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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Hmm we never use the speakerphone maybe need to pay attention to it in one of the next calls...
  2. Ok we need to dig deeper into the emergency number topic then... Did you maybe enter the 0011 somewhere as the emergency number destination? That would explain everything... Except why it does not cause a problem when dialing the other trunk
  3. It's not unusual to make builds publicly available to enhance the exposure. Those builds are on the stable branch and they are generally very close to the actual released images, however we need to make clear that they are not released images. We'll use the name "68.0.5.beta" to make this clear to everyone. That being said the promised 68.0.4 build was made and we'll release it soon.
  4. The W70 should be added in the next build. You can add the same MAC address to two extensions, then the PBX will put those two extensions into the base station.
  5. Ok what is weird is that it considers this to be a star code or shall we say special number. Is 111 on the list of emergency numbers? Or did you maybe accidentally put a 111 into the list of star codes? Also what is in the "ht" trunk setting (use the text view for the trunk settings)?
  6. If the old extension will never be called again—well then it cannot wake the app up again! Otherwise it will wake the app up, but the app does not have the credentials to connect to the old PBX. The result is an annoying iPhone with the user unable to do anything about it.
  7. The app itself does not change the volume, it is in and out. Either the incoming stream is very low or some setting on the iPhone is not right. I would call something like the time service to see if the incoming volume could be the problem. I guess you already checked the volume settings on the iPhone and tried making a call through GSM if the audio generally works.
  8. That is not relevant. I would really try to go along the log messages and see where it morphed into the 0011.
  9. It looks the same to me. The tiny change in Chrome would make such a difference?!
  10. The 68.0.3 is not a release, its a build on the 68 branch. We'll make a 68.0.4 build (one build for all platforms) soon including the release notes and then move to 68.0.5 for more daily builds.
  11. If you change only the host server but use the same PBX tenant, nothing needs to change on the app if you have used a DNS address and that DNS address points to the new host. If you want to use the app on a different tenant and the new PBX has been properly set up, the app should be able to scan the new QR code and work as intended. The app should de-register on the old PBX, however it seems that there are many cases where that fails. Please double check if there is a APP registration in the old PBX (without expiration) and delete it if it is still there. Alternatively, you can delete the extension which also deletes the app wakeup token associated with the extension.
  12. The overall concept (groups) is out now. There is a group permission "ui" that can be used for this purpose. This has tenant scope, there is not even the possibility for a global scope.
  13. If iOS works, we can pretty much exclude problems with certificates and the general setup. Android land has a few more obstacles before it starts ringing . It seems generally to take longer, though the latest Vodia Android app (please make sure you have the latest) seems to have sped that up a little. The other thing is that Android 12 came with some new features that further complicate things, and because its relatively new we hope that it did not further complicate things.
  14. If one trunk works and the other does not, well that would be a sign to look into the trunk settings. I would especially pay attention if there was a separate country code in the trunk and if the number presentation makes sense.
  15. I guess it would be the easiest to have support log into the system and see what went wrong.
  16. The INVITE to the provider is what needs to be right. If there is a 0011@provider_domain yes then its a problem with the PBX setup. 0011 is the international prefix for New Zealand. I doubt that this is problem here. I would crank up the log levels to 9 on trunk, sip, general and try this again. Then we might be able where the number translation went wrong.
  17. There is a setting in the extension "Use queue dial plan and ANI when logged in as an agent" which might solve your problem.
  18. The PBX shows under registrations not only the active registrations, but also the wake up registrations—those don't have an expiry. If your app is active, it typically shows one active (with an expiry) and another one for the wakeup.
  19. For outbound FAX the PBX relies on T.38. If there is not T.38 support, it will not work.
  20. If I remember correctly, the Cisco phones don't have a built-in list of trusted certificates. That explains why HTTPS and SIPS will not work out of the box.
  21. The app can only work if the PBX has a valid certificate. In order to avoid frustration with users, the front end will not show a QR code it that is not the case.
  22. There is also a WP810, however we did not include the template in any build yet. The good news is that the phones don't have complicated buttons so it should be relatively simple to set them up through the web interface.
  23. The SSD capacity largely depends on the question if you want to record calls and how many. E.g. if you are using u-law recording, it takes 8 KB/s. If you don't do recording, the SSD size does not matter. 2 GB RAM might be a little tight, I would go for 4 GB.
  24. It depends on the phone type. Some phones support it (e.g. snom) and others don't.
  25. There were several discussions here on the forum and also talking to clients. What seems to be clear is that we need to split the flag weather to call the "app" into weather to call the "mobile app" (which would be iOS and Android) and weather to call the "desktop app" (which would be Windows, MacOS and browser). That seems to fulfill the requirements and expectations from the users.
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