the snomone.com web site using the activation code from version 4. For version 3, we have to do this manually. Please send us an email and we'll take care about it.
  17. Well you do have to take such things serious. How does the SIP trace look like? Are there really "windows" where the PBX is not registered?
  18. for RTP sounds right to me... Typo?
  19. You still need it. Yes, it is an option to move it to an external USB stick.
  20. Seems like you are using still an old C++ library: You also need a new library version: root@pbx:/usr/local/snomONE # wget http://www.snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/mini/libstdc++.so.6.0.13 root@pbx:/usr/local/snomONE # mv libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib root@pbx:/usr/local/snomONE # rm /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 root@pbx:/usr/local/snomONE # ln -s libstdc++.so.6.0.13 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 After that it should work with the new build.
  21. For tracing UDP is fine; however in production I would definitively use TCP or TLS. There is no point fighting packet loss problems. If the phone receives a call, but does not ring it is definitively a problem with the phone. The 8.7.15 firmware has reportedly problems with buttons where the phones are just sitting there and don't change the LED state (e.g. for line seize). I would stay on 8.7.10. For 320 also some older version like 8.4.32 or 8.4.35 might be a better choice. I believe the 8.7 are only necessary for the 7xx series.
  22. Can you do a manual update (wget from SSH) to http://snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/mini/pbxctrl-mini- ?
  23. I would just use TLS... Firewalls are a pain in the neck when they are seeing SIP traffic and want to do everyone a favor by mangling the SDP content!
  24. There was a bug where disconnected phones could disconnect a call. What OS are you on?
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