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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Dann ist es vermutlich unter C:\Programme\Vodia\pbx oder so ähnlich.
  2. Im Prinzip ja. Ich würde allerdings vom PBX Filesystem (normalerweise in /usr/local/pbx) ein Backup machen für den Fall das das nicht so klappt wie gedacht. Wenn die Domäne bei Generieren des .tar schon fehlerhaft war, wird das Backup vermutlich auch nicht besser sein!
  3. Do you mean that the 2nd device keeps on ringing? That would not be okay, sounds like a problem with the network setup. P.S. We also have a German forum on forum.vodia.com
  4. Wenn es ein Domain-Backup ist, einfach beim Neuanlegen einer Domain angeben. Die neue Domäne verwendet dann die Daten aus dem Backup.
  5. There is something at https://vodia.com/doc/admin_ports. You have to keep in mind that in contrast to a web server, the PBX needs to be able to advertise its routable IP address. If the devices are in the LAN, things should be simple. You might want to take a look into the automatic provisioning, which does pretty much everything for you. It gets complicated when you want to run the PBX on a private (which means, not using an IP address that can be reached from the Internet) IP address. Most SIP trunk provider use a session border controller today which can "fix" the problems of your PBX running on a private IP address. This is unfortunately a problem that the fathers and mothers of the SIP standard ignored pretty much. But there is tons of information about it in the Internet.
  6. You mean like an alert tone as on your cell phone when the call comes in? That might be difficult terrain.
  7. There is a way to have the PBX present "pretend" IP addresses (see https://vodia.com/doc/admin_sip_and_audio)e.g. SIP IP Replacement List. Maybe this solves your problem. You can have the PBX also poll for its public IP address in case it is changing.
  8. I don't get the point. Why would the extension stop calling?
  9. We make release notes only for "full" releases. It would be great if you can use the 56.3 for testing if the problem is solved for you, then we can include that in the release notes for 57.0.
  10. In the latest (56.3) we have made a couple of changes in the area, so you might want to make sure you are running the latest and greatest.
  11. The format is just TLV - tag length and value. The tag and the length are fixed-length, binary encoded fields. They encode the same thing like the XML files are encoding. The binary encoding is faster to read, which is important for record times like CDR where there may be thousands of records which cost time when booting up. For the web pages the binary form saves time for escaping entities like & < >.
  12. Hmm, unfortunately those are binary encoded, so that the XML bash script will not work. It would require writing something in a better scripting language like perl or python.
  13. What do you mean with custom configs? Template changes? Those are stored in the webpages directory. I guess you have seen the https://vodia.com/doc/shellscripts examples, this could be another application!
  14. I remember that we had that case a few weeks ago. I believe it depended on the browser and that it has been fixed in the latest and greatest, should be fixed with the next upgrade.
  15. The XML file format was never supposed to be visible to anyone...
  16. There are some scripts in https://vodia.com/doc/shellscripts maybe you can change them so that you can filter for service flags. This way, at least you find out what the situation is without having to click through the web page.
  17. The beginning of the path does not matter to the PBX. You can as well use /home/callcabinet/recordings, no problem. Maybe just give it a try.
  18. The solution could be to combine both patterns, e.g. $r/$d/$p_$g_$a_0_$i_$k+$s.WAV so that you have the domain in the path. IMHO the daemon should be able to pick up files also from sub directories.
  19. You can use service flags in the dial plan. That should make it easy to specify routes (e.g. expensive international routes) e.g. only during office hours. As for the service flags, we have recently added a possibility to add holiday ranges, e.g. for school holidays when you don't want to specify each and every day. It will be part of the next release.
  20. The PBX never generates DTMF when dialing a number. Consequently there would be no need for a pause symbol either. On the other hand, it passes the number to the PSTN gateway. Many gateways are able to not only generate the DTMF to dial the number, they can also generate pauses. So what could be a solution here would be adding the symbol (e.g. a comma) to the address book entry, let the PBX have it pass to the PSTN gateway and make sure that is is processed there when dialing the number.
  21. You can control which calls are recorded on domain but also on extension level. There is a setting for internal calls, you can turn it off. If they should use the auto attendant for internal calls they would still hear the announcement, but IMHO they should call each other directory without auto attendant anyway.
  22. The Auto Attendant currently simply does not have that feature. What you could try to do is to "recycle" the WAV for the ACD in the AA, and just have it play the announcement in the beginning.
  23. The announcement is only made at the beginning when the caller hits a ACD. There is a setting in the ACD for that.
  24. Yes, this is possible. We did that in the old days to connect to Microsoft OCS. http://forum.vodia.com/index.php/topic/1496-ocs-and-exchange-um-voicemail/ http://kiwi.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Microsoft_Exchange The key is to use the setting "External voicemail system" in the domain settings.
  25. It just might depend on the device you are using. Maybe it is trying to be smart and sees that +1-555 numbers are US numbers and it expects it to be 10 digits, which is not the case for 555 numbers. Or it might just have a problem escaping the "+" character the right way. It should be visible in the INVITE that the PBX receives from the device. Maybe you can attach it here so that we can see where the problem potentially is.
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