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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Well, how embarrassing the prefix was simply not there. It will be included in the next build.
  2. That is indeed weird. Is that a crash of the PBX process? Is that reproducible? If yes and depending on the OS, you could try to throw a core dump so that we can take a look at it. Or maybe you can give us your domain configuration, who knows maybe there is some magic value in it that causes the issue.
  3. Well you need to enable the "P" flag in the dial pan entry that should be prompting for the PIN. There is not much magic to it. But I doubt that it would really make your system more safe against fraud. If they figure out your passwords, they will also figure out the PIN codes. The passwords are stored encrypted in the file system, except in the "generated" folder if you leave the provisioning file writing enabled. The other weak point could be soft phones and how they store the passwords in their file systems. If that would be the security leak, PIN would help as the soft phones are not storing them.
  4. I would add some rates to the trunk and then make a couple of calls. Just put in some values to the various billing parameters and hit "test", then you will see how it works. About the trunk prefix, maybe you can open another message so that we can focus on on problem per forum topic.
  5. I guess you have seen http://vodia.com/documentation/billing? Do you already have a Freshbooks account? Which part is it that needs to be better explained?
  6. IE is a problematic browser, guess why Microsoft came out with a new one... The browser is supposed to load the translations before showing the page, which is a little tricky but most browsers do it right (as we want it). I just tried with IE 11.0.9600.18125 and it worked fine (Windows 8.1). Not sure what is on the edge and if the OS even makes a difference... Of course once we can reproduce the problem it is easier to fix it or even make a educated guess on how hard it is to fix it.
  7. I tried this here--worked as it should. What version are you on?
  8. Yes that was probably because of the SHA-2 certificate update that we had to do on vodia.com
  9. I assume that you are actually using that dial plan from an extension? Does the extension have a PIN?
  10. Maybe the default route was the problem. I remember that in Windows, unless told otherwise, Windows picks the interface with the higher speed as the default interface. If they have the same speed, it might be random which one gets selected.
  11. Vodia PBX

    Besetzt Lampe

    Aus unserer Sicht lautet das Stichwort hier D7. Wenn snom neue Telefone mit self-labelling keys rausringt, werden die sicher wie das D7 angesteuert werden. Es wäre gut wenn das 870 sich genauso verhält, und dann macht es auch Sinn evtl. notwendige Änderungen einzubauen: 870 = D7 = 7xx-SLK
  12. For that kind of stuff you probably want to write something on your own. There is a API on the ACD that can send out HTTP requests when something happens: http://vodia.com/documentation/acdreport
  13. The killer feature here is the PCAP recording for the trunk. If you can capture the problem on PCAP, it is quite easy to analyze this, and even many providers love to see PCAP when there are problems, and can point you directly to the problem. We can also take a look. If it happens only sometimes, it is usually not a problem on the SIP side. In those cases I recommend to check the firewall, e.g. how many concurrent UDP streams it can handle. But you will see that in the PCAP as well.
  14. Vodia PBX

    Besetzt Lampe

    snob one ja es hat sich bei der Firmware der Telefone ja löblicherweise auch eine Menge getan; allerdings ist das Protokoll was damals zwischen den Telefonen und der PBX lief inzwischen auch Geschichte. Unter den Strich ist derzeit das Problem dass "blinken" offenbar vom 870 auf "gelb" abgebildet wird; darüber haben wir keine Kontrolle. Das andere Problem ist dass auch das 870 inzwischen Geschichte ist...
  15. Sounds like there is a prefix that makes a match impossible. Maybe you can send us a domain backup (in a private message) so that we can take a look at the setup.
  16. Can you open a individual ticket and give us access to the system so that we can try this out? Saves us probably a lot of time for guessing ping pong...
  17. Vodia PBX

    Besetzt Lampe

    Gelb ist wohl das gleiche wie blinkend wenn man nur "an" "aus" hat? Dann müssten die anderen Leute aber ertragen dass die LED ständig blinkt wenn einer DND gedrückt hat. Wieviele Zustände kann denn das Feld beim 870 haben?
  18. As a starting point, you can have the PBX send a daily email summary on the ACD. There is a field for an email address in the ACD that should receive the report.
  19. Vodia PBX

    Besetzt Lampe

    Das Problem ist dass der Standard den wir da verwenden keine Farben hat... RFC 4235 gaukelt dem Telefon nur vor dass die Resource besetzt ist. Ich sehe da nicht wie wir zusätzliche Informationen transportieren können. Wir können zwar zusätzliche Tags im XML einbauen, die werden allerdings vom Telefon ignoriert.
  20. Vodia PBX

    Besetzt Lampe

    Man kann den Status ja auf jeden Fall im User-Modus im Web-Interface der PBX sehen. Normalerweise haben die Tasten auf dem Telefon ja nur an, aus und irgendwie blinken. "Blinken" wäre für mich sehr irritierend, "aus" hatten wir ja vorher wo man gar nicht mitbekommt dass man den Kollegen nicht stören sollte. Also ist es logisch die Taste auf "an" zu setzen. Das haben wohl auch die guten alten PBX aus den 1970ern gemacht. Man kann ja auch anrufen, selbst wenn man einen auf DND hat. Dazu gibt es ein Setting in der Nebenstelle welches die Nebenstellen auflistet die das dürfen.
  21. We keep adding. It is unrealistic to have a formal relationship with all the SIP providers in the world. If someone has a configuration that works well we are happy to add it to the drop down list, so that the next version can include it.
  22. Well we recently tested it with a similar scenario. I believe it should work fine with 5.3.2 at least. I would try to make the case as simple as possible (no extension hunt group involved, simple passwords and so on) and then when it works, starts adding stuff.
  23. No unfortunately not yet...
  24. Ok, you could either use the "mini-hunt" group feature that is available in a extension (called "Include following extensions when this extension is being called"), so that you have to all only one extension and the first one who picks up gets the call.
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