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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Nonono. Of course MoH should work when the call comes from a hunt group. On the old versions, the PBX would play the MoH of the domain; in the new versions every hunt group can have their own MoH. Actually, AFAIK the latest version 4 should have this feature.
  2. After the caller hangs up, the recording is deleted. The only purpose of the recording is to play it back when you pick up. It might be an interesting idea to make it accessible in the call record; but that has not been done yet. The recording for the agent group (as for the hunt group) was changed in version 4. Now we record the trunk side, so that transfers don't stop the recording.
  3. That one is probably blocking port 80 and 443. Try to stop Apache, then start the PBX and change the ports from 80 and 443 to something else (in hte PBx web interface which should be available then). Then both servers should be able to co-exist on the system.
  4. Well, in the web interface you usually see the "From" and "To" of the call, which are set at the beginning of the call and which don't change during tranfers & co. That is okay because this was the number that was called.
  5. That seems to be a problem with the 870 right now. We all have to be patient and wait for the next software from snom that fixes that problem.
  6. Well the SIP messages look like sphagetti in this port, very hard to read. You should also pay attention to the messages in the log about identifiying trunks. In the cases that you send traffic from one PBX to the other, there are subtle cases when the PBX believes the call does not call from a trunk, but a local user. Especially when the user names overlap that is a common problem.
  7. Yes, in the core it is already there; but the front end slash web page did not make it yet. Might be part of a release update.
  8. The 30 seconds sound like there is no answer coming back from a device and it times out. Can you check if all those extensions are registered properly and respond okay?
  9. As far as I can see it is built on Atom, which we also use in other projects and we have good experience with it. The Sheeva has an almost unbeatable price. But if the price is not so super-critical, then the fit looks like a great alternative. Especially when it should be running Windows.
  10. Hmm. Yes when the user starts entering something, then the audio playback stops. This usually makes sense, because most IVR node applications would want to wait for complete input (without playback). We could define an exception that if the list of patterns only contains "E" we never stop playback; but generally it is a bad idea to define such cryptical rules that in the end noone will understand. Proposal for a workaround: If you match any digit (with the pattern "[0-9]") then redirect directly to the destination. This becomes a feature for those who dont want to wait for the end of the annoucement.
  11. I would try this: !\*!1! !#!2! The star code must be escaped, but the pound/hash symbol is just a regular literal.
  12. That would be the right way to disable user input. You don't need the timeout pattern. Why a restart would fix this is a mystery to me. These things don't require anything that would be read only during a restart.
  13. Sounds like the web page is missing a few entries. Will forward this report...
  14. Maybe you can post the settings that you were using. Then others can use it as reference.
  15. Seems there is another issue that the call also shows up twice in the call log. Maybe those problems are related.
  16. Nonono. The topic number does not change, and if you subscribe to the topic you should get updates. We move the topics because we want to make searching easier.
  17. You could make the phone believe it is a "button". The Message key would then be associated with the button just like the LED. Then you can provision it just like the other 12 buttons on the phone.
  18. Of course. One loop in asking what the problem is is most of the time useful to clarify the problem. We'll check it.
  19. Is there a route entry for sending messages with the IP address that sends them via the loopback interface? That might cause grief, because OCS might have an issue dealing with sockets bound to the loopback interface. What is the output of "route print"?
  20. There are guys who have hundred thousand rate table entries (for billing on trunks, especially prepaid and AOC indication). When the PBX starts up and has to read that table, this can take a minute or two and then the Windows service manager would think the PBX does not start up. Because of that, this table must be loaded later.
  21. Well, this is a matter of perspective. If you ask the guy who got called, he will say "my call gets recorded because I record all my incoming calls" (and he might not know/care if the other side of the call also records the call). The caller might say "my call gets recorded because I record all my outgoing calls" (and he as well might not know/care if the other side of the call also records the call).
  22. If you choose "1" as the country code, the PBX starts to interpret numbers. IMHO a great feature. You should give it a try. When in the dialplan, all numbers are presented in the "regular" way, which is 10 digits for national numbers and 011* for international numbers. Also, account alias numbers are automatically interpreted as 10-digit numbers.
  23. Ja das ist ein generelles Problem was in SIP irgendwie nicht sauber gelöst wurde. Die meisten Provider authentifizieren auf Basis des "From"-Feldes. Das ist definitiv falsch; aber das kümmert natürlich keinen. Eigentlich sollte auf Basis der P-Asserted-Identity oder ICID authentifiziert werden, damit könnten diese Probleme leicht gelöst werden. Die PBX unterstützt alles das; aber die Provider tun es halt noch nicht oder nur selten.
  24. Well, we could add the option "check for updates" which will load new versions and then at midnight automatically update the PBX. The problem with that is that you should "never change a running system". We all know that every upgrade has problems with the interop, and such an automatic upgrade would probably cause more grief that help.
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