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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. EPID ist eigentlich nur für Notruf-Rückruf... Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen wie das ein Problem sein kann. Je nachdem von wo aus das Upgrade durchgeführt wird, kann ich mir eher vorstellen dass es Ärger mit den Passwörtern gegeben hat. Wir hatten etliche Fälle, wo überhaupt keine Passwörter vorhanden waren (Scheunentor...) und wo die PBX nun die Anmeldung ablehnt. Ich würde auf jeden Fall die Nebenstellen für die Provisionierung öffnen (am besten gleich für ein paar Stunden), dann können die sich die neue Konfiguration runterladen und alles sollte glatt laufen.
  2. Hmm, there this should work. The logs also suggest that the PBX received the request to answer the call successfully. Does the phone get the Event: talk? Maybe a stinky firewall in between the PBX and the phone? A SIP trace from the phone will show this.
  3. In the meantime, we are working on 5.2.2c (Debian64 also available). There was some problem with the list processing; maybe it is already fixed but we need to check that again.
  4. Looks like your client is not supporting SSLv2. Honestly, I would not argue with that. However it you want to get it, enable it for the time being. Then when logged in you can consider upgrading OpenSSL or keep SSLv2 enabled.
  5. The word to look for here is "Denial of Service". The PBX must set a limit on how many MB you can dump on the web interface. Customers were complaining that we took the web backup feature out. Here is why. You might be able to pull down a huge file, but you cannot load such a huge file back into the PBX without practically crashing it. Backups are much easier to do on the file system. There are plenty of ways to achieve this, including rsync, dropbox and simple File Explorer copy & paste.
  6. I guess you are talking about "camp on"? When you call an extension that is busy, the PBX usually offers the caller (if coming from the same domain) a callback when the extension becomes available. This also works when the user is calling from his cell phone.
  7. This works only if the attached phone supports the "talk" event in a NOTIFY sent to the phone. What phone are you using?
  8. Well it is all about JavaScript now... Sure the code can be changed (and you might be even able to do that by yourself); however the question is if this is a topic that we should address in a more broad scope so that other users might have the same option.
  9. The ringback should generally come from the service provider when you place an outbound call. For internal calls, the PBX generates the tone, based on the ringback.wav file in the audio_xx directories. What you can do is to install the UK language prompts ( http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Language_Prompts ) and then manually copy the ringback into the directory that you are using.
  10. Es gibt in der Leitung (Trunk) doch die Möglichkeit, die Nummer nach einem Präfix rauszufiltern. Damit braucht man gar keine Alias anzulegen. Der Dial Plan (Rufschema) wird nur bei ausgehenden Anrufen verwendet.
  11. Es gibt eine Flagge mit der man die Überprüfung von den Zertifikaten ausschalten kann. Das könnte erst mal helfen, über die fehlenden Root-CA hinwegzukommen.
  12. If you are using 5.2, turn the PCAP logging on for that extension. There you should see in the PCAP what is going wrong (if not send us a link and we'll take a look).
  13. No, on a reboot all phones should (of course) register fine. Polycom should be generally fine; however we have some issues that older phones insist to download the firmware first. If we provide the firmware, we end up with GB of firmware data that must be downloaded from the Polycom web site, which is IMHO not a practical solution for most users. The new VVX phones can take care about firmware upgrades themselves if needed; therefore we now stay out out of the whole firmware topic for Polycom. Check the generated folder for the extension in question, there you should be able to see the log files that the phone sends to the PBX if something goes wrong. Also verify that the Polycom phone has for the provisioning of the phone its MAC address as username. Then it was provisioned successfully by the PBX.
  14. Make sure that the call is really connected... That would explain this strange behavior.
  15. Well, it should work... Are the phones really connected? Does the PBX web interface show the call as connected? What version are you on?
  16. We tested it, and it worked for the cases that we tested. It would be great if you can give use access to the system so that we can see what you are doing different that we do (send me a private message).
  17. We did not build for all operating system, but kicked off the Debian64 just a minute ago so you can try that as well.
  18. Polycom: Nein, die Buttons auf den Polycom-Telefonen sind nur simple SIP dialog-Subscriptions. Dort unterstützen wir nur das Beobachten von Nebenstellen und Gespräche aufnehmen. Für Yealink gilt das gleiche. Der SIP-Standard gibt da nicht besonders viel her wenn es um klassische PBX-Funktionen geht.
  19. We are looking into this.
  20. Ja wir müssen mal sehen was gerade mit dem Diversion-Header los ist. Das ist auf der To-Do Liste.
  21. Well the routing gets really difficult if the PBX has to "pretend" that it operates on IP addresses that it actually does not have. LoL maybe we should introduce the name "virtual IP address" for this. Maybe instead of removing the routing table entries it would be better to add one more for the trunk address, with a /32 mask. Then the side effects on other entries should be minimal.
  22. If you want you can try the 5.2.2a build, which is a snapshot of the latest & greatest (what OS?). We are making builds from time to time for selected OS. If you like to verify that the problem has been solved you are more than welcome to use that version.
  23. You can set the number interpretation for each trunk independently. The setting is called "Rewrite global numbers", and there are some NANPA compliant options available. What country is it that you are living in? Are there any special rules that we need to cover?
  24. Well, do they have to pay for the cell phone call then? Or do they get free cell phone service?
  25. We have added the setting for the domain. If you want to try it out, send me a private message with the operating system that you are using.
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