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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Yes there were changes in the transfer area. The big question is who disconnects the call after a blind transfer. I guess we need to re-visit the topic with the Polycoms.
  2. We'll do upgrades for snom ONE mini or SoHo customers who paid for the device. But because now a separate company, snom ONE does not get any cross-subsidies for selling snom phones, and consequently free upgrades from free V4 to V5 "ten" is not possible.
  3. For that you need to use an agent group. There message 0 is always played completely before agents are called.
  4. Why don't you just use a pattern in the dial plan? The Trunk that you use should be depending on the destination. 200: Pattern: 0049* Trunk-Germany 210: Pattern: 0044* Trunk-UK 300: Pattern: * Trunk-Sweeden Also, you should check if your domain has the country code set, so that the pattern presented to the dial plan is always in the 00-format for international calls.
  5. Well you can use wildcards for the system, no problem there. For example *.myhostedpbx.com But not for a domain.
  6. I think the problem is that the key header is "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" while the PBX would expect "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY". Also if this is a domain key pair, the subject must be exactly the domain name. Wildcards don't work.
  7. We have made an installer for MacOS, available under snomone-5.0.2-installer. Please give it a try and feedback if it works.
  8. For example, we also had to purchase a license to upgrade the Apple Mac mini to snow leopard, and we have to pay for Adobe software upgrades. snom ONE also needs to make some money, even if the scale is for sure much smaller than the companies mentioned before. We offer upgrades to version 5 at 50 % discount if the previous version was a paid version. Offering 50 % discount from free versions is unfortunately not feasible as it would obviously open a simple path to save 50 % on any version 5 purchase. If you have an idea how we can verify that the upgrade from free to V5 comes from a SoHo/mini, we are definitively open for that.
  9. Im Admin-Mode auf Status/Protokoll dann SIP Nachrichten Loggen, und da "Nachrichten von Gesprächen anzeigen" einschalten.
  10. Da kann man nicht viel sehen... Interessant wäre es die SIP Pakete auf der PBX im Log zu sehen.
  11. Ich würde mir mal die Pakete ansehen (SIP Logging) die die PBX empfängt und die sie rausschickt. Beim Empfang ist wichtig dass sie überhaupt ankommen. Beim Rausschicken ist wichtig dass die IP-Adressen die da drin stehen von aussen auch tatsächlich erreicht werden können.
  12. Looks like you are now the guru for IBM sametime when it comes to snom ONE!
  13. Ahhm, how can you feel ripped off with something that you got for free? Nobody takes it away BTW, you can continue to use the license.
  14. I guess that is the problem here. Did you specify the outbound proxy for the trunk? And if yes, is the DNS resolvable? Keep in mind that SIP looks up all kinds of NAPTR, SRV, AAAA and A records. Also, I see you are still on 4.2 which is at least two years old. You should definitively upgrade to 5 or at least 4.5, because the trunk settings have changed over the years.
  15. You can check what old PBX executables you have with "ls -al", they are around 10 MB each. You can remove those that you don't need with rm (see http://linux.die.net/man/1/rm). The only one that you need is pbxctrl.
  16. Yepp. It is not too complicated and it saves the PBX the time to escape and un-escape all those forbidden XML characters.
  17. Yes the internet side is indeed the complicated part. Luckily many service providers today support registrations from behind NAT, so that you dot have to worry about that too much. It gets tricky when you want to register extensions from the public Internet and your PBX is still behind NAT. There is a good page on the wiki about that, see http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Server_Behind_NAT. It also includes a diagram .
  18. Yes. The ten extension model was fine under the premise that at least eight of them were snom and the snom phone revenue would cover the cost for the PBX. Under the new license scheme, it does not matter any more what phone type you are actually using (snom still preferred ) so if you want you can see that as a upgrade from 2 to 5 or you can also see it as a downgrade from 10 to 5. Anyway, there are more choices now, so that you can also get a license for ten extensions which still does not break the bank. As a goodie, it includes fax2email, a feature that in some products already cost more than the whole ten license.
  19. In that version the mute problem is definitively fixed. Maybe you can pay attention how many seconds it takes before the call gets disconnected. Also, you can set the flag in the admin part of the PBX to send out an email with the SIP trace in the attachment, so that you get a better idea what is going on without the need to go to PCAP.
  20. What version are you on? I remember there was an issue when the Polycom muted the call. Then the regular RTP traffic is suspended and the PBX receives only SID packets. I believe that was fixed years ago, thus my question what version you are running.
  21. Bitte entweder SIP IP Ersetzung oder IP Routing benutzen... Nicht beides gleichzeitig. Davon abgesehen dürfte es wirklich schwierig/instabil werden wenn der Service Provider die IP wechselt. Die Telekom führt ja in der Regel alles 24 Stunden eine Zwangstrennung durch, wonach es eine neue IP gibt. Das Ganze funktioniert nur mit einer festen IP Addresse. Alternativ einfach eine IPv6-Adresse verwenden!
  22. Hmm. 4.5 sollte das Problem eigentlich lösen; ja es könnte beim Upgrade Probleme mit dem Trunk geben, die aber lösbar sind. Alternativ würde ich einfach mal eine Version 5 auf einem anderen Server installieren und die 710-relevanten Files ins html-Directory von 4.2 kopieren und das pnp.xml dort entsprechend anpassen.
  23. Looks like you should just get an account and set up a registration trunk. My guess is that it is possible to get this working.
  24. The link should contain a dot at the end... http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=From_Header_in_Groups
  25. No I don't think so. It should be enough to put everything into one partition. Only if you plan to do massive recordings it makes sense to think about different partitions where you might want to do the recording. 150 GB are good for more than 2.5 years of recorded calls (at 13.2 kbit/s). I hope I did not make a mistake here!
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