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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. We thought about that also. However, when you change a domain name or change one of the alias names than a hash would not work any more. Encrypting it with a hardcoded key only "obscures" the passwords (until someone gets the bit secret out of the code). Encrypting it using the private key of the PBX (used for TLS) would be a possibility. At least the sys admin login uses a hash for the password! And of course, file system access should be strict. This is not a public area.
  2. Well, you have to set up the the password on the Polycom phone (see http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Polycom). Did you do that?
  3. Oh there is probably an old PBX running still (don't reboot the box until the problem is solved!). You can find the process with netstat (e.g. netstat -anp|grep 5060). Kill it.
  4. You mean that cell phone forks should use a different dial plan that regular calls or other call redirections for that extension? What is the purpose? Caller-ID presentation?
  5. You see this screen only if you log in as a user. The domain or sys admin cannot set up conferences.
  6. Whow, we don't support that yet but it looks interesting. Do you have a pointer to the documentation?
  7. Vodia PBX

    SPA525 G

    Well if they keep their software it should work like to other models...
  8. We used WinSIP and had it run for a million calls. No problem.
  9. That is really hard to say. But lets assume 50 calls that you be 1000 calls for the whole box. Nice!
  10. The [2-9]11 is essentially for 911. Maybe you just write 911; maybe also include 411 if someone wants to dial it. This way you can take the 811 out. In the end, you need to test test test. IMHO life would be easier if they can move the 1xx extensions out of the way or just accept that they have to dial 9 for an outbound call (to "seize" a line, haha). If you have to tailor them their own dialplan that will mean some work. Or they get over the whole thing and press Dial after entering a number. Thanks to the several billion cell phones out there that is not such an crazy idea!
  11. We tested Cyberdata (see http://www.cyberdata.net/products/voip/voip-speaker.html). Works nicely. Available for example from http://www.abptech.com/products/cyberdata.
  12. Last resort is to use the PCAP feature on the phone to get a Wireshark trace of what the phone tries to send out.
  13. Ouch. The white edition does not have the features that you need to run version 3. Check the /etc/network/interfaces file. Make sure that there is no "eth2".
  14. Linksys says that is a feature! There was a discussion some time ago about this and at that time there was no option. The only way to stop it is to set the number of lines to "1" - however then call waiting also becomes impossible.
  15. Vodia PBX

    Enable 911

    Is that a SIP trunk provider? Any log from the PBX?
  16. When you press the address book button the phone always shows the first 9 entries. Then you have to "drill down" by entering another digit. For example, when you enter "5" then the PBX will search everything that starts with "JKL"; then when you enter another digit the PBX will drill further. For example "6" means that the pbx searches everthing staring with "JKL" then "MNO".
  17. Well we did some "official" testing with the Cbeyond service some time ago (that's how we got the Wiki page, whow almost two years ago). As far as I remember they are using a BroadSoft platform, which is good news. Also other carriers are using the same platform.
  18. The address book works only if the phone has been provisioned by the PnP mechanism. Also, if the password changes the phone must be provisoned again.
  19. Oh, maybe you can upgrade to I would suggest you make a backup first (log in to the system and tar the /pbx directory), so that if anything should go wrong you can always move back to that version.
  20. The Linksys has several features that are not available through plain SIP. Plus we are not the big experts in Linksys; but if you know what needs to be put in we will happily add it. Also check the 000000000000 directory. The PBX puts files there which are not associated with a specific MAC address.
  21. Hmm. We need to check that here.
  22. The star key usually has the function to clear the input; that is probably the problem here. I believe at the moment there is no way to get the AA to redirect a call when entering star. Workaround would be to use a IVR node.
  23. You mean 411? That is already possible. # is generally used as "enter" key.
  24. Well, in the default configuration it should wait a second then play "please enter the extension number". Maybe you turned the prompt off that says "please enter the extension number"?
  25. I would just reduce the volume of the noise. Having completely silent line is irritating as users believe the line is "dead". That was one of the findings when they introduced ISDN in Europe. People got confused when they did not hear anything (no kidding). That is probably why the name is "comfort noise"...
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