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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. 2048 bit should be okay. If you go for 4096 or even 8192 it should still work, but it would be overkill--especially for the CPU... The point with the certificates is to build up that trust chain from the Root CA t othe domain certificate. OpenSSL is probably the best tool to get this done. If you keep everything in house (all involved devices can import the Root CA), you dont need to purchase certificates. This also makes it easier if you make a mistake at some point and you have to correct it. If you purchase snom ONE blue or yellow, it comes with a snom Root CA certificate, so that at least snom devices should trust each other right out the box. Some models (8xx and m9) even have a built-in client certificate, so that the PBX can verify the MAC address when doing the provisioning magic.
  2. Hmm... Try to use TLS transport layer, that might solve the authenticatin problem. Also check if you have trunks that dont have the outbound proxy set; that might confuse the PBX and makes it believe the message came in on a trunk.If you are using DNS for the outbound proxy, that might cause a problem if the DNS entry is not valid any more (that was a bug that we found recently and will be fixed in the next release). Anyway, the effect will be that the PBX believes there is no outbound proxy set and that magically attracts traffic on that trunk...
  3. Hmm... Contact Jonathan, I believe he was in the driver seat for the Danish. The prompt "for xxx" must be always in the local language, because that is what the listener would understand ("for English press 1, für Deutsch drücken Sie bitte die 2").
  4. Right now every extension counts. That means when you register physically one phone, you need an extension. Then when you do hot desking there, you need another extension, no matter is that extension ever registers physically a phone or not. snom ONE blue might be a good option for you ...
  5. The cross-platform solution is JavaScript, and we can keep it this way (PAC/WAC/...). However in the Windows world, you loose sales if you come up with that solution simply because competing products just look so nice when made as native Windows application. Plus people would like to have the soft phone integrated, which is really difficult in javaScript.
  6. So you are using the buttons? When you push the button on the phone, is there any message being sent out by the phone (you can easily check that on the phone web interface)? It could be INVITE or PUBLISH. Make sure that the IP address has not been blacklisted on the PBX for whatever reason (maybe just explicitly whitelist it).
  7. If this is your first install, try to be careful not to push it to the limit right away. Every system has its own way to deal with problems, and the dial plan is one of these. We have had the experience that during migrating customers from analog system often the automatic dial topic comes up, and SIP does not actually support it the way it worked on those analog systems. Many customers get it when you say "it is like the cell phone", you have to push the dial button to start the call and usually once they know it nobody has a problem with that. You should "link" the phones to the extension with the MAC address, you can still do that by editing the extension (registration tab). Also, it should be possible to change the domain provisioning password, then reboot all phones (from the accounts web page), so that they will pull the new password. You can still get the domain password from the file system, look into the domains directory there is the XML that contains all the domain data. Talking about file system, I would periodically make backups of the working directory of the PBX (where you find e.g. the domains directory). In case you screw anything up, you can restore the old directory and continue from there. If this is a purchased license (yellow/blue/green) you could schedule a support help for the first time installations. It is a complex system, but that should make such experiences shorter.
  8. Can you call *97 (mailbox) from the phone? Then we can rule out that there is a problem with the phone setup. If that is stable, are the incoming phone calls stable? If it does not help, please attach the SIP messages between the serivice probider (you can just filter by the IP address) and we can take a look if we can spot the problem. If you can register, then the password should be right. Maybe it is the header presentation (RFC3325) that the service provider does not support. You can try to use a different method, for example "No Indication" which is not RFC-compliant, but many service providers have this problem and maybe in this case that's the problem as well.
  9. You can reboot devices from the account view in the PBX web interface (you dont have to reboot one by one any more, you can select which devices should be rebooted and then execute that action). As far as I remember, hte phones have a seperate setting that automatically start the dial after a certain timeout (but can't find it yet). We tried to use the XML dial plan some time ago, but could not get it working at all; so we switched back to the ERE-based snom phone dial plan which works much better.
  10. There was a similar post, essentially you can set a settings on the phone that influences what is being displayed.
  11. We changed it to auth=basic because the web hash was kind of static, especially when you change the password. basic authentication is better (digest would be even better, but that is just wishful thinking right now). Yea blame marketing they wanted to give customers to have a reason for going for 320. The directory on snom 300 is by default local as far as I remember.
  12. The hunt group is pretty dumb. It does not care if the phone is already engaged in something else, it just rings it. I would suggest for more complex scenarios to use the agent group. There you have a lot more control about the annoucements, and you can make sure that there is one call at a time on a given agent.
  13. Well it would require a code change in the area where the trunk has this "assume call comes from user". The PBX would automatically fill in the account if the cell phone user there if the domain trust the caller-ID and the dialled number is not a local resource. I guess we need to test this in "real life", maybe you are willing to try a build (which OS?)...
  14. There is a setting on the phone http://wiki.snom.com.../display_method that influences what is being displayed on the phone. If you change the template on the PBX web interface, then you can influence what the phone will display. E.g. add the line <display_method permission="RW">display_name_number</display_method> to the file snom_3xx_phone.xml and reboot the phone.
  15. Right now the way to get it working is to do the change manually. You can use the PBX web interface and change the provisioning template. The rationale behind it was that the display is so small and the number of keys is so limited that we did not include the address book by default.
  16. Well, when sing hot desking this is kind of tricky case because there are two extensions involved here. The workaround is to explicitly dial the 8+ext number.
  17. Well if you trust the trunk, then you probably dont even need the 500 prefix? When the cell phone number is already associated with the 500 account, then this is implicit. Maybe the rule "if the called number is not a local resource, then use the dial plan to call it"?
  18. No, the best way to be compatible with LYNC on Windows is to use the communicator.
  19. Whow that is actually very cool. DTMF is for sure not the best way to do this. How flexible are they? Can they put the additional information into the Request-URI or the P-Called-Party-ID? Does the cell phone have to have some kind of "outbound number" for this? I dont think the PBX can do this in a clean way right now. But this would be a very cool feature and if we make a code change for this, we should make sure it is as flexible as possible.
  20. Yea right. Most of the changes are identical with the changes on the m9 hard phone. For the soft phone we did not too many changes, just the shutdown procedure was kind of unbearable so we changed it.
  21. We made an update m9win1010.zip. The link at the top was also changed, so people download the latest. Apart from the release notes for the m9 (http://wiki.snom.com...9/Release_Notes), there are some improvements for the soft phone as well. For example, when exiting the softphone, it should actually terminate the process (not just the thread). We also did a change in the audio subsystem; there were reports about lockups, although we were not able to reproduce them the changes might have helped to make them go away.
  22. It might be the way the services come up. Maybe the PBX comes up before the network subsystem has the DNS figured out, and then the PBX would possibly fill the DNS caches with null. It should start working after some time (maybe 60 seconds), but probably it would be better to make sure that the PBX process has the network subsystem setup before it starts.
  23. Yea, sorry of course the "Number". The name can contain spaces, of course ("Joe Doe"). We probably have to use JavaScript to make this clear (which will keep such a change backward compatible).
  24. Hmm. Maybe it is kind of random depending which of the accounts issued the last registration. But in order to nail this one, we need to see the SIP trace, ideally embedded into the log from the PBX.
  25. You need to put a space between the names when editing the hunt group account and hit the save button...
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