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pbx support

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Everything posted by pbx support

  1. In the Admin->Settings->General page, there is a field "Max. size of a configuration backup file:" Check the value and increase it to a higher value. BTW, if you have too many recordings files, I would suggest to use the manual backup (just zip it!) method.
  2. This was a case of not opening the UDP (RTP) ports on the firewall
  3. Based on this log the call from "2486 2486 (MIKE)" to 911 went fine. Interestingly, 2486 and 911 are on the same domain?
  4. Did you try setting the "Language" to "Dutch" in the login page?
  5. RTP uses UDP. So that is not a problem. Monitoring tool such as wireshark lets to view/decode those packets as RTP.
  6. This happens if PBX recognizes the caller id of the person calling in. Please take a look at the cell phone field under "Redirection" page for the user/account.
  7. Do you have the log from PBX? Just to make sure that the PBX is receiving the registration messages.
  8. There is an "Insert image" (4th from the Right to Left) icon above the text block. Is there a (pbxnsip) PBX log when the error happened?
  9. wav files are in audio_en (for english language) directory. (/pbx/audio_en)
  10. If you do not have this file in html folder already, you can just copy it as is. No need to edit the file.
  11. I believe 'redirection to cell phone with a hunt group' is not supported at this moment. Probably we can add the error check.
  12. This is a global settings. Please refer http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Global_Configuration_File, to see how to modify the global settings.
  13. I assume you have checked this page already http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Outbound_Calls_on_Trunk
  14. May be the provider had some temporary problem.
  15. Can you please get us the SIP log?
  16. Can you verify the "RTP Keepalive:" settings on the phone http://<phone ip>/advanced_sip.htm?
  17. We have plans to enable/disable CDR generation at the domain level.
  18. We have not introduced that setting at the domain level yet. It is still at the System->Settings page.
  19. It is http://pbxnsip.com/download/pbxctrl-debian4.0-
  20. Still SIP log would tell us what is wrong. SIP messaging will be different when x-lite is directly connected to the provider vs connected via the PBX
  21. One of the issues that we had was /var/run/pbx folder disappears after the reboot. This seems to be an OS related 'feature'. So in the new release we have moved the working directory to /usr/Applications/pbx. This directory does not disappear, so the configuration stays intact. We may still have to perform couple of manual steps in this version because of the directory change. 1. Back up the /var/run/pbx folder. This backs up the current configuration. 2. Install the new version which will create /usr/Applicaitons/pbx. 3. Move the backed up folders to /usr/Applications/pbx BTW, the new version will be released anytime this week
  22. I see. Basically, you do not want to filter data on the MySQL server or the file based on the domain. You want the PBX to write/send CDRs for only selected domains. We will add a domain level setting that overrides the system setting.
  23. We are introducing CDR generation to "MySQL server" and a "CSV file on the disk". It in the testing phase now. Both these mechanisms still use the "Simple CDR format string" that we already have, to control the CDR records. This way customer need not learn anything new. All they need to do is select CDR storage of their choice - SOAP/MySQL/File.
  24. Have you changed the trunk type to "SIP Gateway"? After that, -Set the domain and the outbound proxy fields to IP address of Broadvox's IP -Clear out the password fields (after you save the page you would still see ***** in that field. That's okay) -Hit "Save"
  25. /var/run/pbx is the working directory for the PBX. If you are starting pbx manually, you can choose any directory (of course, write permissions need to be verified). On the command line you can try '/Library/pbxnsip/<the binary> --dir /var/run/<pbx wg>', where <the binary> is the pbx binary that is installed, <pbx wg> is the working directory that you can create using 'mkdir' before running the PBX.
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