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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Looks like you should not try to register th trunk to the SPA, use gateway mode on the trunk instead.
  2. Vodia PBX


    Ja wir brauchen eine "Backdoor" in die eingebauten Settings. Ich glaube das geht über Links wie Es ist über die Templates im PBX-Webinterface einfach auszuprobieren; aber es würde Sinn machen dass wir das generell einbauen.
  3. Looks like this is a 4.2 version. You need to upgrade to 4.5 to get the new license built into the product. Alternatively, just send a private message to pbx_support and he will send you the license key for snom ONE free for 4.5 (which should also work on 4.2).
  4. That looks like the provider is looking at the wrong field of the SIP INVITE. I dont think the password is wrong, the SP just looks at the wrong header.
  5. 4.5 has a lot more flexibility with the SIP header presentation than all previous version. We tried to keep it backwards compatible, but it seems there is something special for you. http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Trunk_Custom_Headers has the information what is possible. Maybe you can just post the INVITE packet here along with the name of the service provider, so that we can find a solution also for those who use the same service provider.
  6. I looked at the old post... There the service provider just routes a regular call to the PBX. So what is the PBX supposed to do? Route the call to the cell phone? Or just reject the call, but update the presence state of the PBX? I believe the way Lync does it is different; it just subscribes for the cell phone presence state and then received updates from the provider when something changes.
  7. Looking the the youtube promotion video, I would say it should be possible.
  8. Interesting... Seems like one is using 3GPP (which is SIP), others are leaning to Lync-style presence. It seems like Scandinavia is again ahead of the world with cell phone stuff.
  9. Well, I agree but thats just the way it is right now. A slight correction: It does not matter which account was created first. The PBX always sorts the identies after their primary (canonical) name, which means that it will always put 40 in front of 41, 42, 43 and so on.
  10. Gute Frage. Eine Idee ist es dass irgendwas auf Domänen-Ebene beim Thema Email jetzt auf einmal zwischenfunkt. Wenn die Emails nur auf System-Ebene gehen, aber nicht auf Domänen-Ebene, könnte hier ein Problem sein.
  11. Well, if you are talking about giving MAC addresses a priority for the identity assignment, this is kind of "random": The extension that has been created first will get the first identity, then the second and so on. So if you want to change the sequence, you would have to delete the extensions and create new ones
  12. The yellow and blue licenses have also been "upgraded" to allow transfer with third party devices again like in the good old pbxnsip days. Not specifically for the SPA devices, the primary goal was to enable this feature on all kinds of smart phone soft phones.
  13. You can check the generated directory if the content is included there. I would just add those lines to the snom_3xx_phone.xml template, possibly only for the specific extension. The _custom_ file is not linked any more and it is difficult to add this file to the templates.
  14. There could be a dependency on other services. E.g. if you need to have a specific networking service running like a special VPN connection and the PBX could not start up without it, that would explain it. The other explanation would be that another service takes ports 80, 443, 5060 or 5061. Then the PBX can also not start up (at least the 3.4 version behaved that way).
  15. If you enter a wrong password for a couple of times, the PBX would not accept any more requests from that IP address for some time (e.g. an hour). Maybe that was what happend. If you have file system access, you can check the "accesslist" directory for the last entry (just print it out, it is human readable).
  16. Vodia PBX


    Hosted customers would not just buy off the website. That's why it does not make too much sense to offer them a preconfigured package. This is kind of product where you would have to click the "ask" button...
  17. Did you load the latest prompts? Maybe the PBX is trying to play back a new prompt and that would explain the digital silence.
  18. How do they do that? Do they propagate information from the cell phone network?! Or is there a app running on the cell phone that sends the information over the data network?
  19. Keep in mind that in order to use "buttons", you need to advertize that in the registration and use TLS transport layer. Both is set in the PnP, unless you change the parameters.
  20. Die Ansage "0" wird immer zuerst komplett abgespielt, die anderen nur wenn wirklich gewartet werden muß. Die kann man mit *98[123]*0 aufnehmen (z.b. für 123). Die Musik im Hintergrund wird über zwei Sekunden auf 10 % heruntergefahren, klingt meiner Meinung selbst im jahr 2012 noch sehr professionell. Die Musik kann ja auch gestreamt werden, jedesmal an der gleiche Stelle anfangen ist daher kein Option. Aber die Ansagen sind immer an der gleichen Stelle. Die Ansage kann natürlich auch Musik sein, und für so einen Fall könnte man die Hintergrundmusik mit digitaler Stille füttern, so dass sich auch andere Effekte vorstellen lassen.
  21. Looks like that is not in the default list. You can import it with copy & paste from here: http://www.certificat-ssl.eu/FAQ/en/565.html. Use the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE version...
  22. Well the m9 has a couple of advanced functions that might come to rescue here. When you are in a call, press the key below the display that shows "options", then you can hold the call; then make another (internal) consultation call, and then either conference the other party in or transfer the call. If your house is no ttoo big, you can also should and announce a blind transfer; or as well also just pass the handset (phisical transfer). The beauty of DECT, see http://snom-m9.blogspot.com/2011/12/simple-transfer-like-in-good-old-days.html.
  23. Eh ist etwas schwer zu verstehen. Aber für solche Fälle würde ich mir auf jeden Fall eine Warteschlange nehmen, da kann man sehr viel einstellen, z.B. auch mehrere Ansagen in schleifen usw.
  24. Doch das sollte man damit auch lösen können. Man kann diese Liste nicht nur einer Nebenstelle zuweisen, sondern auch den Rufgruppen, automatische Vermittlung, alles. Probleme gibt es nur mit unerwarteten Nummern, die landen dann in Nirvana.
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