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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Well you can just uncheck the verify certificates flag in the email settings, at least to find out if that is the issue. Gmail should actually work if you use the default installed Root CA for the PBX.
  2. That problem was addressed in 5.3.0a. We are trying to get a 5.3.1 ready this week. It would be great if you can try out 5.3.0a, we are especially interested if the new snom firmware that we provision there is worth the update.
  3. If the AA plays messages, that means that you have at the WAV files for least one language installed. The PBX must have a file called ringback.wav, which is typically in the audio_xx folder (where xx is the language that you have selected). Can you check if that file is present, maybe even quickly play it back from the file system? Maybe something went wrong with the language that you have selected, and ti tries to load language_yy/ringback.wav which is not present. If it happens to all extensions is must be something like that.
  4. Welcome to the Forum for the Vodia PBX... We try to help our users with stuff like dial plans for the Vodia PBX, but for Panasonic PBX you might want to check other forums
  5. The simple SIP registration should be (relatively) easy. You should be able to see the REGISTER packets arrive at the PBX. Make sure that the domain name is correct (do you use the name "localhost" if you have only one domain), does the account name show up in the domain and last not least are you using the right password?
  6. Regarding providing the firmware itself in the tftp folder we tried that in the snom days... But it was an ungrateful task. The situation today is that some phone providers do not allow including the firmware legally in the PBX itself. So we left the firmware topic largely to the devices, and so far only few people have complained about it. One lesson regarding firmware that we have learned is "never change a running system" and no matter how much you test a firmware, there are always surprises waiting for you. In other words unless there is a reason to change the firmware, don't touch it.
  7. Yes, almost. However the clock starts ticking when the license was bought, so if you bought it in lets say July 2014, your are good for upgrade images built until June 2016 for free.
  8. If you have the beaglebone back, you should be covered by the maintenance plan. Check the vodia.com/mplan site. If that does not work, what I would do is to change the pnp.xml and "hijack" the 760 pattern and the snom_3xx_fw for change the link for the software build. You would loose the possibility to have provision 760 at the same time, but these two changes are minimal and should get the job done. We tried to add a 765 parallel to the 760, but things get really complicated and we gave up on this strategy. Grouping the devices reduces the number of files and makes it easier to deal with the next devices that snom has already lined up.
  9. We have CentOS64 and Win64, and also builds for Debian64, and FreeBSD64. We have also a version for the snom ONE mini (the one in the snom plastic). We will make more builds on Monday as those other devices are not virtualized and need to be physically powered up first. Please keep in mind that this is still not a "release" version, which means that there can be some open issues and that you have to check on vodia.com/mplan if your license key is recent enough to the upgrade.
  10. We have already worked on this, for some OS we have a 5.3.0a ready. We have also addressed the problem that there are so many models now that we have grouped them a little bit better. What OS do you have?
  11. I don't understand... Can you reiterate the problem or question?
  12. So you means emails in general or just the CDR emails? Sometimes the email providers also change their rules, e.g. new certificates or the enforcement of encrypted traffic.
  13. If there is only one IP 6000 I would jut get pragmatic and manually set up the device. As with PSTN gateways if there is only one installation in the network, it is not worth it spending too much time to getting that one device automatically provisioned. Plus those conference phones have no BLF buttons, making the setup actually pretty much straightforward. The only thing I would do is set a PIN and a web password, so that bored visitors cannot screw the configuration up.
  14. A pragmatic way to handle FAX from a users perspective is to blind transfer the call into the mailbox after hearing the FAX tone with 8xx (xx being the extension number). The PBX listen for the FAX tone only in the auto attendant. For an automatic detection when calls are sent to a DID, it would have to listen to FAX tones also during the ringback phase, if there is one long enough to have a FAX tone and if the other side even sends a FAX tone while is not connected yet. Then if the call is connected and the remote party FAX is "talking" to the VoIP phone, it would still be possible to try to detect FAX tones, but with the spoken word it can lead to a lot of "false" alarms (we had that problem already in the mailbox). All in all unfortunately no simple answer and no simple solution.
  15. Even if you have just one domain, there are to logs: One on system level and one on domain level. They both have their own log levels. The domain log is useful when you have a system with lets say 100 domains and you would simply drown in irrelevant messages if you are trying to troubleshoot a simple IVR problem in that domain. In single domain deployments, the domain level log is kind of useless. Generally when you are chasing a problem, it is okay to turn log level 9 on. Keep in mind that this takes more resources than lower log levels. Once the problem is solved, you should turn it down; 5 is a good level for normal operation where you only want to see important stuff.
  16. No a restart has no impact on the logging. Sometimes admins mix up domain and system level log, which can be confusing (every domain has their own log). Make sure that you look at the right one. Also make sure that your session did not expire, try clicking on the "log" link in the menu instead of on the "reload" button in the log itself.
  17. Maybe the user tried to upload a WAV fie for personal ringback which is either digital silence or the wrong format?
  18. If you enter it on the domain level, then everyone in the domain can use it. Only the domain administrator can change it.
  19. I did not even find the link to the documentation....
  20. Looks very interesting what they are doing there. Seems they favor WebRTC against SIP and SIP is more like an afterthought! But this definitely very interesting. We don't have it in the drop-down (yet). If they more or less support SIP it should be possible to get it working.
  21. You can edit the user personal address book instead.
  22. It is not uncommon that the service providers are changing their stuff without telling you about it. It can also be that your firewall locally updated their policy. The PBX itself should be a "low-risk" factor, especially if you did not touch it at all. I would imaging that if you are running out of hard disk space you would see problems; or maybe if you upgrade your operating system, and this one also has a local firewall, it could also cause problems. I would turn on local PCAP recording the the trunk to get some more clue what is happening.
  23. Oh I would love to have that number. How about e? (271) 828-1828 maybe someone can call that number.
  24. Telephone numbers come in all sorts of formats unfortunately. We do need to work on more patterns, especially non-US formats can be challenging. For example if you have a mathematical web site with Pi on it, you probably will think that the PBX can dial that number...
  25. Seems like 311 has no registrations either. When things go into unintended directions, make sure you turn the logging levels on high, so that we can get enough "evidence". Also it is easier to read that if you just attach a .txt file instead of an image which has only limited size. Otherwise we can just play ping pong guessing...
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