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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. The latest CDR (3.1) also include the filename of the recording ("rec").
  2. In 3.1, we included another setting file that you can edit manually in the html directory: snom_3xx_custom.xml. There you can set whatever setting you like. It is loaded last, so it will overwrite the provisioned settings. Check the snom_3xx.xml file in the generated directory, then you get the idea. I guess snom does not trust UDP very much. Every "idiot" in the network can send UDP packets, and having the phone reboot because a funny guy wants to boot all phones is not very productive work.
  3. Creating a username that is not possible will leave the account in limbo. Using a global name twice is just an example for this. Other examples include not enough licenses. For pure backup purposes that is fine. However when you want to create a template you must make sure that this template does not have telephone numbers in the account names.
  4. You can put the attached file into the html directory and edit it. This requires a restart of the system. dialplans.xml
  5. Sounds a little bit like an electrical shortcut? Not sure if you can physically share the same line for two purposes, but I am not the big FXO expert.
  6. I would also open TCP 5061 (TLS port). We have assembled a checklist at http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/One-way_Audio, anything from there? Maybe something "stupid" as a IP address conflict.
  7. Does the Request-URI (http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Request-URI) host name match exactly the domain name? Is "localhost" still in the game?
  8. Well this setting is not touched by the PnP mechanism. The meaning is that the phone does not accept traffic from any other source than the PBX (which makes sense). But you should be able to change this setting if you like. Check the generated directory, there you should not see this setting.
  9. That looks like what I would expect. Looking at your original post it becomes clear why she cannot dial 8121: There is no pattern for that. The point is that extensions must start with 2-7 for the Polycom dialplan. Otherwise the above dialplan is not usable. Is it an option to move the 1xx extensions to another location?
  10. It is in polycom_sip.xml. Search for "dialplan.digitmap", there you should see the dial plan that your phone has. You should see something like "[2-7]xx|8[2-7]xx|[2-9]11|1xxxxxxxxxx|011x.|*x.".
  11. BTW what phones are you using? Did you chech what dialplan the PBX sends to the phone in the generated directory?
  12. What firmware are you using on the phone? That sounds like a bug in the phone to me.
  13. Just updated http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Domain_S...ning_Parameters.
  14. Ops, ops ops. The problem could be reproduced... For those who would like to verify that problem is fixed, please manually update to http://pbxnsip.com/protect/pbxctrl-
  15. I just confirmed that the HTTP password for the phone is also set. Check your "generated" directory, there you should see that the password is also provisioned. The snom firmware is a little bit picky about this; maybe that's the problem.
  16. You can still choose the old modes. But none of them is really safe, that is why the default is now the challenging mode. The long-term goal is certificate based, but for that all phones must come with certificates - that will take years. And setting up a password is still easier than setting up the whole configuration.
  17. Well, as said before if you want to use the PnP dialplan on the phone you must use accounts and extensions starting with the digits 4-7. Starting with "1" means that the number will be a 11-digit telephone number in NANP area.
  18. Check the (updated) http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Snom. Probably the phone is not able to answer the HTTP challenge, maybe you can change the password policy for the provisioning or set up a password on the phone.
  19. It should delete old files after a few days. The exact duration is stored in the global setting called "log_keep", the default is three days.
  20. Well, I would assume that the choppy audio is related to the stress test. Maybe some of the calls did not disconnect properly and the bandwidth is gone with dangling calls. Wireshark would show what is going on.
  21. It could be the personal firewall on the server... Maybe some local firewall on the server kicking in and stopping the networking on the process. I don't believe and external firewall would do that.
  22. Not yet - still eating Christmas cookies...
  23. For the company making the phone software that should be possible. But I am not aware that the PBX can make that feature available.
  24. The question here is if this is a problem with the dial plan on the phone or a problem on the PBX. From what you write above, it sounds like a problem with the phone. What you can do is choose that the user has to press enter; alternatively the user must choose extension numbers that start with 4-7. This what most "good old" TDM PBX did as well. The alternative would have been that the user must enter "9" to get a dial tone, which requires one more key press and messes up the address book dialling. Therefore, for the PnP we chose "1" for "dial a NANP" number (10 digits). Using the enter key has also one big advantage compared to the "get dial tone" method: You can edit the key, especially the last digit. And you have no problem dialling international numbers.
  25. There is a settings called "send_recording" (see http://forum.pbxnsip.com/index.php?showtopic=1364). That should solve your issue.
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