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Minimise to Taskbar

Brett Davey

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Is there any plan to have the app minimised to the taskbar when a user presses the X to close the app? The current behaviour actually closes the app rather than minimising to the taskbar resulting in missing incoming calls.

Additionally a feature within the app to enable auto start up with Windows would also be appreciated. Is this also a possibility for the next release?

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Those are both Windows OS specific questions and unfortunately are out of our control:

If you want to start the app on a boot up please check the following link: . https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026268/windows-10-change-startup-apps

Windows app comes with options to minimize the screen, maximize the screen, and exit the app just like any other windows application. Minimizing the app will put it in the dock center and could be reopened by simply clicking the icon.1112781516_Screenshot2020-10-09172531.png.1d2b0b379797353e5e1298dd8a47a520.png



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Sorry, but I do not agree with the above 2 replies around the behavior when clicking the X in the top right hand corner of the app to minimise to the system tray rather than closing the app. This is an in app behavior setting and not Windows. We currently use Bria and when the X is clicked by the User it minimises to the system tray, if this was not the behaviour then the User would actually close the app and not receive any incoming calls and not be aware of it.


Thank you for the replies around the auto startup and I have worked out this issue.

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