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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Das ist das berühmte "One-Way-Audio Problem". Willkommen in der VoIP-Welt. Wenn sich alles im LAN befindet, können wir NAT-Probleme ausschliessen. Dann würde ich mal versuchen in der Leitung a-Law (G.711 alaw) als einzigen Codec anzubieten. Wenn das nicht klappt, einfach mal die SIP-Nachrichten mitschneiden (im Log) und hier posten.
  2. Vodia PBX


    Well then there is only 8.7.x.x ... Hopefully we see some new firmware soon.
  3. Vodia PBX


    For the 870, you can also try 8.4.35 which is more than two years old, but should have features working relatively stable. Hopefully we soon have a new firmware release that fixes the issues.
  4. Yes, the dialplans.xml contains it all. You can use it definitively as a starting point. The discussion when the phone should start robot-dialing is as old the SIP standard; the standard simply does not support it and all we are doing is tinkering. This is like having your cell phone dial automatically. And every device does it differently, you can see that in the dialplan.xml. What works best is telling users to take a look at their cell phone and get over it (sorry)...
  5. Naja, von Vodia dürfte das Netzteil nicht kommen, da wir uns aus dem Hardware-Thema raushalten (wird glaube ich klar warum). snom ONE plus ist letztlich ein PC auf Basis von glaube ich mini-ITX mit einer Sangoma-Karte. Ich würde mal versuchen die Sangoma-Karte auszubauen, um die Komplexität zu reduzieren. Ja, snom ONE plus ist ein schwieriges Kapitel. So richtig helfen kann ich auch nicht. Vielleicht ist einfach nur die H/W kaputt.
  6. DId you set a trunk ANI (that's the number for outgoing calls, DID is for inbound)? I think that has a higher priority than the extension ANI. If you want to define a default ANI, then try setting that in the domain.
  7. That should be relatively easy. For that you can use the {ext-display} pattern.
  8. That's right. You cannot control login on individual registrations on the PBX. But that might be possible on the phone itself. Did you see the hot desking feature? That might help here.
  9. Check out http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Trunk_Custom_Headers. Do you mean you need something like "ext-number" (no ANI)? Workaround could be to set a ANI that is the extension number. If you want to do that only for a trunk, you can put the trunk name in front of it, e.g. "2121234567 Trunk1:123".
  10. Well it is using TAPI. I believe that is as close as you can get.
  11. You can log in to agent groups using codes *64 (log in) and *65 (log out), see http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Star_Codes and http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Agent_Log_in/Log_out.
  12. Did you PnP the 870? Do you have a SIP call message log?
  13. Eh is that related to the topic? Opening new topics does not cost anything...
  14. If you just remove (or rename) the working directory, the PBX service will not start any more. There might be some files lingering in the Applications directory, but they cannot start the service any more.
  15. You can control how many registrations are allowed per extension with the setting in the extension and on domain and system level. The limitation is primarily to keep damage away from the PBX, e.g. having 100 registrations creates a storm of INVITE packets every time the extension is included .
  16. Das ist vermutlich ein Problem mit der Darstellung der ausgehenden Nummer. Einfach mal probieren "Clip-Standard" auf "Keine Anzeige" oder "Remote-Party-ID" zu stellen.
  17. Yes, crazy times. Anyway, I think the answer is to use a hunt group as a workaround, as it has the possibility to send the group name to the phones in the "From" header.
  18. Oh, yes something has changed. The dial plan also send the call in a "more" canonical format to the PBX. This is because of call redial and the address book. The numbers in the address book are presented without the leading 1 (which makes sense, especially in the age of cell phones), so it is easier to send the number always in the 10-digit format to the PBX. Then the dialplan does not have to deal with a mix of 10- and 11-digit numbers.
  19. The server showed up... I am not sure what the question was, though...
  20. If you want automatic dialing you need a number in the front. We choose 1, other manufacturers choose 9 (which makes it hard to dial 911). If you don't have the number in from and you have e.g. have an extension 417, how would the PBX otherwise know if you want to dial 417 or 4171234567?
  21. The fields are hard coded . So yes you have to calculate the difference, probably after first concerting the time into seconds since 1970.
  22. Check out http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=JSON_CDR. JSON support was added in version 5.
  23. There is one special thing about the domains. Because there is no way to disable domains, the whole license becomes invalid when the number of domains is more than licensed. When you are using a 30 day demo key for the domains, make sure that you delete the extra domains before this key expires.
  24. There is a setting in the domain PnP section that says what dial plan scheme the phones should receive. Choose "user must press enter" to reset it.
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