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  1. The default login is: root / password But the SSH has to be turned on from the IOP's console / GUI (the SSH setting is on the Admin level) first. And for that to happen, make sure that the IOP is on 63.0.1 build (http://portal.vodia.com/downloads/pbx/mini3/pbxctrl-mini3-63.0.1).
  2. Do you have an area code set in the domain settings? If yes, remove it and try again.
  3. Pattern: ^\+([0-9]{2})([0-9]*) Replacement: sip:\2@\r;user=phone
  4. Ofcourse if you don't have any voicemails there, it will be empty, no doubt there. Look for: /usr/local/pbx/recs
  5. Alright, then the system won't allow the calls to go more than for 30 secs. You will have to set it to higher in that case.
  6. The default folder is: /usr/local/pbx/recordings
  7. Then set it to 25 secs twice then.
  8. We just tried this setting on our current 63.0.1 version and the call came back to 446. Maybe your router / firewall gives up after no response from a call for more than a minute or something.
  9. You can add the same extensions again and again inside the Hunt Group to make it ring twice if not picked.
  10. You want to see the folder where your voicemails are stored at right? That is the same thing that we mentioned above.
  11. The list is being read according to the preference number that you set on the far left side. We're sure you must have gone through these links, but they might need more hands-on than just going through them 1) https://doc.vodia.com/domain_dialplans 2) https://doc.vodia.com/trunk_inbound_routing - Specifically for inbound call. The regex would look something like this if you want to ignore the first 4 numbers, but ofcourse this has to be sharpened according to your needs. We're just giving an excerpt from the 1st link that is provided here. It's on there too: Pattern: ^([0-9]{4})([0-9]*)@.* Replacement: sip:\2@\r;user=phone
  12. What you can do is, leave a voicemail on one of your extensions and then sort the files in your windows folder according to time (latest). The folder that comes up first is where that file have been written to.
  13. These are bash scripts. You will have to name them as .sh and give them execute permissions (chmod a+rx) and then run them from within the PBX folder (preferred).
  14. Please go through this doc: https://doc.vodia.com/releasenotes610 and Ctrl + F for the word "ACME" to know more about this. Hope this helps. That's all you have to do to get the certs for your domain. And then you'll start seeing all your domains listed as shown.
  15. It is just saying Fatal because it's a security concern which the PBX should raise. If you turn on the Let's Encrypt certificate setting (on /reg_settings.htm page) under "ACME Directory URL" and set it to "Let's Encrypt" , your domains will get the valid certificates and it should not show anymore.
  16. Where exactly is it on the PBX?
  17. Please set the permission as shown in the image and from THAT extension (in this case 446) press *80 and just follow the steps as shown in the documentation. It's pretty self explanatory.
  18. Hi, Not really sure what you're trying to achieve here. Can you please explain it better?
  19. Set Night Mode for Domain Accounts (*80): This feature allows users to forward domain accounts (e.g., auto attendant, hunt group, etc.) to their own extension. Before this feature can be used, permission for each account must be activated by the administrator. Permission is set from the extension's Permissions tab. To forward all auto attendants, hunt groups, and agent groups of the domain, *80 must be used without an argument. To forward only a specific account, the account must be specified after the star code. To disable this feature, enter a star in place of the call forward number. As you already know, the "?" takes you to the PBX's documentation page, please go through them too.
  20. Hi, You can delete them only from the User portal as the user has to have access to it, and not a System or Domain admin.
  21. We suppose this is all we have: https://doc.vodia.com/wac AND
  22. There is no guide as such because everything is self explanatory from the User's perspective. What would you like to know more about the user portal? IOS app might take a sometime to be available, unfortunately.
  23. Yup we'll add that too. Thanks for the update.
  24. Hi, For the domain level blacklisting, you can also do it from the "Domain settings"
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