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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Wo steht denn die PBX? Im LAN? Dann sollte der Router keine Rolle spielen. Ansonsten könnte es sein, dass der Router dazwischen funkt. Ist Speedport W 921V eine FritzBox? Ich würde auf jeden Fall mal die Settings nach "SIP ALG" durchforsten, und falls vorhanden, ausschalten. Ausserden ist es das aller einfachste, das Telefon einfach zu provisionieren. Dann werden alle Einstellungen automatisch vorgenommen.
  2. We had to struggle with some encoding problems. Can you get us (in a private message) the source view in the web browser or a wireshark (assuming you are using http)? Then we should be able to see that.
  3. The URL is wrong. It should be just the Then the PBX will append the rest.
  4. We'll continue our webinar series "Introduction to snom ONE" on Friday 11 AM US East Coast time. This is the last part of the series, so be sure not to miss it! The link is https://meet.lync.com/snomone/cs/ZTQP3MCK.
  5. Oh. I think I get the point now. When you are calling the PBX for a callback, you don't want to pay for this. Not even for the call that initiates the callback. That is why this call does not connect. However, during that time there is still media--early media. This is two way audio, including DTMF. Some airlines are using the same mechanism to keep costs away from their customers. Because the ringback phase is limited to a few seconds by most carriers, the financial damage for the carriers is limited. But a few seconds are enough to enter e.g. the PIN to start the callback. The 200 Ok has essentially the function to tell the carrier when to start the billing and to change the caller's display to "connected". If your carrier does not transport the DTMF tones or even the media, he is definitively not SIP compliant. This is actually a pretty well-known test scenario. You can search for early media and SIP if your are interested in the technical background.
  6. Oh so you mean that this is not about what you see on the phone, this is about what you see in the web interface? We have shifted a few time display functions to JavaScript (for example the CDR in the web interface), which displays the time in the browsers language and also time zone. For example, the drop down for selecting the time zone still comes directly from the PBX; and there you might see the wrong format. But we are moving slowly but steadily to more and more JavaScript, so that this problem will go away almost by itself in the web interface anyway. The templates are not run through the same engine like the web pages. Also, there is no JavaScript involved. You can see what has been generated in the "generated" folder. Also, the provisioning heavily depends on the vendor. It might be okay for snom, and not okay for other vendors. We are constantly improving those templates. Vendors are coming out with new models, new firmware, new features. This is a moving target; feedback is welcome.
  7. A very simple way to do the branding is to put an image logo_snom.jpg into the html/img folder. This is defined in the style sheet (style.css). If you want to modify other parts of the web interface, you can do this with the regular template editing.
  8. The name "IVR node" was chosen because the idea was to set up several nodes like in a state diagram. The application server has the job to tell the PBX where to go next. Every node can play a different message. This way you can set up a dialog.
  9. Yes. You can see that the PBX put the call always in 183 state. It should go to 200. Why it does that is a completely different question. My idea would be to take a look at the SIP packets going back and forth to your SIP service provider. Maybe that has a clue about what is going on.
  10. The Yealink template says: #Configure the date format; 0-WWW MMM DD (default), 1-DD-MMM-YY, 2-YYYY-MM-DD, 3-DD/MM/YYYY, 4-MM/DD/YY, 5-DD MMM YYYY, 6-WWW DD MMM; local_time.date_format = {enum extension lang_web 4 de=1} So if you have de then it will pick 1, otherwise 4. Should it read: local_time.date_format = {enum extension lang_web 4 de=1 uk=1} or even: local_time.date_format = {enum extension lang_web 1 us=4}
  11. Check out the good old wiki: http://kiwi.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Linking_External_Application_Server_to_an_IVR_Node
  12. Yea I think a couple of versions had a bug (new JavaScript). 5.0.10o should work (http://snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/version-5.0.10o.xml)
  13. Did you click on the edit icon in the domain list? What version are you on? 5.0.10o?
  14. Maybe you have an old log from the previous version where you see the outgoing INVITE to the provider? There you should be able to see what is in the From/Remote-Party/P-Asserted-ID headers. Then it should be easy to adjust that with the V5 headers. Feedback is appreciated, so that we can keep the provider drop-down list up to date.
  15. It is on the to-do list. The key problem that we need to solve is to get images in different resolutions, so that we can also start pushing background images to the provisioned phones.
  16. Well, many people are still upgrading from 4.3 and 4.2 versions to 4.5.1. Those clients don't need an installer. Yes, welcome to the software world, we appreciate it if people move on to version 5. We are trying it a better software, and nobody likes to work for free.
  17. Monday Morning... There are no more installers for version 4. They were on snom servers where the content has been removed. For new installations, please use version 5.
  18. Yes that would be great.
  19. Oh the log message is just informational. I agree it can be confusing. In newer versions we have already changed it.
  20. It should be a log level 8 (which is pretty high). It is more for troubleshooting; once your system is running operational you should lover the log level to something like 5 or lower.
  21. Unfortunately, practically every carrier does it slightly different. We have introduced a list of carriers in the setup drop-down to simplify the correct setup. Is it on the list? If not we would love to add it .
  22. G.729A needs to be licensed separately. If you have 10 calls, it does not mean that those calls can be ten G729A calls. See http://www.snomone.com/alacarte for more information.
  23. Eh that sounds like a bug to me... Yes the discussion what other profiles are needed is on. I agree dumb lobby phones without star codes, address book would be another option.
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