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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Check out the generated folder, there you can see what has been sent to the phone--including the passwords. If you have high security requirements you can disable writing of those files, but if not this is incredibly useful.
  2. Just tried that one, works for me... 5.1.2+. Anything special about the extension? Mailbox disabled? Anything in the log?
  3. Really?! Then maybe there is something in the network that starts dropping packets after 10 minutes. Can you get a PCAP trace? That will clearly show what is going on.
  4. Okay, it is good to have a workaround. However it would be good to know if we have a problem on the PBX side that we need to take care of. Maybe PM me the log and we'll check if we can do anything (useful) to avoid this problem.
  5. There is a RTP timeout after 11 minutes. The phone seems to stop sending media after 10 minutes I guess, and then the PBX eventually pulls the plug. The phone (3CXPhone) should send comfort noise or some other keep-alive traffic to keep the media connection alive, otherwise it will not work with NAT anyway. Try using other soft phones, they all do that. If the call drops while you are talking (the phone cuts off the media), then there is probably a license issue with the soft phone. Maybe it is a demo license that works only for 10 minutes?
  6. Good question. I am not even sure how the /etc/init.d looks like on the BeagleBoard (what distribution it is using). In principle you can use the install scripts for CentOS and Debian as a starting point. As snom announced that they will discontinue the mini (although the product was successful according to my standards), we were thinking about a snom ONE mini II based on the BeagleBoard (anyone voting for it?). Then of course we would take care about a preinstalled startup script.
  7. Ok. Vermutlich ist CSTA eh das falsche Ansatz um an Daten für Abrechnungszwecke zu kommen. CSTA ist auch nicht gerade trivial. Da würde ich mir stattdessen einfach mal das CDR-Kapitel ansehen, http://www.snomone.com/documentation/cdr ist erst neulich auf den neuesten Stand gebracht worden. JSON wird mittlerweile von praktisch allen Frameworks unterstützt und dort werden alle "legs" berichtet. P.S. Da fällt mir am Rande eine interessante Übung für den nächsten Hotelaufenthalt ein: Eine externe Nummer anrufen, den Hörer neben das Telefon legen, Auschecken und sehen ob das Gespräch es noch irgendwie auf die Rechnung schafft!
  8. In the instructions there is also at the bottom a description how to enable logging. Turn the logging for the TSP on, then you can see if it interacts with the PBX and if there are any suspicious messages. Also, make sure that you have the right password. You need to use the web password, not the SIP password for the extension keep that in mind.
  9. That does not sound like a regular problem (11 minutes is a unusual time). You need to take a look at the SIP packets; maybe there is one party that tries to probe the session and something goes wrong there. In the logging, enable SIP call packets and attach them here.
  10. If you are using Lync, you must explicitly enable TAPI by editing the registry. http://www.snomone.com/documentation/tsp has the link for this.
  11. Where else do you want to jump in? Hunt groups? For hunt group that feature is not available. Why is a ACD too big?
  12. Try to reboot the phone, and see if that makes any difference. The phones have a PCAP trace feature, if they still don't work after the reboot, try to use it to grab a PCAP and see if the media is going back and forth. Is this a LAN environment? If not, check the firewall. This is a high-percentage probability for trouble.
  13. There is a settings called "Explicitly list addresses for inbound traffic" where you can list the IP addresses that are allowed. You can use the following commands to get an idea about the addresses (in Linux): host -t NAPTR provider.com host -t SRV _sips._tcp.provider.com host -t SRV _sip._tls.provider.com host -t SRV _sip._tcp.provider.com host -t SRV _sip._udp.provider.com host -t AAAA provider.com host -t A provider.com
  14. This is why you should set the outbound proxy of your trunk. The JavaScript warning is there for a reason. Unfortunately this is not mandatory, because the IETF did not envision that calls from anywhere in the Internet could be fraud calls. At least it seems that you don't have routed the call to an outbound trunk, so that whoever did that could not get anything out if it. Anyway, use the outbound proxy or even better specify the IP addresses where the trunk expects traffic from.
  15. My guess would be that the service provider tries a re-invite and then something goes wrong.
  16. Well, the PBX log. Forbidden can occur actually in many situations. For example, if you have created a redirection loop, you may end up with a Forbidden. The dial plan can generate Forbidden, which should be an obvious feature when you disable certain routes.When you register a device and the To- and From-header are using two different domains, then that's forbidden, too. Or when you subscribe to a dialog state which was forbidden, you get a Forbidden response. If you account was administratively limited (e.g. mailbox only), then registration is forbidden. If you have set a trusted IP address for an extension, then registration requests from other IP addresses are Forbidden. I hope this helps finding the problem.
  17. If you don't provide the index number but content, then a new row will be inserted. The new row number is returned in the response.
  18. If there are no parameters in the DBSet request, the row will be deleted.
  19. Well there is also DBSearch. Check what is in the XML files in the file system, then you can try out if you are able to read the user_alias table the right way.
  20. Does it work if you explicitly specify what orbit you want to pick up? *86123? Anything in the permissions of the involved extensions?
  21. Anything in the log?! Is this a temporary license?
  22. Agent groups are for serial call distribution, hunt groups for parallel call distribution.
  23. There is a table user_alias. It should be possible to change that one as well?
  24. So are you using a BLF mode button for the park orbit? That is supposed to work for Polycom phones; not sure about Yealink. The obvious workaround is to use the *85 and *86 codes. Also, check what is set for park orbit preference in the extension.
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