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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Version 62 will have it: https://doc.vodia.com/zoho_crm
  2. I think firmware 3.2 might be far too old (more than 7 years old). There are simply many features not there, e.g. TLS1.2 wasn't even invented yet.
  3. Should be happening within a few days or maybe one or two weeks.
  4. There is a domain address book and a user address book. In addition to that you can have your Google address book synced into the PBX as well as the Exchange address book. Most phones use LDAP to query the address books, this is set up during the provisioning process. You can add entries through the web interface, either in the domain mode or in the user mode (logged in as user). The domain address book entries are shared with every user in the domain. There is a option in the ACD that it automatically adds entries to the domain address book. Nobody stops users from adding address book entries in their devices. However this is out of scope for the PBX.
  5. We have already addressed that in the latest version, will be included in the next 62.0 version.
  6. On the Vodia PBX this is done using the local address book. That being said, there is a possibility to make a SPAM score lookup through TrueCNAM or Tellows which can include caller-ID information as well. We'll address the problem in the next version where you can just code this yourself if you want, including MySQL queries.
  7. You can (and should) set your password and PIN in the domain settings at the bottom. If the phones are registered, just check-sync them and then they should use that password. Better don't change the template, there is no need in this case.
  8. That problem was solved in version 61. Unfortunately this is no easy fix, porting it back to 57 is not an option. If you upgrade to 61.1 (Debian64 is available) it will also automatically convert the button profiles to the new button profile scheme.
  9. Well... the setting was actually for BLF not for the line. Sorry about the wrong info. I guess we need to introduce another setting for the lines.
  10. Some Linux distributions keep the PBX from binding to port 80/443 for some time, which could be 5 minutes. When you restart the PBX check top if it CPU is actually busy.
  11. When the PBX restarts, it needs to read the configuration files. Especially if there are a lot of CDR this can take its time. If you have a lot, well that can take time (the newer versions keep an index for the CDR tables which make this a lot faster).
  12. There were a couple of problems in that area, especially for very busy systems. If you can move to 61.0 or maybe even 61.1 then those problems should be fixed.
  13. For fixed length patterns 1340xxxxxxx|1268xxxxxxx should work. Or (1340[0-9]*|1268[0-9]*)@.*
  14. Is this a problem in the web front end? Are the settings (in the XML files) written correctly?
  15. For example you could use a expression like this: ^(01153[0-9]*|01154[0-9]*|01155[0-9]*)@.* The pattern can be expanded accordingly.
  16. At least make them easier to read... [] means either character listed there as far as I remember, if you want alternatives you need to use 01153|01154 not [01153]|[01154]. You should probably go for full extended regular expression, it is well documented and you don't need to try & error.
  17. Some snom firmware versions treated space as empty string " "; so possibility #1 would be to set the label to that or maybe a TAB character. The other possibility #2 is to set the "Label template for private lines" (in reg_pnp_settings.htm) to "", although this would affect all phones - at least it should 100 % validate the point about provisioning an empty label.
  18. I would just make one entry per country, as simple as 01153* and then block that entry. If you have a lot of them, it is easier to use the text mode. This makes it very fast to copy & paste lines. Extended regular expressions and even complex "simple" expressions easily get out of control!
  19. So in a nutshell - the problem is that there is no way to set the label to empty?
  20. If you work with buttons I would try to get to 61.1 where all modes are available and the latest will also automatically upgrade your pre-61 button profiles to the 61+ button profile. Is this really specific for the 745? IMHO it would make sense to do this for all snom models, at least those that have a display for the buttons. The documentation for snom PnP on the doc.vodia.com portal is slightly outdated, so in a nutshell when you select the snom mode you can put just anything into the parameter that will be copied into the XML file. If you want to try out, just put something there like "hello there" and look at the file that will be sent to the phone, then you will see how this works.
  21. Hmm... There is a "snom power mode" available where the parameter for the button gets copied 1:1 into the XML as is. You can always use that as a fallback method without having to change the template. The question is if the default that we are using right now is good. For a private line we currently provision <fkey idx="xxx" context="yyy" label="lll" perm="RW">line</fkey>. Would it make sense to change that?
  22. Try using the {from} pattern and then follow the rules to determine what exactly you want to see there https://doc.vodia.com/trunk_ani once you have done the trunk it would be great if you send support an email, then we can include it in the next build so that other users can just use it.
  23. Well CDR are a matter of the perspective. If A calls B, then A feels like he has talked to B while B feels like he as talked to A. This the two emails...
  24. Might be a problem with the pattern in the HTML input element. If you are pragmatic, just right-mouse-click on the element and remove the pattern element. Then you should be able to save it.
  25. Vodia PBX

    Spam Scoring

    Well you could select "pretend to be busy" and then set the call forward on busy to the mailbox number (8xxx). But I agree it would be more explicit to have that obvious case right there in the drop down.
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