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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. It all depends on the trunk. If you are using a trunk from the dropdown list it should all be set up properly for you. Otherwise you can do it yourself, see https://doc.vodia.com/docs/trunk-custom-headers and https://doc.vodia.com/docs/trunk-ani. If you have a trunk that is not on the list, you are welcome to share the trunk settings, and we could add them to the drop down so that the next customer does not have to figure this out again.
  2. Also, for media related problems it help to enable PCAP traces and then look at the packet log (see https://doc.vodia.com/docs/pcap).
  3. Good point. It is actually a global file, similar to the area codes and the phone dial plans. We might be able to have that per tenant in version 69, but in 68 it will be difficult to make it accessible per tenant.
  4. The API is between the front end and the back end—this is not following any standards except REST and JSON. It is still not clear what the goal is here? Do you want to write a FAX server?
  5. That was on the list for some time... Maybe the next version will include it!
  6. We are thinking about fixing this in the 68 branch with a special global setting that would would start "automatic" recording instead of manual recording.
  7. The PBX will not directly interact with Dropbox. You would have to install Dropbox on your server and configure it to replicate the recordings directory. As far as I know Dropbox would keep the file, even if the system eventually deletes it because of the version history. As for the WAV file, I would just not announce it from the system and instead use the prompt 0 (which will always be played). Then you can configure this per queue. We are looking into the app what is going on with starting and stopping or recording. What is supposed to work is to pause automatic recording (e.g. for taking credit card information) and starting of manual recording. Also there are recording solutions available that work with Vodia, maybe you want to take a look at Veriva Systems or CallCabinet.
  8. From the PBX point of view, the recordings are just written to the file system. What might be a little special about it is that the file is written in chunks as the call goes on; but dropbox should be able to deal with it. You can of overwrite the prompt. What you can do is use e.g. the auto attendant to generate a custom announcement and then locate the file in the audio_xx folder and copy it over the recording WAV file. Or you just record it with your own voice...
  9. Recordings already have a retention period. It is currently a tenant setting—might be worth thinking about making it an extension settings as well.
  10. That sounds like another problem with building the app? We just found that there was also a problem with FAX because that file somehow did not find its way into the app.
  11. That sounds like a problem with the SIP trunk. There is a setting for the SIP trunk if it should generate the ringtone locally or receive it from the provider. Maybe you can try if that makes a difference.
  12. Both should be working now. push-eu is a little bit faster if you are located in Europe (and it keeps the data in the EU if that is of importance for you).
  13. We experimented with that already some time ago. It all comes down to a URL, and then when the user clicks on it it takes her to the jitsi server. IMHO that is not a huge productivity tool, but if makes the clients happy, maybe we should just add a setting where the operators can put the base URL for their jitsi server and the apps offer the links.
  14. IMHO those phones are not mainstream and the client will probably understand that they will be hard to maintain in the long run. There are a lot of phones available today, and they might feel "upgraded" with new phones. Who does not like an upgrade!
  15. We'll probably have to kill the idea of manual and automatic recording and just do recording, no matter how it was started. Hopefully that does not create any backwards compatibility issues.
  16. Well if the user is null and the address is okay that could point to permission problems. Is this a limited extension type, or did someone disable the app from the groups permission? Sometimes there are also problems when you open multiple tabs in the browser that change the user in the session, so please make sure that you are using the right extension in one tab. If other extensions in the same tenant are working fine, this would hint at permission problems with that extension.
  17. So far we are not aware they were used with the PBX. If they talk "normal" SIP, it should be possible to get them working. I see they do have buttons. Settings them up could be a little but of work, but if it is just 10 phones it might be worth the work.
  18. I guess you mean https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/direct-routing-whats-new which seems to be more specific. We did not use the sip-all address (use sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com instead). So this should be no problem. And the Vodia PBX does not hardcode such addresses anyway, they are a part of the trunk setup. On a side note, the next version will also support subnet ranges, so that the inbound addresses don't have to be listed with each address. On a side note, the LetsEncrypt Root CA is now in the list of supported Root CA. This is excellent news because now there is no more need to pay for a certificate just to get the Microsoft SBC accept the connection.
  19. Well, it should of course also work in the app. I guess we need to look into this, maybe there is a file not being included or a path different (file:// vs. https://).
  20. Everything that can be done from the web interface has an API. However I would keep expectations low, the PBX is not a FAX server. If you intend to automatically send FAX, I would use a FAX server of the API of the trunk provider. Some trunk providers offer a FAX API that can be used using standard HTTP requests and they even take are about converting documents.
  21. In the newer versions the schedules conference calls appear in the automatic recording web interface. In the older versions it was a little bit hard to find because it was essentially recording only the leg of the moderator and the recording would then appear in that modern mailbox (if I remember correctly).
  22. Moderators can lock topics. But that blocks further posts, so we have not done this much.
  23. First step — make a backup of the working directory of the PBX from the file system. Stop the service. Then edit the pbx.xml and change the value for ignore_wrong_domain to false. Start the service.
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