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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Manual configuration is actually really an option for conference phones as there is usually no BLF and other fancy features. Plus usually there is only one or two devices per installation.
  2. Symbol link in the file system? They are permanent. The PBX has no influence on that. 1 TB is a lot. Does the system maybe perform a file system check after reboot? That would take longer I guess. Can you log in with SSH after reboot and check if you can manually mount the drive? Do other drives lets say with 200 GB work without problems?
  3. Well there are several ways to send out emails by SMTP. It is mostly about the right port, weather to use TLS encryption, leave that to automatic negotiation or send it unencrypted, weather to verify the certificate, and what username/password to present. If you can get a PCAP of the successful case it would for sure help (you can send it as private message or open a ticket). Or tell us what email service you are using, maybe we have solved the problem in other cases already.
  4. Does it boot up? One obvious simple way is to manually configure it and just register it to the PBX. When provisioning automatically, the main challenge is the firmware. We have taken out the firmware provisioning; however that seems to cause a lot of problems. It is very difficult to provide one Polycom master file that handles all devices.
  5. Es ist okay wenn das Telefon klingelt, aber sobald ein Fax kommt muss der Anruf auf die Mailbox umgeleitet werden. Das kann man theoretisch immer manuell über einen Transfer machen. Besser ist es aber eine Nebenstelle zu verwenden bei der kein Telefon registriert ist und da sofort die Mailbox ran geht. Das ist absolut okay.
  6. Well AFAIR the Sheeva had a SSH login. Can you still use that? Then you can "cd /usr/local/snomONE" and then "tar cvfz backup.tgz ." und move it with sftp.
  7. You mean your file system is full? Do you still have access to the PBX via SSH or the PBX web interface?
  8. The point about the service flag is that is can be used in many places, as long as the times are the same. You can use it in the auto attendant, in the cell phones, in hunt groups and so on. But they all need to switch on and off at the same time.
  9. The easiest is to click on the "IVR" tab when editing the AA. There you can specify what service flag triggers the playback of what prompt. You can also see how to record the prompt from a phone.
  10. No this should also work with the Polycom side car. Check out https://vodia.com/documentation/pnp_polycom
  11. Fax-to-PDF lebt davon dass der Anruf auf einer Mailbox landet und dort der Fax-Ton erkannt wird. Am einfachsten ist es eine Nebenstelle einzurichten und dann die Anrufe darauf zu leiten. Entweder direkt über eine direkte Telefonnummer oder über den Auto Attendant (automatische Vermittlung) der ebenfalls Fax-Töne erkennt und dann wie ein DTMF-Ton den Anruf auf die entsprechende Nebenstelle weiterleiten kann. Das ist bei hostedi.am genauso.
  12. You mean when you call into your mailbox and listen to a message, then want to move it to another mailbox? Press 6, then listen I think it was 1 or 2. You can also comment messages (append more voice) and then move them into other mailbox,
  13. This can depend on the firewall settings, if there is a firewall involved. TCP has the advantage compared to UDP that it transports messages reliably, even if the packet size gets bigger than 1492 bytes. Especially when the SIP INVITE packets get larger (e.g. a lot of codecs to offer, long names) UDP becomes unusable and this is very hard to track down. Imagine a world where email messages would be sent over UDP.
  14. Well if you are running PHP code just take the new code from http://www.vodia.com/documentation/cdr
  15. Well, it seems there is a whole industry build around the CDR topic. I depends on what you need.
  16. As we move stuff out of the PBX and into the web client yes it is sometimes a step forward and another step backwards... Did you try 5.2.1? 5.2.0 had a new build environment; 5.2.1 should have it much better now.
  17. In 5.2.1, we have the wallboard in the web browser. It is run by JavaScript and websocket, so REST or even SOAP would not get you any further. Of course you can run Wireshark to see how the messages look like and implement that on your own.
  18. You can edit the template (dom_sip_trunks) and take out what you don't need.
  19. Could be a browser-related issue. Does it work with Chrome? Or try 5.2.1 which we build yesterday with some smaller improvements.
  20. AFAIK nothing has changed in that area. Did you check in the domain settings?
  21. Seems like the first version had a glitch with writing the password on Linux level. I believe the problem is now solved in 5.2.0a. However before you try, you can try to log in with username root and password root; that's the default. If you are logged in with SSH it is safe to try changing your password from the PBX; make sure you stay logged in so that you can still change it back in case you have lost it.
  22. Indeed... Seems like a place with innerText was overlooked, which does not work with Firefox. Next version will have that fixed.
  23. Yes would be great if you can get a core. Just add the --core option to the PBX arguments list (e.g. --dir /usr/local/pbx --core), then it should throw a core next time.
  24. The thing with the prefix is that it can start also after the country code. It is really just a text search in the number, for example 30005 could be okay for you. Then the PBX will take the rest of the number (e.g. 71) and try to match it to a alias number in the domain.
  25. Sounds like a problem with the phone. Is that reproducible? I guess not. What you can do for that extension is to start PCAP, and if it happens again get a detail view on what the phone has received within that call.
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