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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. So wir haben uns das mal im Detail angesehen. Die Telekom sendet zurück: Record-Route: <sip:reg.sip-trunk.telekom.de;transport=tls;lr> Im RFC3263 steht wie diese URL aufgelöst werden soll. Das transport=tls hat unsere PBX ein bisschen verwirrt; wenn in der URI ein Port angegeben ist, muss NAPTR und SRV übersprungen werden. Die PBX hat das auch bei Transport gemacht. Das ist offenbar inkorrekt, die nächste Version wird das wirklich nur bei Port machen und dann sollte auch der Telekom-Trunk rund laufen.
  2. PRACK kann nur gesendet werden wenn auch ein RSeq geschickt wird. Das ist in dem einen Trace drin; in dem anderen nicht. Das Hauptproblem dürfte aber sein warum die PBX keine Nachricht and die Telekom sendet (senden kann). Wir haben ein Setting "Don't accept SIP routing changes in dialog" mit dem wir das Problem erst mal lösen können. Dann dürfte die PBX die Nachrichten versenden können.
  3. lsof looks ok. If we can narrow it down to the usage of WebRTC that would be a good hint. Then we can try to have e.g. a hundred WebRTC calls in the lab and see if anything gets out of control.
  4. AFAIK SFB is able to send calls to the PBX on a SIP trunk; probably mostly because the PBX has no issues with TCP and TLS even on a trunk. But I don't have a good link for you.
  5. We sometimes make changes also to the welcome landing page. Those changes are not automatically merged with your changes. That can cause issues loading the right .js files, and then the login can fail. That is why we have added a secondary login page. Please don't edit the secondary page...
  6. If a restart does not help that would hint at problems outside the PBX, usually the firewall. What you can also check is how many sockets the PBX has open (lsof https://linux.die.net/man/8/lsof will help you if you are using Linux) and also generally ps to see if there is anything else unusual like memory. Although these resources should be reset after a restart, but you never know.
  7. Ops seems that the domain settings were shown when the system settings were global. The good news is that the domain admin could enter whatever they liked, it has no effect on the backend :-) Next version will have this fixed.
  8. The 59.0 Windows version gives us a hard time, we are trying to figure out what is going on there.
  9. Well this is a problem with the phone obviously... Any input from snom about this? If there is a settings that we can turn on during provisioning we can do that. But we can't change the firmware of the phone.
  10. We are redoing the buttons for all phones, which takes longer than anticipated... It would be NBD to make a 59.1 snapshot, but I doubt you could use it in a production system right now.
  11. Ok this is definitively progress. Now we need to figure out what the PBX sends to the Patton after the SUBSCRIBE message. There should be a NOTIFY message with the message-waiting attachment. If you go to the log settings, just put in the IP address of the Patton so that you can see all messages between the gateway and the PBX. After some time you should see the SUBSCRIBE that refreshes the subscription. Then try to leave a voicemail message, which should trigger sending the NOTIFY. If you can attach that NOTIFY here it would be great.
  12. In order to receive MWI notifications from the PBX, there needs to be a NOTIFY being sent from the PBX to the gateway. Usually this can be done by subscribing to the messages-waiting event (practically all VoIP phones do that today). You will see those subscriptions in the registration tab with the type "message-summary".
  13. In old PBX systems, users had to dial prefix numbers in order to make outbound calls (for example, "9"). Even though with modern PBX that pattern is not useful anymore, there are still users that can't dial numbers without such a prefix. In such situations, this setting defined what number the PBX will remove from the beginning of the number that the user has dialed.
  14. You mean providing a live RTP stream that the PBX can use for MoH?
  15. When using hot desking with *70 please make sure that the extension has a PIN code set.
  16. Vodia PBX


    You might also need to parse the additional parameters that are in the SDP for SSRTP; just changing libSRTP library might not be enough.
  17. Hot desking does not affect auto provisioning. You should just use the star codes for hot desking.
  18. In theory inbound calls should also work. However it heavily depends what you are using on top of TAPI. Outlook is a very complex program, and Lync/OCS/Team tends to heavily interfere with it (there is something about this in https://vodia.com/doc/tsp). IMHO if we are talking about a new installation I would steer away from TAPI and try to use HTTP-based methods (glorified click to dial).
  19. The Vodia TSP is translating TAPI into CSTA. That means you would need to see CSTA traffic on the PBX (which also requires the appropriate license). The TSP is already a little bit rusty (as TAPI is IMHO) and supports only TLS 1.0. Maybe that could be a problem in Windows 10, where maybe the local firewall might block the traffic. Anyway, I would try to set the log level for the TSP and see if there is anything in the log and/or run WIreshark on the PBX host filtered by the Windows PC IP address to see if there are any signs of live.
  20. There is a setting "Offer special menu when call is answered on cell phone" that says that the cell phone user has to accept the call by pressing "1", but there are also other options depending on what kind of call this is (e.g. redirect call).
  21. There are two ways for outbound calling now. One is started by the agent like a dialing help (this is what we had for years) and the new one is where the PBX starts calling and then transfers the call into the ACD. Maybe that is causing the confusion here.
  22. This procedure should work. Something must have gone wrong along the way. Next build will expose the parameter in the web interface to make every body life easier (hopefully).
  23. That is a known problem. We actually tried to edit the Grandstream template to enter the 2nd, 3rd and so on account, but drifted into chaos with all those more or less random numbers for the account settings and pulled out for now.
  24. Maybe this is a unusual request that cannot be done in a simple way. IMHO the question is if that phone needs so many extensions? For example, a ACD can handle many different "virtual" ACD with just the same agent logged in (for virtual offices).
  25. We'll use 59.1 for daily builds, it'll be 59.2 for a stable build then.
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