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Everything posted by Support

  1. Hey Guys, Just a quick reminder: Please update your iOS apps to the latest (if you haven't) and test this again. And we have a new MacOS build for the the app out: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UhGQpHTT4_WwGT6ETLdJ4fwT7sJfyt5j
  2. The pages: For user control: /reg_usr_control.htm For Domain admin controls: /reg_settings.htm > bottom of the page.
  3. Please login as username@domain and password.
  4. Hi, This seems like a feature request we might to look into if it's possible to be added into the system at the moment. We will update this thread with more.
  5. Please upgrade to 65.0 version again (even if you're on 65.0 right now) and then you should be able to see that option.
  6. You can select the time and date from this page and the system's time and date on the kernel level will be taken.
  7. Take a look at: /reg_settings.htm page on PBX
  8. Yes, we're aware about this and would be fixed ASAP.
  9. Yes, so it's important that Webpass is as complicated as you can set it to.
  10. Thank you for the update. Yes, please enter the password again in the email section and that should be out of your way.
  11. Please upgrade again to 65.0. It'll rewrite itself. And then try again.
  12. Ring back is for when you call someone and is provided by their trunk and / or their PBX. They want to make you hear that, so they should be the one's changing it.
  13. Please upgrade to 65.0 again and try it out.
  14. Go to the extension > general tab > "Dial plan:" and select it from there.
  15. What PBX version and build date are you trying the iOS app on?
  16. If you delete a dial plan it unfortunately, won't be restored at any point. This is just the default name that we have, so you will have to change the name of your new one. The domain default is always going to be assigned by default if there are no other dial plans created.
  17. Is this a cause of some error on your PBX? If so, what is the issue?
  18. Hi, If the certificate is going to expire, automatic renewal is also included right now. Not sure if you're referring to something else?
  19. Please try to register your softphones by making changes to this setting: "Outbound proxy pattern" on /dom_settings.htm page on the PBX. You can click on "?" on that page (and on every other page for that matter) on PBX to know more about the setting.
  20. Yes it does have all the permissions. You also have to give it permissions on your cell phone. And yes if you're using the PBX to work from behind a NAT / Firewall, please enable IP routing list and SIP IP replacement settings on the /reg_sipsettings.htm on the PBX (if it's not working be default for you).
  21. Thanks for the heads-up. Appreciate it.
  22. Hi, This needs to be looked into as we're continuously adding new translations to the PBX. For now please switch to English.
  23. Can you please upgrade to the latest 65.0? Please re-upgrade if you're already on 65.0 anyway.
  24. Please delete the previous app and download this one: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/vodia-phone/9ntksqfkc1zt Having said that, it still should not be an issue for you. Can you see if your mic is working with other apps?
  25. Hi, So you have 2 different issues? 1) Audio in your headset is having issues with Web User portal or Windows app or Android App? Please be more specific. 2) Are you the manager of the ACD to see those calls? Go to your extension > Permission > Manage ACD > Turn on.
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