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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Thanks for the feedback. First of all, IMHO it was a major glitch to hardcode an IPv4 address on a device which is not a DHCP server. Making the device a DHCP server by default was another major lapse or reason, considering that customers might have already one running in their network! IPv6 has its charm when it comes to IP addresses that correspondent to the MAC address, do don't have to always wonder what IPv4 address the DHCP server assigned to you. Right, when you set the IP address up statically, you also need to specify the DNS server. I consider that a "mainstream" requirement... On the previous version of the SoHo we had to run another web server to offer the configuration frontend. That was not just another HTTP port (inconvenience), but it also means that there was a lot of additional software that had to be installed, and maintained. Thinking about security and looking at the news every day, that can keep us busy with software updates for the various packages. Instead we embedded it into the snom ONE web server now, so that you dont have to switch between the interfaces. Everything is done in JavaScript, so all we need to do is add the DNS server fields, and provide a JavaScript change with the next release without the need to change the code in the PBX itself. I believe it is an endless job to provide all possible options for DHCP client, server, IPv4, IPv6, LLDP, VLAN, VPN client, VPN server, RADIUS, routing, and so on through the web interface. Linux has it all, and it is well documented. They way to use it in Linux (debian) is to log in on a text terminal, and we will not change that. We just want to make the mainstream admin tasks automated.
  2. It is very understandable that Apple has a problem with the "W" in the "WAV". However, the PBX does not use WAV for streaming (where does this rumor come from?). The PBX just uses 16-bit per sample, 8 kHz mono audio encapsulated in RTP. This is a very very simple audio format coming from the first CD players last century. Maybe there is a glorified name for this on the Apple platform, but there must be something.
  3. There are now some online training classs available. Check out http://www.snom.com/en/partners/snom-university/online-courses/ or http://onlinetraining.snom.com. I have seen some, and they look pretty good.
  4. Is this a quality issue? garbeled packets can happen if you dont have enough bandwidth for two calls.
  5. Das wäre nicht das erste mal...
  6. That is indeed strange. The PBX actually does not need "WAV", it needs either linear (8 kHz times 16 bit mono = 128 kbit/s) or ulaw-encoded (64 kbit/s) RTP. I cant spot that in the dropdown in the screen shot that you sent.
  7. I dont think so. Then the registration would also not be possible. Before you spend more time, I would get a PCAP from the m9 (through the web interface) and see if there are any media packets flowing back and forth between the handset and the PBX. If you like, attach it to a post on the forum, then we can take a look at it.
  8. Klingt nach einem Problem mit der richtigen IP-Adresse ( oder private Adresse). snom ist derzeit in Cebit-o-maina, da werden wir mal jemand am Stand fragen.
  9. What is the routing table look right now (route print). Probably the PBX picks the wrong local IP address.
  10. Hat sich inzwischen jemand bei Ihnen gemeldet? Rauswählen sollte eigentlich einfacher als rein sein. Stimmt das Rufschema? Können Sie sehen dass das Gateway ein INVITE Paket bekommt und stimmt dort die übermittelte Rufnummer überein?
  11. MR X is the expert on the topic, he can vote for "finally got it working"... Before he wakes up, some questions. What version are you running? Background info is that we made the linear codec possible for MoH streaming just a few months ago, which makes life a lot easier for most people. Also, it does not matter so much what you feed into VLC, the important part is always that the output is RTP, codec linear or ulaw, 8 kHz, Mono. You should try to have multiple of 10 ms RTP packet length, ideally something like 20ms or maybe 40ms (not 10000ms, this would not even fit into a UDP packet). If you hear static that means that the PBX detects RTP on the port and believes it is a known codec; so are close...
  12. If you want SSH access, send a private message to MR X, he will get you access.
  13. Actually all you need is to load the UK audio files, it includes the UK ringtone and also UK accent voice prompts. They can be found here: http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Downloads
  14. You do have a problem with the dictionary. If you really did not do any customizations, just remove (or rename) the directories html and webpages.After this, you'll have to restart the PBX.
  15. Essentially you have to think of the other PBX like just another a PSTN call. Instead of using a PSTN gateway, you can use a trunk that points directly to the other PBX. If you can have the PBX running on routable IP addresses (either public IP or a corporate VPN), then you can just use gateway trunks and you dont have to deal with the NAT complication. I would suggest that you assign real or "virtual" DID numbers to the extensions that should be visible to the other PBX, so that they dont have to go through an auto attendant when calling another office. In the dial plan, you can then have a pattern like 4xxx (extensions on the other PBX starting with 4) and a replacement like 7770123* (if you choose "virtual" DID numbers like 7770123123).
  16. What is the phone firmware version? I think that is the core question.
  17. The similarity is obvious. I think the problem is to get the latest firmware for Doro. AFAIK these devices are locked for Doro, and you cannot update a Doro image wit ha snom image. If it is already 7.x, it should be okay to use it.
  18. Admin mode: Settings/Access. What product is this? snom ONE plus?
  19. Really hard to say... Only PCAP will tell us what is going on on the network level. If not too inconvenient, can you run Wireshark and send me a private message with the link to the data?
  20. Did you edit the dictionary? If not, try to reset if from the web interface.
  21. Das würde ich mal rausnehmen. Wenn das keine lokale IP-Adresse ist, wird das Betriebssystem imme rmeckern dass der Port nicht auf die Adresse gebunden werden kann. Dieses Setting wird eh nur für Multicast-RTP verwendet.
  22. We had cases where there were so many DNS entries for records that the UDP packet got too big. Thats not the case here. We have seen a lot of other cases, where DNS servers were simply buggy, e.g. could not handle NAPTR, SRV or AAAA requests and that was causing issues. Especially when using DNS servers from small, cheap DSL or cable modem routers, chances are that they mingle the DNS packets up. Usually it helps to use a public DNS server instead (e.g. from Google).
  23. Die Ersetzung wird dann gemacht wenn man den Country Code in der Domäne setzt. Wenn dieses Setting leer ist, ändert die PBX die Nummer nicht.
  24. Wenn HTTP reicht, kann man auch ein IVR node in der PBX dafür nehmen. Der ist in der Lage ein HTTP Request zu starten.
  25. Das darf nicht passieren. Vermutlich ist der RTP port Range zu klein. Dort sollte man schon einige 100 Ports der PBX "spendieren" (Admin/Einstellnungen/Ports/Bereich Start und Ende). Jeder Call frisst mindestens 4 Ports und man sollte dort genügend Platz für eine freie (zufällige) Auswahl der Ports lassen. Default sind 16000 Ports, damit gibt es in der Regel keine Probleme.
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