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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. For those who like to test, there is a build available that might fix the mailbox problems. http://pbxnsip.com/protect/pbxctrl-
  2. You are right. There was really a stupid bug. Will be fixed in the next build.
  3. The easiest is if you create a html directory and put the attached file in there. Then you can do what you want with it! login.htm
  4. The "GNC SS5 Proxy" replies with 603 Declined. I assume that is because the authentication information is in the P-Asserted-Identity header. Try using "Remote Party/Privacy Indication" in the trunk "No indication"
  5. When you transfer a call, the phone shows the Caller-ID that are available for transfer.
  6. Yes, something went wrong. Until we find the 3110 build, there is a http://pbxnsip.com/download/pbxctrl-debian4.0- build.
  7. Static registrations do survive a restart. Obviously that is a necessity. TCP and TLS connection cannot survive a restart because the TCP connection breaks during a restart. For UDP it could be possible, and we had that in the beginning. However, it caused more problems that it helped. I think the reason was that the writing of the registration eats a lot of CPU, especially when the registration is kept alive.
  8. No those lists are internally pretty efficient. The web interface listing has limits, but if you don't have thousands of names in one field it should be okay.
  9. I think we need to understand what the setup is. Are you using buttons, Login/Logout type? Or ACD type?
  10. Whow. Any more insight? What operating system? Is the system clock okay?
  11. Also check http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Service_Flag.
  12. In the released version, the CO line (if seized) should automatically be released after one minute.
  13. That looks okay... Are you sure about the number, though (10 digits)?
  14. Check out http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Snom. Probably the problem is that you either need to provide a password for the phone to get the configuration data or turn the HTTP challenging off (thats in the Ports section of the admin settings, at the bottom).
  15. Don't use "block Caller-ID" to get this working... Maybe you just have to fill the "Trunk ANI" field in the trunk and select in "Remote Party/Privacy Indication" something like "No Indication". You might also select the right "Rewrite global numbers" for your service provider.
  16. That means that the PBX does try to send the call on the trunk 15144480382. The trunk sends a response code that the call got rejected by the carrier (you can see that by the Call-ID which ends with @pbx). Turn SIP logging on and then you'll see the exact response from the carrier. Maybe something simple as a wrong password or the carrier does not like 11-digit numbers.
  17. I just don't want to break the existing semantics of redirect all. But what we could do is have a new semantics that would use the hot seating number. This number must currently be a extension; but we could instead all any number there and if it is not an extension that the PBX would dial that number and charge the extension for that call.
  18. Whatever you do, if you want to become a service provider think about QoS. If you think that your customers can share VoIP with Email and WWW, you'll end up in a support nightmare and don't make any money. I believe that MGCP is the "royal" solution, but also having a physically seperate IP line (e.g. 2nd DSL) solves the problem. Maybe one day there will be carrier ethernet, then we will laugh about this.
  19. Well, IMHO the fact that extension redirection does not apply to hunt group calls is a great feature (if you want that your calls follow you on another extension, use hot desking). If all hunt group calls end up on my cell phone I would go gaga. I also believe that in most cases people will first think that adding their cell phones into the hunt group stages is a great idea, until they are sitting in a restaurant and getting hunt group support calls. But there might really be some cases where this really makes sense, then we can start doing the tricky job of getting that working.
  20. Maybe you have the chance to try this image: http://pbxnsip.com/protect/pbxctrl- Maybe it fixes that problem.
  21. Do you mean in the final stage? Or also on the hunt group stages?
  22. Someone with admin rights can do real damage. Think about giving someone root access to the machine. Giving someone only access to a domain reduces that risk, but not really. He can still screw things up badly. It must be noted if someone does that, this will cause civil and possibly even crime law consequences. It is like an employee driving a truck and if he destroys on purpose it he will face some serious legal consequences later. Plus maybe his next employer might give you a call and ask if you can recommend him. Backup, backup! At least you can limit the damage this way and move back to the last backup.
  23. I would turn on email tracking of the registration status (see http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Extension#Registrations). If they have an instable connection (or just a buggy router) then you or they will get emails about it.
  24. Does the cell phone call send a BYE message to the PBX? How long does it take until the call to the cell phone gets established? Does the mailbox kick in?
  25. Ops, seems the link was wrong... Should be okay now.
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