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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Can you call the cell phone from your extension? From another extension using the *00 starcode?
  2. Yea, see http://forum.pbxnsip.com/index.php?showtopic=3549.
  3. Roll back or roll forward... The has problems with the loopback detection. Send an email to support and you'll get a link to a newer version.
  4. I think you definitevely have to use a newer version that 4.0.1. There were some problems with the loopback trunk that have been fixed meanwhile.
  5. Yea, we have an Exchange 2010 installed, even did a few tests. But as you said, there are still some things remaining open. We need to keep this topic open; however right now we are working on a couple of things that make such tests difficult/useless. I would say, retry-after: 1 week.
  6. Where, in the PAC/WAC? Or buttons? BLF?
  7. Don't use call forward all in this case. Just use the cell phone number and define when it should be included. The PBX forks the call to the cell phone if you provide the cell phone number. The cell phone acts like another SIP registration, they will ring at the same time.
  8. Hmm. Transfer is pretty much a core feature that should work... Do you see a REFER coming from the phone to the PBX? This message must contain a Refer-To header and Referred-By (maybe attach the message here so we can take a look).
  9. You should hit the size limit when you export large configs through the web interface. There should be no endless loop (never!). If you can reproduce it, maybe do us the favour and ZIP the working directory and give it to us, to that we can try to reproduce it here.
  10. Is there anything in the certificates directory?
  11. Next version will use LDAP. XML is just not right because the searching is counter intuitive. Think about an address book with 40000 entries, you dont want to download that when the user (maybe accidentially!) touches the address button. That would look like a lockup, but it is just an operation that takes longer...
  12. The logic is enforced on the web site with a javascript. We are talking about this code: // Checks a string for a list of characters function get_score(pw, check) { var result = 0; for (i = 0; i < pw.length; i++) { if (check.indexOf(pw.charAt(i)) >= 0) result += check.length; } return result; } function secure_password(pw) { var method = (filled in during loading); var score = 0; score += get_score(pw, "0123456789"); score += get_score(pw, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); score += get_score(pw, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); score += get_score(pw, ";:-_=+\|//?^&!.@#*()%~<$>{}[]"); if(method == "medium") { if(score < 120) return false; return true; } if(method == "high") { if(score < 200) return false; return true; } // If the method is unknown return true (no check) return true; } function secure_pin(pw) { var method = (filled in during loading); var score = 0; var l = parseInt(pw[0]); for (var i = 1; i < pw.length; i++) { var c = parseInt(pw[i]); var d = c - l; if (d > 1 || d < -1) score += 2; else if (d != 0) score += 1; l = c; } if (method == "medium") { if (pw.length < 4) return false; if (score < 4) return false; return true; } if (method == "high") { if (pw.length < 6) return false; if (score < 6) return false; return true; } // If the method is unknown return true (no check) return true; } As you can see, the user input gets a score, and then depending on the password strength setting, it gets rejected or not. If the user turns javascript off, the PBX will accept all passwords. So the goal is to pretect the user from himself.
  13. Hmm. Maybe you can just attach a sample recording here, and then we can analyse where the tone is coming from. Maybe it is just the ATA sending a DTMF (e.g. the last digit of the number).
  14. Seems like there is another service running on port 80. You can see what other server is runnnig there with "netstat -l -t -n".
  15. Well, the best solution would be a fast-blinking MWI light. Apart from the technical challenges with the SIP standards, the question is if customers want this in an office environment at all. Imagine there is someone visiting you in your office or cubicle, and you don't want to get the call, and then the visitor can listen to what is being recorded.
  16. Vodia PBX

    911 ANI

    The EPID is a special DID number assigned by the PBX that can be used to call the extension back immediately from the emergency call center. This is essentially to bypass the auto attendant and go directly to the extension that placed a E911 call. This is something that you cannot do with a TDM system (a benefit of using VoIP for emergency calls!). However the E911 call center needs to support this. The ANI is dealing with the question what caller-ID you want to present when calling the E911 call center. In some cases, this must be a different number than for regular calls. Especially when the call center has location-based information associated with the caller-ID, it makes sense to explicitly enter this ANI.
  17. Linux in general has a problem when you have more than one default gateway. I think this is not limited to the CS410. Can you attach your ip configuration (ifconfig) and the route (route)? Would be interesting to see how this looks like.
  18. Should be okay, but remember the total memory is 128 MB including everything on this device. You can always check /proc/memstat to see if the system is in a healthy state.
  19. This is a general problem. How can the provider know you are not spoofing the caller-ID? Most providers block the original caller-ID because of this reason. Check out http://forum.pbxnsip.com/index.php?showtopic=2221 on how pbxnsip tries to help the provider.
  20. Vertically (from stage to stage) it is allowed to have the same extension, for example this makes a lot of senes: Stage 1 10 Stage 2 10 11 Stage 3 10 11 12 Final Stage 820 If you use the same extension in the same stage, it has no effect. This is like you use it only once.
  21. If you can make it into your mailbox, then you can dial the star code from there. Terminate the code with pound (#).
  22. Try the attached file, it will make the PBX wait for 300 ms after the beep. mb_beep.wav
  23. Okay, we'll use *86* for this (*86 for retrieve and the * behind it so we know you don't want to retrieve from a park orbit, but a mailbox).
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