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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Well the snom ONE mini is actually cheaper than the yellow and it does include the server hardware. So I think it is kind of logical that it cannot include the yellow license. Still a great bargain if you ask my opinion. I don't think that snom tries to hide that information; it is just not well documented. Maybe you can write an email to the snom marketing so that they can clarify that in the product communication.
  2. Seems like you joined the forum already four years ago, so you still know the pbxnsip pricing structure which was actually similar to what we have now again. We had discussions on the forum about the changes already. If it difficult to make only friends when changing things. But those changes where necessary to get the snom ONE ready for a market that will change (with out without us) in the next years. I am convinced that the sales will go up, not only for us but also for the people who are working with snom ONE (I'll vote for that ).
  3. Yepp, without that CED file the other FAX machine might just continue beeping. Please find it attached. It seems we also need to check the download pages! bi_ced.wav
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Seems like the phone now wants the language selection in the "local" language (not English). I think this will be very useful for our Japanese and Chinese customers , but it will be difficult for us to tell them apart... Generally in the PBX, we try to keep everything on UTF-8. The browser should do right (at least in theory); maybe you don't need an external editor.
  5. Ouch looks like a ugly bug on the phone. However for snom ONE it does not matter, as snom ONE is waiting the phone to fetch snom710.htm (without the MAC address).
  6. Hmm. Do you have multiple trunks? Maybe the PBX is looking at the wrong trunk. Make sure that you have the outbound proxy set and also check out the "explicit IP address" for the inbound matching. I believe the template has a there, which is not very helpful. Also, is this a snom ONE mini? Some version have problems with the committing stuff t the file system.
  7. Your other post about using several trunks opens another interesting possibility, to use an additional trunk to facilitate the changed header set. It would require a prefix when the user dials a number and not change the users preference; but IMHO in many cases also a workable solution.
  8. Make sure that the extra trunks are outbound only. This will avoid confusion on inbound calls. Apart from that, great idea!
  9. Since version 4.5, we have the flexible headers now. This is a good step into the right direction. But you are touching a topic that is not well covered yet. We might have to add a header set for anonymous calls and another one for non-anonymous calls. The concept of putting everything into one header set makes it very difficult; at least I am not able to give you a good answer.
  10. This comes to my mind: - use several extensions on the same phone and switch between them - use shared lines (essentially that requires using snom phones) - use a special dial plan prefix to force the call to go out on a specific trunk
  11. My first though is that this phone got blacklisted. Especially when you have a lot of button subscriptions, the PBX receives a lot of requests that are not authorized, and then it blocks traffic from the address. Check out the access page in the admin mode. You can white-list the phone there; then this will not be your problem any more. Alternatively if this is a snom phone, consider using the buttons profile.
  12. Changed are a little bit more difficult on the PBX than on regular web pages. Maybe we should use the opportunity that we have a new web page snomone.com to get used to the mechanisms and then "port" them over into the PBX. HTML5 is definitively the next big thing also for the PBX.
  13. Please send an email to wiki at snomone. The Wiki is a moving target...
  14. There is the possibility to upload a CSV file; that one may "nuke" the accounts (which is what you probably don't want) or to just update the settings that you include. http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Using_CSV_Files has some more information.
  15. Do you get the email when you leave a voice message? (is the email working in general)?
  16. Hi Moishe, while I am convinced the changes were necessary and right, I agree there was too little time for communication and we are still in the middle of it.
  17. Office 365 is actually a problem. We need to change something on the PBX side to be able to support 365 (TLS-DSK support). We are actually using Office 365 ourselves, so now we have a real motivation to get this done. But at least we have another hosted Lync provider for reference: http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=How_to_use_lynchosted.com. This can also be a good guide for companies who "host" Lync on their own.
  18. If you strictly want to differentiate between physical registration layer and user, then you are right. However to defend this, the user can also receive phone calls without physical registration (e.g. cell phone twinning) and in most practical cases, also has at least one phone registered in the office or at home.
  19. Okay, very good. Now can you change the logging on teh PBX to include REGISTER messages (http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=How_to_Take_SIP_log_file.) Then we can see what messages the PBX has to deal with. I assume that you still have the domain name "localhost" included somewhere?
  20. Okay, I think you are getting very close now. Check if you have the outbound proxy set on the trunk and also the explicitly specify IP addresses (could be still from the template). Then just send the call to a known extension in the trunk. Once that is done, you can drill deeper, see http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Inbound_Calls.
  21. Okay, other things to check: Maybe there is another program running on port 5060. In Linux, you can check that this way: netstat -a -p -n|grep 5060 You should see pbxctrl there. The dial plan comes into play when you want to place an outbound call. Registering the phone is not related to that. After registration, call the mailbox with *97, if you hear the PBX IVR, we are getting into good shape. Next step would then be the trunk setup and the dial plan. Dial plans in snom ONE are not difficult.
  22. Did you change any of the templates or do you have content in the html directory? That would be my first guess. Otherwise give us remote access (private message), and we'll take a look around.
  23. Interesting case! At first glance I would say the TCP could be a problem. It would be great if you could give us remote access to the snom ONE free, so that we can try out what works (private message).
  24. You don't need to restart the service after activating the product. Depending on your OS, you need to talk to the personal firewall and tell it to let the traffic through. That is probably the problem here.
  25. Please set up an account on http://snomone.com. Then you can put a snom ONE free bundle into the cart and check out. It is free (as the name suggest), and you'll get a activation code that you can copy & paste into the license interface.
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