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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Looks like there is a bug on the callcentric web site! If they have 256 addresses, then the subnet is /24--which would elegantly solve the problem.
  2. The thing is... We don't have a /22 or /23 mask. Is there such a thing as a /22 and /23 mask?! It is not a big deal adding that, but we need to build a new version for that.
  3. If you are running the PBX service on a public IP address, you get all kinds of crap. Especially in the past month there was a dramatic increase of attacks on SIP service. That is why it is so important to have a mechanism that automatically blocks this kind of traffic. What is important as well is that you have a password policy on the PBX and that you watch these warning signs on accounts. When users choose trivial passwords like account 40 password 40, your system is risk! Also, make sure that all your trunks have the outbound proxy set, so that the PBX does not assume that such unidentified inbound traffic comes from a trunk.
  4. That should be fixed and uploaded already. The version number was wrong ( instead of 5.0.0) and if ntpd was not installed, it now fetches the right package (ntp).
  5. We are looking into that. Thanks for the hint.
  6. The snom ONE plus is for us a hardware like pretty much any other server hardware. That means when it comes to software, you can keep (and should) the operating system as it is. No need to rock the boat! We will not sell the snom ONE plus as closed system any more; if the owner wants to log into the system I don't see a reason why he should not be allowed to do so. For new snom ONE plus boxes we suggest to use Windows simply because it is easier to maintain for most people and also because NBE was originally designed for Windows. If customers prefer Linux and know how to run a Linux system, we can also do this on Linux. Regarding the upgrade topic, this is independent from the snom ONE plus hardware. It would not be 2K because the upgrade is discounted heavily anyway; at the end of the day you have yourself (or the customer) if they can live without the fax2email and the Lync feature for some time. The answer might be that is okay for now, no need to rush an update.
  7. We don't force anyone to upgrade. Actually I believe that many are quite happy with version 4 and don't see a reason to upgrade. We have introduced a lot of features inside version 4 without changing the pricing or charging for upgrades. It is quite normal to charge for major upgrades, I don't recall any software where you can get continuous upgrades over years free of charge. If there are bugs in version 4, I would prefer to do minimal changes in the version instead of forcing people to upgrade. Never change a running system if you can. I agree the tempo of the upgrade was too high. I wish we had half a year for this, but it was simply not an option.
  8. You don't have to pay for the vouchers. We expect that the vouchers are used to upgrade the existing snom ONE blue or yellow installation. This is like a promotion code that you get everywhere these days. They even build companies around it, like Groupon .
  9. We want to simplify the process for those who already have an activation code. For those who got a "manual" license, we'll have to process that manually and send vouchers by email then. Just send an email to sales at snom ONE with some clue where the license comes from. The voucher can be used only one time. Maybe we should call it ticket instead... Please keep in mind that while the upgrade is heavily discounted, it is not free of charge. This is like upgrading lets say Adobe Acrobat from X to XI.
  10. On http://snomone.com, click on "bundles". You can pick the bundle that you like. When checking out, use the activation code for your snom ONE yellow/blue license as voucher.
  11. Did you read http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Release_5.0? It says "After upgrading to version 5 you need a new license key. You can get a license key from http://snomone.com. Your server needs to have access to the internet during the installation phase and it needs to be able to resolve DNS addresses." and "Before upgrading make a backup of the working directory. If anything goes wrong with the upgrade, you can restore the file system and resume operations from that backup. We suggest that you prepare for an upgrade, so that the impact on your users are minimized. You can perform the upgrade while the system is running, then schedule a reboot at midnight. The system will then perform an upgrade only if there is no call active; otherwise it will wait. See Configuration Schedule for more information."
  12. Well, there are a couple of warning signs on http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Release_5.0... I would suggest to back up for now and use the 4.5 until the license topic is settled. We are working on a upgrade plan. P.S. Blue for your house?! How big is your house!
  13. Version 5.0.0 will not be the last version. We are happy that we at least got the fax2email working, and that will include the MacOS (the build should be there in a couple of days). I think it is okay to look at the low hanging fruit first and then walk you way up. Fax2email was something that was relatively low for us now and so it was done. IMHO that is a important step forward for so many offices, it solves something like 40-80 % of the problems have in the FAX area already. Customers that need more can still use external FAX server software; and from what we saw that software can cost more than the whole PBX. We don't have problem discussing what should be next; useful input is always welcome. Especially from those who have to get in front of customers and sell snom ONE.
  14. Oh the file was probably too big for even downloading it. If you can get file system access, just use tar to grab the file system content (tar cvfz backup.tgz snomONE) and restore it on the target machine. After all, even the SoHo is just a Linux machine. Just make sure that re make a copy of the pbxctrl executable on the target machine, so that you don't overwrite it with the wrong architecture.
  15. Ad-hoc Recording is when you turn recording on from the user when in a call. For example, with the record button on the phone. Automatic recording is initiated by the system; the user has the option to turn it off in a call. That's a typical call center feature. Yes. Yes. We are talking about the possibility to upload a rate table into the trunk, so that the system can calculate how much a phone call cost on that trunk. This makes it possible to deduct the amount from the extension or from the domain. This makes prepaid applications possible, but also allows large organizations to distribute the telephone costs on their users/departments.
  16. From the PBX software perspective, for us there is no difference between SoHo and mini.
  17. Hot desking means that you can receive the calls from one extension on another extension. This is similar to redirecting all calls on busy to another extension. I don't see how that would affect the counting of a license.
  18. In this case you really should use the outbound proxy. There is no point accepting traffic from anywhere from the Internet. If you put just the IP address, it will not perform any DNS query. If the registration is still not stable, it was not the DNS. Then we have to search for problems with the Internet connection (then it will be time for PCAP).
  19. You should get a confirmation email also for transactions without payments.
  20. Yea... You get an email if you order something that is not free... Anyway we also need to send a 2nd email (or 1st in the free case) with the cart in it. Try ordering something that cost money!
  21. Ops, yes we found that one already, but the new script in the wrong location! Should be fixed now.
  22. First of all, SoHo or mini? If you are using the SoHo, be careful as the SoHo has no factory reset and if you screw up the network config, you have a dead brick. How big is your file? You might have to temporarily change the upload file limit (admin settings) so that the PBX takes it.
  23. At first glance I would say, why is there no outbound proxy? If you don't use a outbound proxy, the PBX will accept inbound traffic from any location in the internet, including the friendly scanner. There should actually a be warning popping up if you try to save a trunk and don't have the outbound proxy set. Then the next point is that SIP uses a lot of DNS queries. Probably the DNS is not fast enough, and then the registration times out. You can reduce the problem by setting the outbound proxy to sip:inbound28.vitelity.net:5060, which means that it only performs DNS A and DNS AAAA queries (not our idea, that's the SIP standard). Or you forget about DNS completely and use sip: Then there will be no DNS query at all.
  24. It is a messy topic. I don't think it is very convenient to log into the web interface to send something out. And rendering PDF or XPS in the PBX is the last thing what we want to do in a PBX. We need to talk about printer drivers here. But that is not something that you develop overnight. Yepp. That's easier, did not make it into 5.0 yet but will appear in 5.1 for sure.
  25. Looks like you found the first bug... There is actually a button on the top left, but it seems that the buttons for each line got lost somewhere on the way (probably because of the new web interface).
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