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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. It is in the voicemail settings...
  2. It is in the voice-mail settings for the domain and also for the extension. Looks for "Mailbox Escape Account (when caller presses 0)".
  3. Oh okay. That option is only played out when the "Mailbox Escape Account (when caller presses 0)" setting is set. Currently there is no way to unset that for specific accounts. Workaround is to set it only for those accounts that should be able to use it and leave the domain setting empty. However because that can be a pain in the neck, we'll add in the next version the possibility to put a "-" there, which means that for that extension there is no escape option.
  4. For the area code, you have three possibilities: Just the area code like 2262, which means that numbers are represented locally (lets say in Germany=49) like +492262123 Area code with a 0 might also work; just try sometimes this ends up with a different representation Area code set to "-" means that all numbers in the country start with the number directly, without any 0 in the front In any way, turn the logging levels up then you see what the PBX feeds into the dial plan logic, so that you can see what you should match,
  5. We have recently tested the behavior in 4.5.1 and there is seemed to be okay. If upgrading to version 5 is too expensive for you, maybe you can consider at least upgrading to 4.5.1.
  6. Did you automatically provision the phone? If yes, did you choose a PnP dial plan in the domain settings? Sounds a little like a very short timeout, or maybe the phone is just not registered.
  7. In old versions the problem was that the PBX was accepting only a certain number of non-snom phone registrations; but that restriction has been removed since last year. What version are you running?
  8. A possible trick could be to give the executive account two names; one would be a regular phone number and the other one would be a number tha contains a alphanumeric character (for example, "410 and e410"). Then you can put 401 on the list of blocked numbers; but the other name would be sill available in the dial by name. As for the backdoor, you could use the "from" pattern in the trunk routing (e.g. "!2121234567!410!f" meaning when the call comes from 2121234567 send the call to 410). Also, if PBX users are calling from their cell phones (as set up on the PBX in the extension), the call is treated as coming from that extension. Then they can for example be listed in the setting "Only the following extensions may call this extension" in the permission tab for the executive extension.
  9. IP addresses are only blacklisted if there are more than so-and-so unauthenticated attempts. That is actually a settings that you can fine-tune. If you are getting false alarms, you can increase the number of tolerated attempts and then eventually the system should be working smoothly. Also other counties are rotating their IP addresses, and there it is also possible to have the PBX stable and without too many false alarms.
  10. The point here is probably the country code. This tells the PBX how to read number, but also how to represent numbers (canonical form). For example if you have set country code to 1 and dial 0110213280, the PBX will read that as "dial international, country code 0213" and that's where it probably gets a little hiccup (there is no country code starting with 0).
  11. Yes, see http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Syntax_Used_in_CDR_URLs
  12. Well, if you want to use WebRTC you currently have to use Chrome anyway (we are working on Mozilla support). IE WebRTC support does not seem to be available too soon.
  13. Yea. IE9 does not support websocket. As far as I know there are so many problems with IE9 that also Microsoft recommends to upgrade to IE10.
  14. Well apart from being a training device, the SoHo hardware was using a very old Linux distribution. But as long as you have SSH access you should be able to download the lib and upgrade the box. If your license does not work send us an email or private message with the MAC and the old key.
  15. You mean that the call logs show the IP addresses of the involved parties?
  16. Might depend also on the Polycom software versions. You need to make sure that you need to use one of the newer firmware versions. The templates for the Polycom make it possible to assign button functionality to the device. The buttons must have the names "1" to "10" and they must be using the "BLF" mode.
  17. Yes, please send me a private message and we'll take a look.
  18. Seems your service provider (which one is it?) needs some tweaking. Check how the account should be represented, for example instead of + use 00. Also, there should be some kind of documentation from the service provider with working examples.
  19. snom ONE blue and yellow licenses are off the market for some time now and has been replaced with the new versions that you can find on the snomone.com web site. Who ever has sold you that license should take it back and reimburse you the expenses.
  20. Well trying out is okay. When using trunks keep in mind that there is no magic flag on SIP packets and the PBX needs to figure our where the call comes from. Check out "How the System Identifies a Trunk" on http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Inbound_Calls.
  21. I assume that you have automatically provisioned the phones? Are they on the same IP address as your trunk?
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